Hey guys... sorry I haven't posted in a little while. Been kinda down these last few days.
Clo_mid: I don't know what my docs treatment plan is right now but by the sounds of things from my last appointment they are leaving the tube alone.

Sorry to hear you have had a rough start to the year as well. He is retesting on Monday. On the last test he abstained for 5 days which is the time the doc told us to wait. They want the same time frame for the next one. He wasn't sick at all on his last one, gave up smoking way back when we started TTCing, only drinks on rare occasion, takes a mens multivitamin, reduced his caffeine intake ages ago as well. However, he did have a laptop on his legs tho. Obvious this changed very quickly after finding out his count is low. His briefs got a toss too! Only boxers now!! (He is not very impressed with me!! lol) I am fairly upset with him. I was telling his mom about his problem and she told me that his father has the same problem and it took them AGES to get pregnant!!! ARGH why didn't he mention this sooner instead of just being adamant there was nothing wrong with him! I could shake him! What a bunch of wasted time. I would of had him testing right from the beginning had I known!!!
Anywhos, enough about that. How are things with you? OD tomorrow!!!! I am so pumped for you! I have fingers crossed that this is what gets you your BFP! Are you excited/nervous/happy?
YAY for the appointment!! I have to wait like forever and a day for mine.
how much met are you going to be taking now?
I will be taking 1000mg of met as of tomorrow, then the following thursday have to take another tablet a day so will be 1500MG
Does anyone have any advise on what I should expect on my first appointment?
wow Im surprised they have you starting at 1000 right away.
I think more doctors should be having people gradually build their way up since so many people get gastro issues from taking met in the beginning
I was put straight on 1500g a day and my doc basically told me to suck it up and deal with the side effects (in a little nicer terms but same gist lol) and I found it hell at first. I even had a few ''accidents'' because I couldn't control things. Now though I hardly notice the side effects.
wannabemummyb: I don't think it is normal. That is what used to happen to me right before I would start bleeding all the time. I would ask your doc about it. The first treatment they gave me to control it was actually Provera to try and maintain my uterine lining. However it didn't work the best for me.
wifeyw: I can't imagine what you are going through with your OHs SA. I was so upset to find out my OH had a low result I can't imagine them not finding any. I have my fingers crossed that the next reports come back more positive for you.