emma - nikon do a cheaper version of the 50mm too https://www.warehouseexpress.com/product/default.aspx?sku=12869 although it's not as much a bargain as the canon version
I got the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 and it cost me something like £70 brand new. It's an absolutely cracking lens, especially for the price!
Emma, something like the 70-300 Sigma will work beautifully on your camera - and it's less than £200! This one specifically states it's fully compatible with your camera.
Have you made your purchase yet as I bought the Sigma 70-300mm lens a week or two ago (it has macro on it, although not true macro...Anna told me this

I'm finding atm, that I'm actually getting better shots with my Nikon 18-55mm lens that came with the camera (for doing macro type shots).
I'm sorry I've not read back through the thread to see what you want it for but I paid £128.99 plus postage through warehouseexpress I think - quick delivery!
You're taking some fab shots! Can't believe you've only just got into this! I wish I was getting as good shots as you!!! Practice, pratice, practice!!!!!
Neecee - I agree with Anna, go and have a fondle with a few different DSLR's to see what suits you!
I've got to say, you girls take some brilliant photographs. I'm very jealous when I look through RB!!! Can you tell me, do you photoshop a lot of them? Or am I just crap with the camera???

Every week I think, I'm going to enter this weeks challenge and then I see your entries and decide against it

Anyway, I'll stop waffling now!!!!!!!!
Have a lovely weekend girls!
