Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

snd :hugs: it is an unbelievably emotional road that you are on, it is physically, psychologically, emotionally taxing, takes a lot out of you - it is your first IVF, you don't know what you are facing, it is scary, there are no guarantees, you are jabbing yourself, there is a hormonal overflow - and it is just a bit too much for you, so this is how it is coming out. And Sweetie - that is normal!! It is also tough, that you have a 6 hour journey on your own to and from the clinic.

You are not losing your mind - it is all very tough, I think any and all of us that go through this, deserve medals for courage. Please don't feel that you are going nuts - and try to explain to DH that you don't even understand why you are feeling this way .. your body is experiencing something new and it is hard. Ask him to be supportive of you...

Snd, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. The hormone levels you are experiencing are way higher than would happen naturally & our bodies have a very hard time adjusting. I found it easiest to just not talk about it with anyone except the ladies on here - sure, my family knew what I was doing but I kept the details & day-to-day stuff to myself. It's frustrating trying to explain it to people who just don't understand. Have faith in your body & in your doctor & try to keep calm. Good luck!

That is so scary about your bleeding episode, cd! But it's great that you got an early scan & everything is looking good. Fx'd you don't have another scare.

Stinas, I'm glad to hear both your lo's are right on track! I know it's hard to not worry but I think it makes such a big difference to have the extra ultrasounds & non-stress tests done so they'll be keeping a very close eye on things.

Bubu, I wish you had gotten some more definite answers at your appt, although I know that just isn't possible. I hope your hubby's new dr can help. I know sometimes here clinics will do trials & offer people free or reduced cycles for participating in a study - do they do anything like that in Germany? It gets to be such a big financial burden on top of the physical & emotional torment.

MrsC, thanks for starting the new thread!! Your girls are getting so big - I love seeing their pics on FB. Are they still at different stages with sitting, crawling, etc?

Jenn, teething sounds like no fun at all! We're just barely starting that here but no signs of an actual tooth yet. I love seeing your pics also!

Laurie, you're getting so close! You're due in early March? Are you going to take the rest of the school year off or will you have to go back before summer vacation?

Mamali, how's your lo doing? Is he working on a routine?

Mo, how's the rib pain? I'm still guessing girl for you :)

Kathy, how are you doing? I'm so glad you've got some great frosties waiting for you!

DrS, your twins are adorable! And they're getting so big. It's great to hear from you!

Likkle, I can't wait to hear if you have a boy or girl! Are you ready for pregnancy to be over? :)

Hello to everyone else! I hope you're all doing well.

AFM, things are going really well. It was very rough leaving Dawson at daycare the first few days but he seems to really like being there & he smiles when we get there in the morning, and he's smiling when I pick him up. I'm finding myself less enthusiastic about my job but I'm sure it will get better as time goes on. I tried Dawson on a different kind of bottle because I was worried about the sitter being able to use his Haberman & the little guy figured it out right away! He can drink 5-6 ozs in about 20-30 min which is a huge improvement & now anyone can feed him without special training :) He has finally started sleeping better, too - it took about 2 months after his lip surgery but he's back to sleeping 8-10 hours straight. He's such a happy, funny baby & I love watching him grow & change every day.


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Hey AZ - your little guy is such a cute munchkin! I am glad to read that you are enjoying him so much! :)

It would seem that there aren't any trials like that that we could partake in. At one point (I think three tries ago) our Dr had mentioned that it would be interesting to do ..... and at that I promptly said - we would be willing to offer ourselves as test subjects, if it were financed by the clinic :) He grinned.

One thing we are doing differently this time - I have ordered the majority of the medicine in France from a pharmacy. Medicine is very expensive in Germany (also because of the tax) and we are going to save approx. 400 EUR (bit more) for the meds I have ordered now - probably will have to order some more, but for the time being - by buying in France. I wish I could have done that from try 1 ... Imagine I could have saved at least 2 KEUR (minimum) if we'd have known this earlier! The financial burden is huge, because we are covering everything ourselves! :(
Snd: Bubu said it best, this is such an emotional journey that nobody can understand unless they too have gone through it. It really hard for men to understand too and often we feel alone during it. I went to all my appointments alone and felt awful because many others had their DH's at their side. But now that's a distant memory. Praying this all works out for you and one day these feeling are a distant memory for you too! Good luck today!

Azlissie: Dawson is amazing! Such a strong little man you have! I love your daily pics that you post too! He is sich a loved little boy. Your mom is fantastic too, I can see what a huge support she is to you!
Rib pain comes and goes.. It was bad Friday but better this weekend. I feel bruised and have a little today. Thanks for asking!

I'm sitting here at my 3 hr test...2 more hours to go! I'm watching a movie.
SND - :hugs: :hugs: You are definitely not losing it! Think about how you feel during a bad dose of PMS - I don't know about you but the day before af is due I feel on the verge of tears over the stupidest things and that's caused by natural hormone levels. Now imagine that feeling multiplied 100 times over because of all the extra hormones we put into our system during ivf. To be honest I think it's a miracle any of us are still standing! I was very lucky that my clinic was really close by - if I'd had a 6 hr round trip I think it would've finished me off... My family and close friends all knew exactly what was going on and I found it very easy to share the factual details with them but for emotional stuff it was way easier to come on here and just type. We are all here to listen and we all know exactly what you're going through. You are nearly there so just hang on in there for another small while... Sending loads of :hugs: and :dust:
:hugs: and thank you girls! These past two days have been better. Yesterday I went to the gym and pelted everything out and felt much better. Today I was so busy with travel I didn't even think much about anything...

3rd scan today.... ER is set for Thursday! Said looking like 7-10 eggs. Had more but said not to count on the smaller ones. Have to be there at 7:45 that morn, so will have to leave home around 4, but it's hubby's off dialysis day, so he will be with me. Lord, I am so thankful for that!!! Transfer should be either Sunday or Tuesday, depending on what the dr. thinks... It's all becoming real now! Hubby is getting more excited than I am, and that gives me more hope, but still can't help but think about the worst. There was a couple that went in before me, and I was having blood drawn and heard them down the hall talking with the nurses.. from what I gathered they had 2 put back and only one took. Making me think about putting back 3 just to be super sure!!!! Guess we will just have to see...

Anyways, thanks again for being my support group!!!! I appreciate each of you more than you'll ever know!!!! :flower: Seeing all of your precious little ones gives me so much hope!!! I pray that I will be right there with you all soon!!! We have worked so hard to get this far!

Mo- Hope your test went well and your ribs aren't too bad.
Bubu- Hope you get sorted out soon... you are such a strong woman from what I've gathered by your signature... I cannot imagine what you've been through and still standing; and here I am pissing and moaning about my little bit of shit! Shame on me!!!! =( Hugs to you sweetie!!!!
Hi ladies!!!

snd - Its a tough process….hard not to get emotional. Just keep an open mind and go with the flow!

Mo - I go in Valentines Day for my second one. The wait seriously sucks. I hear all the people complaining about the drink itself, I didn't think the Fruit Punch one tasted bad at all….super sweet, but doable!

So i need help finding a super fancy dress for my baby shower….in 2 weeks. lol Cant seem to find anything.
I did fruit punch for the three hour..apparently I didnt get a choice for that one. It wasnt bad; just imagine hawaiian punch sryup. For the 1 hour I did lemon lime and it was okay sprite tasting syrup. I had to do 4 blood draws today b/c they cant leave an IV in for it. I watched a movie so time passed quickly. I felt a little sick about 30 minutes later but then felt fine. I went and ate lunch with DH afterwards. About an hour after lunch my sugar crashed and I felt awful! I ate a granola bar and then felt better. I cant wait for the results. Hopefully I pass with flying colors!

SND: IVF brings on a wall of emotions and top it off with all the drugs. :hugs: Its impossible to go through this process without feeling the way you do. I cant believe your clinic is 3 hours away! Its a full day adventure to get a quick scan. I'd never be able to manage that let not alone!
Mo, when do you get the results?

snd :dust::dust::dust: :) :kiss: (oh and please don't think that the things that upset or worry you are any less important than anybody else! Just because one person has had to go through more, doesn't mean that your worries mean less!! It is how you feel and that is what is important, no matter what anybody else has gone through :hugs: )
I have an appt Thursday am so maybe then.
Snd: Good luck on Thursday! I hope you have some great blasts to transfer!

Mo: Congrats on passing your test!
Yep I passed the glucose tolerance test! No gestational diabetes. I am so relieved. I was really getting worried about failing!
Hello Ladies!! Yay for a new thread Mrs C :)

Hi One :) How are you doing and how is your little girl??

Hi Drs? Your twins, super cute ;) Sounds like things are going well.

Az - Dawson is so adorable and it does get easier. I hated leaving my kids both times but I just kept telling myself I need to work to give them everything they need!! And the fact he is smiling all the time....good sign ;)

snd - good luck thursday ;) this whole journey is an emotional rollercoaster, so never think you are loosing it!!!

Congrats on passing your test Mo!! What a relief! I couldn't imagine having to go through the three hour test, ugh!! At least its over now.

Jenn, MrsC, Kathy, bubu, Angie, Stinas, Lindsay and everyone else...hope you girls are doing good!!

Both my boys and me are sick :( Darn cold season!! And Friday Tyler is getting tubes in his ears. I know its a simple procedure, but I am still freaking out about it. Everyone who had it for their kids said it was the best thing they did, so I know it will help him, but still, he has to go under anthesia.

On a good note, we are in the midst of planning a trip to Arizona to visit family, then a drive to California to Disney for a few days this summer! Probably just me and the boys with my mom and sister with her kids. My poor hubby said he would be too busy with work and someone needed to stay home with the dogs. I also think he doesn't want to spend a week with my mom and sister :haha: But I am looking forward to it, not the flying alone with two kids though :wacko:
Hi everyone!

How's everyone doing?

Mo yey for passing! I bet that's such a relief!

Stinas how you getting on?

Drs, you little ones are beautiful! Glad things are going well so far

Michelle sorry to hear cold and flu season has hit your little family! Fingers crossed everyone will recover quickly and be back to normal before you know it!

Snd, best of luck for Thursday! Hope everything goes really well and you get a fab fertilisation report. Fx you get a few blasts and frozen ones too!

Buba, I think I've missed your update somewhere! How did you get on at your follow up, have you made any plans?

As, glad your getting on brilliantly with your little guy! He's such a fighter and is stunning!

Hi to everyone else I've missed!

Well two working days left in work and I'm starting to get emotional now! Every day I'm getting gifts and presents of some of the nurses who I work for! I'm amazed at everyone's generosity and how well loved I appear to be! Cried virtually every day! Who knows what state I'll be in come Friday!

Also found out a friend of mine who was due middle of March had her baby 8 weeks early, both are doing well, although her daughter has to stay in for 5 or so weeks. Mad as it sounds, I'm a bit jealous as I want my baby now! That sounds awful doesn't it? Getting rather impatient! Lol!

Did anyone use a TENS machine? Is it worth it? Debating on whether I should hire one or not

Love to all x x x x
Mo - I'm so glad you passed you deserve to have a stress free end of your pregnancy and enjoy it!

Michelle - your vacation sounds great I hope you all really enjoy it and I'm sure you will be counting the days until summer. I hope you all get feeling better.

Stinas - I hope you found the perfect dress for your baby shower, such a fun and exciting time enjoy it and take lots of photos!

Snd - fingers crossed and a little extra prayer for Thursday, I pray you have a wonderful fertilization report and all goes smoothly!

Bubu - I hope all is well with you and can't wait for you to start again!

As for me, I have bad news. After seeing the heart beat last week we were so happy only to have the rug pulled out from under us at our ultrasound this week. The baby had no heart beat. My dr offered three different options he said I could miscarry naturally take Cytotech or have a D&C. I chose natural as that is what I did with the previous two and started bleeding yesterday. I'm glad it started quickly, only a day after we found out as I didn't want it to linger. My dr thinks I have a clotting disorder and will need to take daily heparin shots in order to maintain a pregnancy. We are planning the blood work we didn't do last time because I became pregnant but if I end up pregnant before the six weeks is up and can do blood work my dr will just automatically start me on the heparin. I'm not sure how much more I can take its hard enough to plan to get pregnant and go into it with your eyes wide open but when you get pregnant for the first time without medical intervention you feel like you've been given a gift and then wonder what you did wrong when it is suddenly snatched away. I know so many of you know how I feel but how do you just keep on pulling up the bootstraps do they ever feel overly stretched and worn out?

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