Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Has anyone heard from Mo? I'm wondering how her c-section went and how the baby is and what the baby is!
Well I went back and saw in her ticker that it's a boy! Congrats Mo!:happydance:
Hey! Sorry I didn't update here!! I have to many threads!!

It's a little baby boy weighing 6lb13oz!! 21 inches long. Uncomplicated c-section. Going home in the morning. We are both doing well! My milk started to come in today and he nurses pretty well when he's not too sleepy. Totally in love!
I was saying the same thing Cd and Mrs C....not much action going on in here anymore :-(
I was thinking the same thing!!!!

Mo - Hes a cutie!!!! Glad your going home soon!!!

Went to OB and high risk today! Twinkies looking great! Songoram tech told me to bring a hair bow for my little princess because she has a head of hair lol She had her knees to her face and feet over her head today....still breech....she used a special name for it, but I have no idea what it was. My little man gave us a nice pic of his face and he is ALL dh!! Anyone that saw the pic said it right away! lol
I get new weights next week.
I asked OB if he thinks I will last until 38w and he's like ...."probably not"! Ummm can you say I freaked out! He's like its not that often that twins make it to 38w....they tend to come around 36. 36w is in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!! Where did the time go! That scared me! Like wow! I am going to try my hardest for them to stay in until 38w....even though its not up to me. All my fluids are great the lady said, so hoping thats a sign they want to stay put. Last week was my last cervix check, it was nice and thick.
Is it normal to start freaking out a bit? I can't wait for them to come, but I'm not ready for them to come this early lol I like them in my belly! Even though once the sun goes down they like to stick their heads up my ribs and give me a boob lift for the rest of the night lol
Me too but I'm still scared lol
How are you doing Kathy?
Hi Ladies :wave:
Nothing new to report on my end yet ... have a prenatal at my OBGYN in a few hours (get to see and hear Pünktchen again <3<3). I really hope everything is OK. Even though I am thrilled to be feeling so good, it is quite unsettling, to be feeling so good (is everything OK???) ..... The only symptoms I have are exhaustion (really really tired - irregardless of how I sleep) ... that leads me to every third night or so, sleeping really badly, where I wake up and just can't get back to sleep for a few hours ... Going to the loo frequently to pee. And the past couple of days I have had some twinges and pulling - so I am hoping, really hoping, that it is my uterus stretching a bit for Pünktchen.
My breasts are sore-ish, but nothing too sensitive and they don't seem to have grown yet at all.
Not even been too over-emotional ... just the other day I burst into tears at the thought of DH cycling to work ... because he doesn't have a helmet and I was worried something would happen. He also wanted to cycle to whisky-tasting yesterday (and back) and I told him he couldn't do that, that it's not just him anymore, that he has a Pünktchen ... I drove him there and he caught a cab home <3
Of course this all makes me wonder if everything is OK down there. Oh well ... 13:45 we have our appointment - discuss the Mother Pass and do some more checks... And at 17:00 we have an appointment at the midwife-led clinic...

Kathy ... so my :dance: worked - when can we expect your FET? :hugs2::kiss:

Stinas - OMG - that is soooo exciting. And I totally get you! Even though I have waited almost all my life to be pregnant, I get moments where I freak out and have my doubts about being able to do this - although I couldn't be happier and more excited! Soon, your life is going to change forever - and it is a change that you want ... but it is a step towards the unknown. With two little mites! And the thought, that the "deadline" might suddenly move forward by several weeks - its frightening, even though you probably can't wait to meet them. Finally ... like for us - this is probably your only pregnancy?? You want to enjoy and cherish this feeling of having them inside you for so much longer .... I think your reactions and fears are absolutely normal and you will be a great Mama!!! <3

Mo - the pictures of you and little Ezra are fabulous!! (I still would like to learn what the initials of the girl would have become ;) ;) ) :)
BUBU - Yay for seeing your little peanut again!!!! I have one :cold: left, so Ill give that a shot in a few works it works, if it does not, then we are done. So yeah, this could be my only time pregnant. In ways I am ready for them to come out....mostly when I'm trying to get out of bed or when my back just aches...not to mention the swelling, but then again.....when they wiggle around....I could have them in there forever. You will see....once they move...its just so amazing!
Congrats Mo!!!! So happy for you! =)

Stinas, I can imagine how scared you are!!! It scared me reading your post cause I know one day it will be me!!! They told me yesterday if I could get to 34 weeks, they'd be happy but of course want me further.

Bu- Glad u got to see your lil girl again! :haha: Yes, I said GIRL!
We saw Pünktchen again today <3 :cloud9: It isn't growing at exactly 1mm a day - measured 1,18 cm today (so one day behind at 7w+3d - which would theoretically change the EDD to 4th November, whereas I should be 7w+4d - but the doctor said everything is still fine) and we heard the heart beating away and this time I could clearly see it in the middle of the embryo. Soooo cool :) DH was there too :) :)

I suppose it will happen that the growth will be a bit behind / ahead, but we are still well within range? She wouldn't measure the HB for me, she said that from experience the speed is absolutely fine, just from listening... <3

lol @ snd :kiss: what makes you so sure Pünktchen is a girl? :)

@ Stinas - I totally forgot, but it is there in your siggy, that you have one more :cold: :) Actually, so do I, come to think of it *lol*. Although it's not that long before this Pünktchen will be moving, it will be quite a while before I will be allowed to feel it!

Oh - and Doctor wasn't too worried about me feeling so good, she said it didn't mean that things weren't going well...


  • US Pünktchen 21.03.2014.png
    US Pünktchen 21.03.2014.png
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Stinas: I think OB's just want to prepare you for an early delivery but it is possible to make it until 38 weeks. Mine told me I wouldn't make it either and I did. Can't believe how close you are!!! And wow on the hair, I wasn't aware they could tell that?! I was born with a full head of hair, never lost it and had it cut several times before 1 yr old. Emma still hasn't had a hair cut.

Bubu: So glad to hear you saw your lo again today! Everytime they measured the dates changed for me, measurements aren't 100% accurate and get harder and harder as they grow. I'm guessing girl for you too! &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;

Kathy: How did your appointment go today? How are you?

Mobaby: So glad to hear you are home! It will be nice to get into a routine being in the hospital sucks for that. Great that nursing is going well. Baby boy Mo is adorable, can't wait to see more pics!

Sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been busy planning the twins birthday party, getting them ready for daycare, prepping to go back to work, etc. babies are very busy and don't give me much down time anymore to spend on the internet. I'm better at keeping up with Facebook.
Mo- good luck tomorrow! I can't wait to see pictures!

So turns out upon further examination looks like I have a septum that will need to be fixed with a hysteroscopy, or so they think. The doctor will do a 3-D ultrasound to confirm. My blood work all came back completely normal no clotting disorder, nothing. I'm in high hopes that after I have the septum repaired then everything will go beautifully and I'll have my take home baby! For the time being they have started me on birth control until I have the hysteroscopy.

That's great that everything came back normal with your bloods. FX this does fix your issues and allow you to have your forever baby!
Bubu you know your exact dates so the due date doesn't change. The measurements can be up to a week off. 1 mm really isn't significant. I was 1 wk ahead at one point then 4 days behind then on target. Your pics look great!!

Cd glad your bloods came back normal. And they found a potential issue that's fixable. Gl with the hysteroscopy.

We are all at home now doing well. Will see how night routine goes tonight as last few nights not so great.
Hi Jen! Everything is perfect for the first time!!! Whoot whoot!!!! at first they thought they saw a polyp but it was under my lining but they finally figured it out :) so I should be able to start soon
yay kathy!!!! So glad things are finally back to normal. It took me several months after my d/c as well and it was very frustrating! You are doing FET right?

So here is my update. Tried yesterday but phone was acting up.

Thursday we had our 10 week scan. Doc said heartbeats and sizes were on par for their age. Baby B (on top) was wiggling up a storm!! Made me laugh watching it!!! Baby As heartbeat was 177 while Baby Bs was over 190! I said that's my pit bull! Haha. Last time they were side by side. This time they were one on top the other. Lol. Next scan is set for April 10 just to make sure everything is ok.

Hope everyone is doing well and have a great weekend!!
And your pic still didn't attach :( I'm glad all is well!!
I know... and I'm about to throw this phone!!! Tried to hook it up to itunes to get it off but I don't know how!!!

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