Hey girls not been on here for a while.. WELL done Jacky24 for loosing all that weight, well done huni and glad to know your cycles have returned to nice 28 days!!

I bet your get that BFP in no time, focusing on something else instead of ttc is always a good idea to not stress yourself over getting that BFP (well i am finding trying to loose weight have taken over ttc) thats a good thing less stress and upset!!
I been really strict dieting for about 2 weeks now, i have been on diet for about 10 weeks and managed in the whole 10 weeks to loose about 9lbs, but in these last two weeks prob lost 5lbs of the whole 9lbs!!
I cant feel it tho and clothes not gone any bigger but hoping i will notice it soon.
My target is another 7lbs in the next 4 weeks in time for my HSG scan in middle of October i wanna be a nice weight of 11stone!!
This past two weeks, i been so strict limiting myself on my daily in take doing slim fast for lunch and doing the whole fruit smoothie for breakfast and healthy snacks and a healthy tea!!
I really cant wait to get to my target of 11stone.. (i know it might not seem like alot, but i have pcos and since quitting bc last yr really struggled with weight, i put on like over a stone and a half since last July and since putting that extra weight on my cycles went crazy, i swear even with that extra stone and a half i really think thats what is causing my cycles to be quite irregular only when i took a break from bc years ago and i was thinner then my cycles were around cd30ish and since putting on weight they been cd38 to cd60..i know i had to loose the weight and then the gyno cant say im over weight and that affecting my cycles.. i am only small and my weight for my height is putting me on the over weight scale!!
I have read the pcos diet book and started having loads of fruit, wholegrain bread and and wholegrain pasta and rice!!
Keep the good weight loss up girls, I read that losing 10% of your body weight having pcos will really help with cycles.. So even if you can shift 10% you may notice that difference in your cycles..
Good luck girls xxxxxx