I know this thread is old, did you have the surgery done? I wanted to share my experience in case anyone out there stumbles across this. I had a fairly large skin (at least felt that way to me) after delivery, leftover from a hemorrhoid during pregnancy I guess. I went to a specialist who did some banding, of course that didn't solve my skin tag problem. Let me clarify by saying mine wasn't the traditional skin tag, small piece of skin on a stalk, mine was more like stretched skin right on the verge of my hole (sorry TMI!). After doing lots of research online, I found a board certified colorectal surgeon and he removed it in his office. There was a shot of numbing and he cut it off with scissors, afterwards there was some swelling and pain but really not too bad at all. I was somewhat disappointed with the results, however, because I still have some excess skin there albeit not nearly as bad as before but it is there. I was hoping it would be smooth and back to normal. I have been back to see him a couple of times since it has healed and he assures me that it's normal and so tiny it's barely noticeable. Now to me it feels huge and can make life uncomfortable, probably because of the sensitivity of the area. So debating on getting a second opinion, heard good things about laser removal but there is just not a lot of information out there. Not sure if I should seek out a dermatologist or what, also kind of embarrassed to be calling around and asking lol. Anyway, that's my story! Would love to know how yours turned out!