hi all having a bad day today, found out my freinds pregnant i knwo its selfish but im so jealous :( xxxxx
Hi all!! I intro'd myself in the newbie section. I haven't been fully diagnosed yet but I went to the health department last month on the 22nd and the nutritionist basically said I have all the symptoms I would go 6-9 months without a period then i'd have it regular for a few months then go without it then I started back in June and bled for 3 months. Thats when I went to the health department. My iron was low where I lost so much blood. She put me on BC and gave me a 3 month supply i'll be on my last week starting sunday i'm still spotting now but its nothing near like I was doing. I have done all the research on PCOS and I pretty much know I have it. I've made an appointment for November 5th I finally just got insurance at my work and i'm going to see a nutritionist at a gynecologist office. I really hope I can get the help I need. My husband has a daughter from a previous relationship and I don't think he has a problem. September 19th was our 5th wedding anniversary and we've never used protection and i've not gotten pregnant so I guess that's long enough to say i've tried and need help. I'm hoping to do the metformin and clomid. I basically hope I ask all the right questions and all the right things for them to start helping me asap!! Sorry such a LONG paragraph but i know you guys will be here for support!!
hi all having a bad day today, found out my freinds pregnant i knwo its selfish but im so jealous :( xxxxx

i know its so hard when things like this happens.....my step sis only started ttc in april as she was geeting married in may...she conceived on her honeymoon. We have been ttc for 13 mths now..im currently in the dreaded 2ww......had a good cry sat morning at 4am! couldnt sleep as knew my sister who is ttc too was due on the fri...i was laying there and kept imaging a phone call to say she had done a test and was preg....sounds awful now i know, i shouldnt feel like this, she is my sister and i should be happy when she tells me she is preg but i just kinda feel that she only started ttc in april ( 7 mths after we started ttc!!) and she goes out drinking alot & even does drugs when she goes to those festivals & stuff, i feel like we deserve to be preg b4 her.....is that awful of me???? we dont go out drinking.....im taking folic acid everyday, DH doesnt have baths anymore and is taking fertileaid 4 men. She txt me yesterday saying she had come on fri...i was happy as i just couldnt cope with her being preg at the mo, not with us seeing the specialist again in 10 days time....
hi everyone on here! just wanted to introduce mmyself! my name is sammi and i have pcos (the baine of my life), been ttc for nearley 4 years and lost 3 babies so far. so im awaiting results. just wanted to know if enyone has sadley had recurrent mc and how you all do to keep trying every month iv the low gi diet is good but at the mo i cant get my head sorted enough to stick to it! and does enyone ask the same question i ask myself every day, WHY ME? xx
Hey Everyone!! I am 28 years old and doctors say I have suspected PCOS. I will find out on the end of this month for sure if that is what I have. I am so nervous how it will affect me getting pregnant again. I was pregnant once before, a year ago, but it ended in m/c in about the 2nd month.
Hey Everyone!! I am 28 years old and doctors say I have suspected PCOS. I will find out on the end of this month for sure if that is what I have. I am so nervous how it will affect me getting pregnant again. I was pregnant once before, a year ago, but it ended in m/c in about the 2nd month.

You will be able to get pregnant! There are so many treatments out here for us now!! Im TTCing #2. I suspect that I have had PCOS since I was a teen but I have just been diagnosed at the age of 34 and a few months ago. I am on clomid and metformin and so far so good. Im now ovulating and having cycles on my own which really helps to pin point conception. So dont lose hope. There is nothing too hard for God!:thumbup:
MrsKCBrown...thank you for your encouraging words!! Very sweet of you. Are you here in America? And btw I am going for an ultrasound on the 15th of this month so they can determine if I do have pcos or not. How are you liking Metaformin...they mentioned to me that I might be prescribed that. I am leary of taking prescrip meds. I like to do things the natural way but i'm so desperate for a baby I just might give in this time! :winkwink:
HeatleyBump its normal to feel jealous! Both of my best friends conceived in their first month of trying!!! So not fair!!! I was sooo jealous I had to fake smile and pretend I was happy when all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and cry....I don't think they understand either.
HoneyWright how annoying for you to not have a AF for 2 mths! I spose in a way i am lucky to have 'normal' & 'regular' periods...but that kinda makes it harder 4 me to understand that i have polycysts.....i am to be honest confused by it! FS doesnt seem bothered by the fact i have them....she says i am ov fine...how can she know this 4 sure if ive only had bloodtests twice this year? knowing my luck they were the only 2 mths i did ov!!! Glad u will have ur meds soon & hopefully that will regulate ur periods. Must be so hard not knowing when AF is coming for sure & roughly when u r ov...do you do OPK's??

We DTD sun morning & last night ( mon night).....its difficult...i dont want to do it too often as husband sperm is low count & motility as we have been advised every 2-3 days...but then im scared i will miss the 'right' crucial time!! def want to DTD thurs as thats when i should get my LH surge ( havnt done opks since jue...but from jan-june they showed my LH was on day 19 every mth) thurs will be day 19. Do you think we should DTD in the morning too?? have heard the days leading up to ov are very important so the sperm are ready & waiting if you know what i mean!! lol...

god ive really waffled on so sorry ....just have waited 4 this week 4 what seems like ages & want it to go right this mth...


Hi, I also have regular AF and no obvious other symptoms appart from occasional spotty skin a week before AF and a little over weight, I have Ov for the last 2 months as have been charting BBT, and Temps have elevated, then dropped back down before AF. Diagnosed PCOS 3 Years ago, had 3 IUI's with Metformin & Clomid all failed. Husband has low Count & poor mobility etc, was recommended ICSI but too scared that it will still fail. Still trying the natural way, going to give it 6 mnths then decide on Ivf option. Have been DTD every other day for the low count etc, AF due tomorrow getting the usual feelings feeling down today and exhausted with hoping for good news that never seems to come. Hope this time your one of the lucky ones.
RON®3294211 said:
HoneyWright how annoying for you to not have a AF for 2 mths! I spose in a way i am lucky to have 'normal' & 'regular' periods...but that kinda makes it harder 4 me to understand that i have polycysts.....i am to be honest confused by it! FS doesnt seem bothered by the fact i have them....she says i am ov fine...how can she know this 4 sure if ive only had bloodtests twice this year? knowing my luck they were the only 2 mths i did ov!!! Glad u will have ur meds soon & hopefully that will regulate ur periods. Must be so hard not knowing when AF is coming for sure & roughly when u r ov...do you do OPK's??

We DTD sun morning & last night ( mon night).....its difficult...i dont want to do it too often as husband sperm is low count & motility as we have been advised every 2-3 days...but then im scared i will miss the 'right' crucial time!! def want to DTD thurs as thats when i should get my LH surge ( havnt done opks since jue...but from jan-june they showed my LH was on day 19 every mth) thurs will be day 19. Do you think we should DTD in the morning too?? have heard the days leading up to ov are very important so the sperm are ready & waiting if you know what i mean!! lol...

god ive really waffled on so sorry ....just have waited 4 this week 4 what seems like ages & want it to go right this mth...


Hi, I also have regular AF and no obvious other symptoms appart from occasional spotty skin a week before AF and a little over weight, I have Ov for the last 2 months as have been charting BBT, and Temps have elevated, then dropped back down before AF. Diagnosed PCOS 3 Years ago, had 3 IUI's with Metformin & Clomid all failed. Husband has low Count & poor mobility etc, was recommended ICSI but too scared that it will still fail. Still trying the natural way, going to give it 6 mnths then decide on Ivf option. Have been DTD every other day for the low count etc, AF due tomorrow getting the usual feelings feeling down today and exhausted with hoping for good news that never seems to come. Hope this time your one of the lucky ones.

hi RON&REG.....so sorry to hear your iui's failed.....are you allowed more attempts??? hope u dont mind me asking what the procedure is for this? i know they use the catheter to put the sperm inside ur uterus but how do they know when to do it? does the motility have to be normal for this? my husband has just got his 2nd sperm test results back...was 17million, now 21 million, was i think 40% motility now 60% is that good???

Wea re seeing our specialist next thurs...due on the day b4 so im hoping i wont even need to see her but i bet i do...with every mth that passes i just cant imagine ever being preg again :( We have to try & stay positive tho...you never know your AF may not show tomorrow..or at all !! :) my fingers are crossed 4 u....u have been through so much & you deserve to be pregnant now xxx
MrsKCBrown...thank you for your encouraging words!! Very sweet of you. Are you here in America? And btw I am going for an ultrasound on the 15th of this month so they can determine if I do have pcos or not. How are you liking Metaformin...they mentioned to me that I might be prescribed that. I am leary of taking prescrip meds. I like to do things the natural way but i'm so desperate for a baby I just might give in this time! :winkwink:

Yes Im here in America:). I live in Mississippi. The metformin initially was very harsh on my stomach. TMI, but it makes you poop a lot at first. Then once your body gets use to it, its almost unnoticeable. I am suppose to take 4 pills a day but I only take 2, as I cant stand the side effects. I know 2 most be working because I got a cycle on my own this past september. Now my DH has some morphology issues but Im not claiming that. I believe in my heart he is fine and we will conceive on our own. Its hard to stay positive but I just put my trust in God. I think if he knows the desires of our hearts and our motive for that desire, he will bless us.:dance::dance:
RON®3294211 said:
HoneyWright how annoying for you to not have a AF for 2 mths! I spose in a way i am lucky to have 'normal' & 'regular' periods...but that kinda makes it harder 4 me to understand that i have polycysts.....i am to be honest confused by it! FS doesnt seem bothered by the fact i have them....she says i am ov fine...how can she know this 4 sure if ive only had bloodtests twice this year? knowing my luck they were the only 2 mths i did ov!!! Glad u will have ur meds soon & hopefully that will regulate ur periods. Must be so hard not knowing when AF is coming for sure & roughly when u r ov...do you do OPK's??

We DTD sun morning & last night ( mon night).....its difficult...i dont want to do it too often as husband sperm is low count & motility as we have been advised every 2-3 days...but then im scared i will miss the 'right' crucial time!! def want to DTD thurs as thats when i should get my LH surge ( havnt done opks since jue...but from jan-june they showed my LH was on day 19 every mth) thurs will be day 19. Do you think we should DTD in the morning too?? have heard the days leading up to ov are very important so the sperm are ready & waiting if you know what i mean!! lol...

god ive really waffled on so sorry ....just have waited 4 this week 4 what seems like ages & want it to go right this mth...


Hi, I also have regular AF and no obvious other symptoms appart from occasional spotty skin a week before AF and a little over weight, I have Ov for the last 2 months as have been charting BBT, and Temps have elevated, then dropped back down before AF. Diagnosed PCOS 3 Years ago, had 3 IUI's with Metformin & Clomid all failed. Husband has low Count & poor mobility etc, was recommended ICSI but too scared that it will still fail. Still trying the natural way, going to give it 6 mnths then decide on Ivf option. Have been DTD every other day for the low count etc, AF due tomorrow getting the usual feelings feeling down today and exhausted with hoping for good news that never seems to come. Hope this time your one of the lucky ones.

hi RON&REG.....so sorry to hear your iui's failed.....are you allowed more attempts??? hope u dont mind me asking what the procedure is for this? i know they use the catheter to put the sperm inside ur uterus but how do they know when to do it? does the motility have to be normal for this? my husband has just got his 2nd sperm test results back...was 17million, now 21 million, was i think 40% motility now 60% is that good???

Wea re seeing our specialist next thurs...due on the day b4 so im hoping i wont even need to see her but i bet i do...with every mth that passes i just cant imagine ever being preg again :( We have to try & stay positive tho...you never know your AF may not show tomorrow..or at all !! :) my fingers are crossed 4 u....u have been through so much & you deserve to be pregnant now xxx

Hi Dancingkaty1
Thanks so much for replying and the cross fingers, your recent sperm test is much better than my husbands was. With the IUI's they put me on Metformin, and clomid from day 5-9 then I havd to have various blood tests and scan's and a hormone injection the night before I was due to OV, then the sperm is put in via the catheter the following day. The sperm is treated before it goes in to make sure it is the most healthy best motility etc that are used and not the poor ones.
I hope you are lucky next week too, but if not at least the specialist can help you to try different options and hopefully you will get lucky, look forward to hearing how it goes.

Good luck
hi i am almost 35. tried all last year to fall pregnant. took a break this year after my mother died. i dont have my period without assistance. what advantage does metformin give you. i had a laparoscopy last november. dr found my ovaries having thick covering so he burnt holes in them. was this a mistake. with clomid my follicles dont get large enough to ovulate . is there any other medications out there. i am from darkest africa lol so not up to date with latest.
hi i am almost 35. tried all last year to fall pregnant. took a break this year after my mother died. i dont have my period without assistance. what advantage does metformin give you. i had a laparoscopy last november. dr found my ovaries having thick covering so he burnt holes in them. was this a mistake. with clomid my follicles dont get large enough to ovulate . is there any other medications out there. i am from darkest africa lol so not up to date with latest.

what advantage does metformin give you Metformin helps to sensitize your ovaries and make you ovulate and have AF without using provera or prometrium. I am currently on metformin and clomid which increases the chances of getting a BFP. Ask your DR is it for you?
I have PCOS as well just minus the long cycles. My name is Amy I am 32 DH is 34. We have been trying for our first for a long time. I ovulate but my follicles are just really small and alot of them. I was on clomid at first for 9 cycles and it didnt work so dr put me on Met and clomid and now just taking the Met. I too am supposed to take 4 but only take 2 some days 3 as the side effects are so bad. I was diagnoised with PCOS over a year ago with a scan. I still have very regular cycles. A little bit of hair in unsual places. Wasnt over weight but am now. Was hoping the Met would help with that but so far not really. I have had 2 ectopics the last one in April which they removed my R tube. I was thinkin about asking to go back on the clomid to just hoping it may help me produce a healthy egg on my good side each month. Best of luck to you all.
Hey, my name is Nikki and I'm 28... I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 22 and have been trying to conceive for almost 5 years total. We just recently started trying again after almost a 2 year break thanks to the Army and a deployment! I had a bad reaction to Metformin about 3 years ago so the RE I am seeing right now has has me on actos for the past 2 months. Is anyone familiar with actos? I've done some research on it and found the blind test information but havent been able to find anyone who has personal experience taking it. Best of luck to everyone!
Hi all,

More bad news AF came on Saturday, 2 days late, I was hoping so much it would be good news even thought about doing a test, but that was not to be. Then to make matters worse, my sister inlaw announced her good news, I am happy for them but absolutely gutted, I just wanted to run away, got home and my husband and I just broke down in tears.
I am taking 2x 850mg Metformin & 200mg Clomid at the moment, will start another month of Clomid on day 5 Wednesday and keep my fingers crossed for another month.
I have been going to the gym regularly, but now decided to follow the PCOS diet for weight loss, trying to loose the 1 stone I am over weight, get as healthy as possible.
Im not getting any younger, at 37 I dont have long left, If this doesnt work I am going to have to try IVF.
Anyone had any luck using Alli to loose weight?
I am so sorry that ur AF came.....sending big hugs & lots of luck for next cycle xx
So sorry to hear about AF hun, and about your sister in law. My Sister in Law is trying and although I will be happy for her when it happens I also dread having to hear about it. It does get easier hun, I have several friends small babies in my life now and I do love having them about.

Sorry havent been around much ladies have been out of the country and I am now ill and stuck in bed. AF finally started late last week after about 2 weeks of spotting, and it was really heavy which after 2 months without AF is to be expected. So I suppose I am officially trying again:dohh:

I hope you are all OK.


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