Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Honey - I am sorry you are going through this. I hope the new re can figure something out!!

Bubu - honestly I didn't really have any symptoms that early. It was 6-10w when I had bad ms all day long. You figure out how to go about your day feeling like that though. I felt like crap but still did a 14hr work day lol

Jenn - having a cold sucks. Just did the Vicks thing on my feet. Called doc said I can take regular robitussin....figures I went out and bough wrong one before calling. Lol
@ Stinas - I totally believe you ... I am already amazed how anyone can get through a full day's work!! I lie down around midday in my lunch break to do my hypnotherapy and I fall asleep for the duration ... around 4/5, all I want is my bed ... I am only at the very beginning and already wondering how to get through the day (well, I don't *lol* working at home has its benefits) ... After work, I slept for 1,5 hours yesterday and 2 today ... So if I were to add feeling totally crappy / sick onto that ... I don't know how you guys have done it!!

SND - haven't you had your scan yet??? *on tenterhooks*
BUBU - I guess you just get used to it. Second trimester is a breeze….you get a second wind and think you can do everything….then when third tri comes….your like WTF…I need to lay down lol I can't hang as long, but I pretend I can lol Then the real kicker is when you go to lay down to sleep…..your soo uncomfortable you can't sleep lol ahhh the joys of pregnancy! haha we all secretly love it!

snd - Yeah, when is your scan?! I think your joining the twinkie bandwagon!
Yes third trimester is hard! Second tri a breeze (and it goes by the fastest)...first tri is slow only because you are waiting for scans, labs, etc and you feel like crap. Which I had symptoms at 5.5 weeks

After I hit 15 weeks and the nausea and fatigue went away I felt great! But around 28-29 weeks fatigue sat in again. I'm not too uncomfortable sleeping. I'm more uncomfortable sitting because of baby position. But I sleep through most nights. I imagine with twins it's really hard because the size of the belly is bigger. If my belly were bigger it would be a struggle.
Honey really sorry :(

Sorry not posted much lately like a zombie but promise I'll catch up soon and share my birth story - might make you laugh

Love to all

Gem x x
Mo - I agree with second tri….it was the easiest, but the fastest! Thankfully my belly is not huge. I feel like it is, but lady scanning me last week said she can't believe there are two in there and the nurse at the OB must have looked at paperwork quickly, found one heartbeat and was like ok doc will be in soon……I'm like ummm…theres one more baby you need to find in there. lol
Their positions make me uncomfortable. Getting in and out of bed is a challenge. My bed is high, so I think I'm going to need a stool soon lol…..especially after the c-section, I think it will come in handy.
Last night Twin B(Boy) either had his head or butt right up in between my boobs….it was the weirdest feeling and look ever! lol
I plan on taking a new belly pic tom since I will be 30w.
Yeah for belly pic!! Chris liked to get in my ribs felt so weird. My bed is super high too. I managed after my section without much pain getting in and out at 30+ weeks was much harder. Rolling in bed was impossible too. Ugh! Did I say I missed being pregnant in FB? Second thought I'm not so sure... Lol.

Can't wait to hear birth stories Gem and BOMO!!!

Where is everybody???
Jenn I'm starting to think its a boy thing……mammas boys….they like to snuggle nice and close lol
A(girl) is much lower(and who is kicking as I type)…feels soooo much different. She is smaller, but feels much smaller….probably because of where she is but its just something I can't describe. Got to admit….its cool having two in there lol They always have a buddy.
Bending over at this point is hard too. I fell like the babies stop me…like where do u think you are going lol
Honey, I am so very sorry for your loss. I was really hoping for a different outcome for you. I hope the new doctor can find out what's going on - have you been checked for clotting disorders? Maybe there are some tests they can do.

Bubu, no idea about ohss symptoms going away quickly but I'm sure it's possible. And your hormone levels are all over the place right now so that might play a role too. I can't wait for your scan on Monday!!

Stinas, I hope you feel better soon - being sick while pregnant is a major drag!! I do miss feeling Dawson squirm around and I had weird "phantom" movements for a few weeks after he was born. Are you still working full time? How much time are you going to take off?

Jenn, sorry the hubby still isn't helping out very much. That must be so frustrating & tiresome. It's great that Chris is starting to walk! I love the video of Emma sitting down without bending her knees! So funny.

Kathy, how are you doing? Still waiting on af?

Snd, anxious to hear about your scan!

Getting, how's Fia doing?

Hello to everyone else!!!
Az - Im still working. I cut back to 3-4 days a week and avoiding doubles. My feet swell easy or else I could probably work more. I am training a couple girls so I can start dwindling down my hours even more. Im guessing by the end of March ill be done. I don't know when I will go back, or if I even will. My mom is going to help me at the beginning with the twins, but she lives 45min away and does not drive the distance(I think she's scared). Maybe when they are bigger I can plan something out with my mom and go in a couple days a week, for my sanity lol
Praying for you Honey!!! [-o<

Has anyone had THE worst moodiness ever through this!!! I mean I'm to the point where I'd rather slap some ppl than look at them or even hear their voices!!!! And my husband is the worst! EVERYTHING he does gets on my ever lasting nerves!!! And he does the stupidest shit ever, I swear!!! I'm like... REALLY?! I tell him he is like the only child who just found out a baby is on the way and is jealous! :haha: I swear he is gonna give me high blood pressure before this is all over!!! :nope:

Hope everyone else is well!!! :hugs:

I was very moody in the beginning!! Everything seriously pissed me off. That eventually went away though (hubby may not agree :haha: )

On another note (I promised myself I wouldn't worry!!) ... On Monday evening I coughed and my left ovary started really really hurting ... hurt all night and a bit in the morning - and since then, the swollen, hurting ovary thing seems to have just disappeared. Is it possible of the OHSS symptoms (that comforted me, because it made me believe that everything was progressing normally - crazy, I know) to just disappear. I am still quite swollen ... not peeing quite as frequently (I think) and woke up an hour later this morning than the other crazy mornings. Had a seriously vivid dream (with my Mother in it). I thought it was a "good" sign, that I started feeling really tired yesterday. Midday, when I do my hypnotherapy, I more or less promptly fell asleep for the 20+ minutes of the MP3 (which is OK, subconsciously, it apparently works anyway) ... by 4 pm, I thought my head would fall on my desk and around 5:30 I lay down, was dozing when DH came home at 6 and then slept 1,5 hours (and had trouble getting up this morning)...

But the sudden disappearance of the OHSS symptoms (and the fact that my pee, that was smelling sweet-ish - doesn't seem to be doing that any more) just seems to be a bit weird?
OK - so I haven't had any other symptoms that could come or go. Boobs are slightly sore, but the same as normally before AF.

Is it normal for the OHSS symptoms to suddenly dissipate like that and for everything to still be OK? Other than a swollen belly, I feel nothing ...??

Your symptoms sound great! I remember mine coming and going. I think thats totally normal. I can't wait for you to have your scan!!!

Hey Ladies. Thanks for all your prayers. I just got back from my beta. It was a super stressful day. And it got very late at the clinic as my files were misplaced or something. I was stressed like there is no tomorrow. By the time I was told my results, I was trembling with panic.

Unfortunately my levels aren't rising anymore. They are falling dramatically. I was stunned speechless though I knew not to get my hopes too high. Its just that I have an anxiety problem.

On the brighter side, I got referred to another specialist ER who takes an interest in "special" cases like me. I hope that opens some new doors for us.

Long story short, It is the end of yet another life that was never lived.

I am so very sorry :cry: :hugs: A new re sounds like the right move. I hope that will help.

Honey - I am sorry you are going through this. I hope the new re can figure something out!!

Bubu - honestly I didn't really have any symptoms that early. It was 6-10w when I had bad ms all day long. You figure out how to go about your day feeling like that though. I felt like crap but still did a 14hr work day lol

Jenn - having a cold sucks. Just did the Vicks thing on my feet. Called doc said I can take regular robitussin....figures I went out and bough wrong one before calling. Lol

I ended up having to take robitussin as well. I think that and sudafed are the only things my ob said were ok to take. You for sure need a new belly pic!!

Sorry for being MIA ladies. Life is totally insane right now. The girls turned one on the 22nd! Crazy how fast the time goes. Hubby goes back to work on the 7th and I'm not looking forward to that at all. The girls have become very needy and clingy. Emma has to be attached to someone at all times. This is going to be a difficult one and I honestly am not sure how I'll cope. I think I say that to myself every time he has to go though.

Well girls.... It is twins!!!!

I'll post more later. My phone is not cooperating!


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Wohooooo - we knew it :) :) :) Congratulations Sweetie - look forward to your post later :) xxxxx
Congrats SND!!! Awesome news <3

Hi AZ...yup still waiting ..... you would think I would have learned to be a little less anxious by now knowing that this ALWAYS I'm crampy but not even a spec of blood to be found :-(

Hi Ladies <3
Huge congrats SND!!!

Kathy~ Sorry to hear you're still waiting. Hopefully something will happen soon!
Ok, I am at work with a better computer now...

Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least! I was NOT expecting it to be twins! Neither was my hubby!!!! :haha: He said he looked at the screen and thought he seen two, looked at the nurse who is grinning ear to ear at him and he looked back at the screen when the doc said "I hope you wanted two for the price of one!" He about fainted and I started crying after calling the doc a liar!!! haha! And lemme tell you, that bigger one's heartbeat was STRONG!!!!! It sounded like the alpha male!! :rofl: I felt bad for the smaller one cause I just know it's gonna be bullied up in there!!! :dohh:

Then came the fun! We came out the room and went to checkout where he was telling everyone along the way we just found out we're having twins, and the lab lady comes up to him and tells him to quit telling ppl just yet!!! He walked outside and waited for me to come out. We get down to the parking lot and he had a MELTDOWN!!! I wish I would have videotaped it!!! It was EPIC! He starts going ballistic! "OMG! We are in SO much trouble!!! Guess we get to use both sets of names now! GOD! We have to buy two of EVERYTHING!!! Stop laughing Nikki, it's NOT FUNNY!!!!" All I could do is laugh.... 90% at him, but the rest was first: sheer terror; second: the irony of begging God for this for 3 years and he's like here ya go! you wanted this!!!; and third: basically to keep from crying!

Didn't sleep much last night, as if that's anything new, and neither did he. Just gonna take a minute to get used it this! Lord knows I am NOT ungrateful about this.... just wasn't prepared is all!!!!!!!!!!!!! :winkwink:

Thanks girls for all your well wishes! :hugs:
Yahoo!! Congats!! Twins are perfect!

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