Welcome MissAma! Is the Cambridge Diet a meal replacement plan?
Feeling very tired and a bit grumpy after having the in laws this weekend. Feeling a bit parented out as we've seen all 6 of them in 7 days!!!!!!!!!
Had a really vivid dream last night that I had just found out that I was 6 months pregnant. Was so vivid that when I woke up I actually checked to see if my bump was still there!
hi all, i have PCOS and would love to lose some weight too, but my problem is more that i dont exercise then i eat too much, i was just wondering if anyone here has used the wii fit or the fitness coach? and if its any good, id like to know before i go out and buy them just to find they dont really work.
Hi ladies
Just thought I would share something that has helped me. About 5 weeks ago I cut gluten out of my diet entirely after stumbling across research linking pcos to gluten intolerance. I feel very different, Ive lost 3 kilos and I am no longer bloated. I also had a period and ovulated last week so am now in my 2ww.
Its quite difficult giving up bread and pasta, but when you immediately feel better for it well that makes it a hell of a lot easier. I am also now reading about adrenal fatigue as I occasionally tick all the boxes for that and thats also linked to PCOS. Google these things and have a read.
All the best xx
Hello ladies, I hope everyone is well and going strong. Changing our bodies and way of eating is the very best thing we can go for ourselves ever!
Smurfette - Yes it is. You don't have to go on the plan that involves all meals being replaced by 3 shakes a day (Called Sole Source - I am on that) but it is the one that I think is best because it takes food out of the equation for a while and lets you get into ketosis and hence be energetic and unhungry as well as lets you lose the weight the fastest.
I'm feeling brave so here's a ticker I won't put in the signature as it's well shameful how big of an elephant I was.
sorry, I've been AWOL, just been feeling down. Not alot going on here weight wise, and I'm waiting for the provera to start AF (should be weds/thurs), and then back to clomid.
Hi everyone...hope youre all doing well...I started Rosemary Conleys GI diet 2 weeks ago and im doing ok so far...lost 7lbs in first week and have weigh in tomorrow!! Hopefully weight loss will help in getting pregnant x x x
thanks...normal everyday stuff...as long as its less than 5% fat and count the cals...her book is really good and gives loads of ideas for recipes...its a two week kick start of 1000 cals but youre never hungry cos you snack in between...its the first diet i have found easy to stick to and that works x x
Hi all, I had severe pcos -my ovaries were like an egg graveyard! Diagnosed 4 1/2 yes ago, last year I lost three stone on the Cambridge diet, periods returnedand I was on top of the world. I'm 22 just now and had put on bout two stone again just through contentment- my partner and I bought a flat and life was great so didn't worry bout the weight. I was on the pill to try n regulate periods but they were few and far between. I was told I had a million to 1 chance of natural conception, but low and behold I'm PREGNANT so guys don't worry my wee miracle baby is due in jan, I've had two fantastic scans and a healthy baby on the way. Stay positive x x x
I have PCOS and for the last 6 months have been gaining weight for no good reason. I don't eat to excess in fact I'm picky, just haven't been as active. I used to swim and my fave pass time was dance dance revolution. Now we don't live in a flat I might start that up again.
Yay, well done Sparkle! You can do it. Trying to be extra good 'cause I'm way behind with my target of losing 2 stone by the time we go on hols in September.
Welcome Starrilicious! Dance Dance Revolution sounds good. You're far more likely to stick to it if it's something you enjoy! Good luck with it!
well, according to the scales I've dropped 2 lbs in the last 2 days :O obviously hubby being on nights I cant nip to the shop for sweets/cakes/takeaway, so eating better
clomid is crapthough, hot flushes this time round, plus being very sad. oh and a bit ummmm.... keen in bed
LOL! Sorry to hear about the flushes and sadness though honey. Your loss this week so far is brilliant though. I'm the opposite. When DH is on nights I tend to eat worse 'cause I can't be bothered to cook for one. Really pleased for you and hope the rest of the week goes as well!!!!!
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