Hey girls, One again sorry I haven't been online!
I've just been really busy with Braden, getting used to him, spending time with him as well as his hospital appointments.
Had him in yesterday and he is now 6lbs 8oz which is an amazing weight gain

so proud of him! He's growing so much already, i can really feel the weight difference too

. Now that he's a little heavier, i feel safe to pick him up and hold him Horizontally over my shoulder, whereas before i would fear i'd break him hahaha.
I love taking him out and showing him off. I took him into school yesterday on the way home from the hospital, and everyone loved him. Its so nice to see. He was the center of attention with all my class mates at lunch haha. And he was rocking a little ''Mummy's little poser'' grow. He looked so cute, i'll have to post some pictures as soon as I process them =]
Anyway just a little update, can't believe my angel is over a month already!
Hope you girls are doing well =]