Hello Everyone, and Merry Christmas season to you all!!!
Alright.. I'll admit it, i've been a lurker for a couple of months. I think mostly because I had made myself believe that i was the only one who was having fertility issues. I realize now that we are all very different and after seeing the tremendous amounts of support you all offer one another, this may be just what i need.
Dont get me wrong, i do have wonderful supports in my life, my DF is my best friend, i tell him everything, my parents and friends hear a lot of it as well... The only thing is, is that sometimes they just dont understand the lingo or the impact that infertility has on me... as a woman. We have a large group of friends and it seems as though they are all getting pregnant and having babies on a monthly basis. This is hard to trudge through when i know deep down, i so desperately want to be a mom some day. I show excitement, happiness and encouragement to them all but the same feelings pop up the minute i am alone... will i ever have my own turn?
I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 13 years old, and i'm 33 now. Its been a long row to sow. The "un-informed" doctors, the incessant comments that if i lose weight it will all go away, the mood swings, the absent periods, the long cycles, the short cycles, the periods lasting over a month. I've been through it all. The countless times i've taken a pregnancy test because i have every symptom in the book or so i've thought, only to have a BFN. I've struggled with weight loss, weight gain, hair growth in places a woman should never have to worry about, a low self-esteem, and well intentioned people suggesting that maybe i will just "never be a mom". This all hurts no matter how positive i try to keep myself.
Recently, my DF and i have been talking about the possibilities of having kids. He knows my situation and so we have decided to go ahead and TTC, knowing it will take a miracle. I am gearing up to give it the best shot i have and so support from everyone is greatly appreciated. Secretly i think to myself... its easy on you to say "ok, lets TTC", but everything that i will have to go through, the tests, the dr's appointments, the charting, the temping, the medications, the "googling", the everything related to TTC is something that I do, and so emotions are heightened in every aspect and omg its overwhelming!!
I am on day 94 of my cycle... yes 94!! The last time i had my period was Sept 10, 2010.
I am on Progesterone cream 14 days on 14 days off since Nov 5, 2010 still no AF
I take Metformin 1000mg, vitex, ashwaganda, vitamin d, B complex Daily.
1990-2001 I would only get my period every 6 months-like clockwork, they were long, they hurt, and my dr's were clueless so i was told lose weight and go on BCP... we all know how hard that is to do... I went on BCP for 3 years during this time only to regulate me.
2001-2007 I bled for 39 days straight in 2002 and ended up in the hospital close to needing a blood transfusion, and medical staff insinuating i was having a m/c although i was not having sex at all at that time. They must have ran 3 or 4 tests only to find out i was telling the truth.. (i know they have to rule these things out) After this, i started to get my period like clockwork every 4 months... things changed a little bit here. By 2007, i had started to get my period every 3 months.
2007-present My periods were clockwork every 3 months until i met my DF in 2008 which is when things started to change. I was in university had a high level of stress and my period started to come every 2.5 months, then every 2 months. By march 2010 i could guarantee that at least at some point in time every month (ie early march, late april) I would have a period. It was like this until September I was elated! And then Sept 10-15 i had a period and have not gotten it since.
I've been to a naturopathic dr (nov 5, 2010)as well as my family physician (dec 6, 2010), however my family physician is a "naturopathic dr SNOB" and so makes things a lot harder on me because he doesnt want to work closely with the naturopathic dr to figure me out and has refused some of the blood tests the naturopathic dr wanted to have done for me so unless i pay for them out of my own pocket, i wont get them done. The family doc did however write a referral to the fertility clinic and i am now waiting for an appointment.
Anyways guys, nice to meet you all, I wish you all the best for the rest of 2010, 2011 and always!
Just got some lab results back today and i was hoping that you could help me out with all of your expertise. Here it goes. Keep in mind, when these bloods were drawn i was on CD 83... yes, 83!!! I also live in canada and am not sure if the units measured are the same.
FSH 4.9
LH 12.2
DHEA-S 5.9