Pink Spotting??


Thought i'd share my experience of spotting as I know how scary it is!

I experienced a similar thing when i was about 5-6 weeks,I went to the docs who scared me even more! They arranged a scan for me.

When talking to the nurse prior to the scan she said I really don't think its anything to worry about, its very common.
The scan showed all was fine and there was a hearbeat there.The lady who did the scan said it could have been implantation discharge that sometimes doesnt manifest till later.

I'm sure you will be fine hun!

Take Care

Thanks DaisyMai - that's really reassuring. Glad everything is good for you hun.

The doc I saw yesterday said it's probably implantation bleeding too - doesn't stop you being worried though!

Well docs just rang - I've got a scan at 1.45 tomorrow! So not very long to wait at all.
I'll be 6+1 tomorrow so I really hope I can hear a heartbeat - it will be a complete reassurance then xx
Thats great that they fit you in so early.

I had to wait a week, so went private as really couldnt go through feling the way i did for a week! So had 2 scans which was nice :)

It is so common so im sure you will be fine, kep us posted.

I was born a worrier but everyday i seem to find something else to worry about!

Thanks hun - I'm exactly the same.
Was a state last night and this morning - barely slept (which really doesn't help with the immense tiredness I'm feeling at the mo!) I just couldn't accept that it could be anything but the worst.
I feel a lot better now (after convincing myself that the doc could be right and it really could be implantation bleeding), and I'm so pleased I don't have to wait for a scan - I don't think I could handle waiting that long either.

Thanks for the support hun x
Hi, just thought I would say that when I was around 7 weeks I had pink spotting and my dr booked me an appointment at the EPAU. The scan showed everything to be fine, all the sonographer could tell me was that spotting is very common, and in my case, there was no reason for the bleed, I think it was my period having a breakthrough. Best thing to do is take it easy as much as possible xx
Good luck with your scan tomorrow Sarah - keep us updated :hugs:

Luckily I work in a doctors surgery so I managed to have a word with one of the doctors today and he said bleeding is very common in early pregnancy and that it is almost definately me bleeding not the baby (that reassured me). He said if the bleeding carries on as it is I should go to get a early scan next week when I'm 7 weeks but if it gets worse I should go straight away to my doctor for an emergency appointment.

God, I thought all the stress would be over now I eventually got my BFP but the stress continues! I can't wait for 2nd tri lol! (if i get there)
Amy xx
Hi Sarah83,

I just saw your post and wanted to wish you all the best from tomorrow chicky :hugs:

The same thing happened to me :flower:

I was about the same time as you 5/6 weeks and had pink when wiping and I was v scared, but everything was okay and Im sure it will be for you too hunny.

After much research and speaking to ppl I couldnt believe how common spotting/bleeding is in early preg.

I went to A&E with bleeding and then went to EPAC for a scan and then a week later for a follow up scan. (I also had a UTI at the time, so I dont think that helped) but they said that it could have been implantation bleeding with me or that I have a fragile cervix.

I cant believe how many people said that they had had bleeding/spotting, it was very common. Im sure everything will be okay sweetheart and I will cross everything for you tomorrow, I know its worrying times isnt it? Your :shrug: will be turned to :happydance: Im sure :winkwink:

Lots of hugs

Thanks everyone - all your stories are really reassuring and making me feel a lot more relaxed about this afternoon. I'm definately not as worried as I was yesterday.

I was wondering about whether it was me having a fragile cervix, as I did have a bit of pale red blood yesterday after straining for a BM (sorry TMI), it then returned to pale brown.
Same again today - still only when I wipe, and I have no pain at all.
I've only had minimal symptoms really - very tired, and sore bbs and back, but my bbs have been much more sore over the last two days so that makes me feel a bit better too.
I'll update you all tonight when I'm back.
... now the prospect of having a full bladder for this afternoon!

Amy - sounds like we're in really similar situations, nice of the doctor to give you some reassurance. I know what you mean about stress!!
Has the bleeding completely stopped for you now? xx
Yeah Sarah my bleeding stopped but I've still got brown discharge which I have had since before getting my BFP. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about.

Wishing you luck later for your scan :hugs:

Amy xx
Hi, I have been bleeding / spotting combination of actual bright red blood and cm tinged with blood for past 3 weeks!
I am obviously very anxious, but I went to EPAU Monday and saw sac and 2mm pole where it should be and all seems fine with it.
Today it is just pink when I dab after wee, I have been told its implantation/changes too uterus , or it could be cervix or blood vessels...don't know , just have to accept it.

I had very bad lower back ache but no cramps..(yet)

I just have to get on with it, go back in 2 week to see if heartbeat present, I an approx 4 weeks gestation at moment, last period 15 december after miscarriage wiht twins end of November.
I really would'nt worry..and red blood is not always bad too, lots of women bleed in first tri and progress full term. All the best x
Thanks Scarlett, must have been lovely to see the scan - such a relief!

Well I'm back... They had to give me an internal scan which was ok. She said I'm actually measuring 5 weeks - im ok with that as my periods weren't regular and I wasn't tracking ovulation.
Because it was so early she could only see the egg sack and yolk - too small to see the fetal pole yet. So I've got to go back in for another scan valentines day.

So although I'm relieved everything is in the right place (proves I am actually pregnant at least and it's not all in my mind lol!), I am a bit anxious about the next scan. Just keeping my fingers crosses everything will be ok.

She didn't say what the spotting could be, but then again I never asked!

Roll on until the 14th!
That's good news you got to see the egg and sac - must be a relief for you :hugs:
What was the internal scan like? Did it hurt? Are you still spotting?

The 14th will come round in no time and will put your mind at ease even more hopefully :thumbup:

Amy xx
That's good news you got to see the egg and sac - must be a relief for you :hugs:
What was the internal scan like? Did it hurt? Are you still spotting?

The 14th will come round in no time and will put your mind at ease even more hopefully :thumbup:

Amy xx

Thanks Hun, it was really reassuring - at least I know everythings in the right place! Hubby was really pleased too.

The internal scan didn't hurt at all - felt kinda like putting a tampon in - nothing like a smear (thankfully!)
I was a bit frightened afterwards as I felt really wet - but it was just the gel they put on it. She did reassure me it was perfectly safe for the baby.

Yes I'm still spotting - no better or worse, but I'm not going to worry unless it gets heavier or I start cramping.
Excellent news hun :happydance:
The internal scan doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would!:thumbup:

Amy xx
internal scans are fine, I had to have them to diagnose PCOS and they are honnestly ok! Im glad you got your scan hun xx fx for the 14th xxx
Hey hun,

Just came on to see how you got on...

Sounds like its going to plan, wouldnt worry about not seeing much yet as its still early.Everyone seems to be different.

Ive learnt that spotting is vey common, if only we all knew this before hand :)
My dietician said to me, there is so much going on inside our bodies is there any wonder we get these symptoms.Makes sense.

I try to think that im pregnant and so im going to feel twinges, aches etc.After all there is a tiny one growing in there!

Take it easy, i took few days off work to rest when i had my spotting.Wasnt told to but thought i ought.

Thanks for popping in Hun, it's still hard not to worry though!
I thought the same - they didn't tell me to rest but I figured it's what I need most right now.
Plus the spotting pretty much stops when I've been resting, so that's got to be a good thing?
Well I took Friday off as thought it would be good to have 3 a nice long weekend of chill out time - my symptoms are stronger - I was quite nauseous on Saturday and my BBs are hurting more than ever!

Spotting is still there, does seem to be less of it, if that makes sense. It's still only when I wipe, and after 1 wipe it seems to go (sorry TMI). Still a pale beigey-brown.
Time seems to be absolutely dragging at the moment, I just want the 14th to be here now lol!

I feel gutted as I was determined to really enjoy this pregnancy but I can't at the moment with the niggling worry in the back of my mind.
Roll on the 14th!

Hope you all had good weekends x
Hi Sarah glad you have had a few more symptoms - puts your mind at ease a bit doesn't it!

I bet the time really is going slowly for you until the 14th :hugs: It wont be long now.

I know how you feel about this stress of spotting. I was so absolutely excited to finally get a BFP after 8 months TTC but at the moment being pregnant is more stressful than trying was :dohh:

I finally went to the doctors today as my spotting continues. Iv'e got a scan booked Wednesday at 8.50am.....god that's a bit early for me but at least I won't be sitting around waiting for the appointment to come all day! I must say I'm very nervous... so scared of there being no heartbeat :cry: and to make it worse my OH can't come with me as he has to work (he owns his own shop and he is on his own that time in the morning) It's going to be an internal scan as I didn't get told to drink lots of water.

Amy xx

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