placenta updates pg1 ;-)


Formally uv
Jan 2, 2009
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im not here for a debate about placenta eating or anything like that before anyone starts..... im hoping that in here there are like minded people. im trying to find out the shelf life of placenta. mine has been in the deep freezer for 10months (frozen within a few hours)) I planed to make placenta prints then i was a bit stuck as to what to do with it, we are always moving due to living in private housing so i cant plant it. i thought about encapsulating it ((steaming then drying it out then putting into gel caps)) ive read the benifits are amazing and also people then freeze the caps ans use them when they are approching the menopause...... these are people that delt with their placentas right away. i am only just in a space where i feel happy to deal with mine....

so does anyone know? is it too late?


Placenta diary, day one.

I took my placenta out of the freezer; I had a good look through the biohazard hospital bag I brought it home in. There’s not a lot to see yet, its so dark it’s almost black and it’s very frozen! I put the placenta into a Tupper wear tub to defrost at room temp.
I checked on the placenta a few hours later and there is along of blood in the bag, I lifted it out of the tub to have a good look and it is utterly fascinating the membranes are starting to separate from the main block of cold black that there was to start with they look a bit like a condom…the placenta colours are starting to show through too! Watch this space!

day two-

i took the tub out of the fridge and was amazed by the amount of blood that had collected in the bottom, very glad i didnt just put the biohazard bags in the fridge on their own. i cut open the biohazard bags and expected a smell...not sure what i expected but i thought it would be a bit gross..although it was fine. because of the large amount of blood i tipped the placenta into a colender over the origanal tub that i defrosted it in. i lot it rest for a while untill the blood drips had pretty much stopped. i was weary to touch it at first, i suppose thats because its all a bit gross.....but not all at once, the maternal side was facing me in the colender and it was an ugly looking thing its all lumpy and grissley. i took some photos and tipped the placenta out onto a plate. Faiths cord was white and pretty stunning! the veins on the fetal side are beautiful. the fetal side was totally diff to the maternal side it was lumpy with veins but smooth and soft at the same time. the membranes are like something else! i stretched them out over my hands in wonderment i honestly dont know how a baby fit in there. they are really thin and see through. after more photos and close inspection i got ready to take the prints. i soaked up some of the blood with kitchen roll first which reveied more veins and colors! i brought a3 cardridge paper after much research this seemed to be the best thing for the job. i found it tricky to do the prints in the way that i had read- placing the placenta on to paper then lifting it off- it is the size of a dinner plate and not easy to move about. so i arranged of on the kitchen side and placed the paper on top. after a few practice runs the prints were STUNNING i have never seen anything like it. i took about 25 prints, some with blood, some with silver water based paint and some with gold.
After this i washed the placenta to remove all of the paint. cut off the cord and removed the membranes, i kept the cord to some side for later -im going to try to dry it out in a heart shape- i put the placenta in the steamer with ALOT of chilli,garlic, lemon grass and ginger. i have been told that itll take about 30 mins each side untill its 'cooked'
at first my house smelt like blood, not in an offensive way. strangly comforting cant explain it. and now -its currently steaming- it smells of warm ginger and garlic. the placenta has shrunk dramatically and looks a bit like steak.

more later


The steaming took about 50 mins in total, the placenta shrunk to about a quarter of its original size ((large dinner plate size to start)) next i sliced the placenta into small thin peices, put them on a baking tray-on baking paper in case they got stuck. they went in the oven on the lowest setting for HOURS whilst doing this i had an allergic reaction to the chilli that i had used, my hands swelled up and felt like they were on fire! i went to the walk in centre but couldnt deal with the two hour wait and decided to stay home! after 8+hours the placenta was all chrispy and dry. i put in in the blender to make it into a powder, my blender broke! so i ended up grinding it up by hand in a salt grinder *handache* once it was a powder i filled 100 capsuals, i still have loads of powder left but got VERY bored of doing it to be honest.
i just took my first capsual i plan to take 3 a day untill its gone :)
ill share my photos from today when i can upload them, im using a mac at the moment because my computer is broken and the mac wont pick up my camera-- unless there are any mac geeks out there that can tell me how?


i have found today magical and emotional, the smells of blood and hospital took me back to the delivery room. the entire process is amazing and i really enjoyed doing it although im not sure how i would do it a few days after giving birth DEF something to get someone else to do for you right after birth.
i have found the answer :) cheers for reading and running though chaps :D
I dont know anything about it, Its not something I thought about really or think I would but each to their own :thumbup: I had never heard of placenta prints or planting it, I have seen people cook it and eat it on tv. What made you decide to keep it? (if you dont mind me asking) x
Hey, what did you find out? I find the whole placenta thing fascinating! Mine was in a manky bitty infected mess (sorry, tmi!!), so nothing I could do with it, lol, but I love reading about what others did with theirs. I think it's amazing all the stuff that can be done with them. :D
Glad you found your answer. I didn't keep mine, which I regret a little. The thought of it grosses me out a bit, but next time, I will seriously consider eating it, as there seem to be some good benefits. The capsule thing sounds very interesting, thanks for mentioning that.
I've just popped in to say the same thing as kirsten, I'd love to find out what you can do with a placenta...I don't really remember anything about OH says he does though! Maybe this could be a good ask a mum thread? xx
^ Yeah! I would have seriously considered keeping mine and would probably have frozen it like you until I decided what to do with it. I like the idea of planting them, that's what my mum did with mine. She was going to eat it but being a veggie couldn't quite bring herself to do it!
Glad you found the answer. I think we're going to do prints right after birth, probably have the MW assitant help me, and then the MW is going to take it with her to dry and put in capsules. I've heard that some women who move a lot plant it in a pot with a small tree.
I wanted to do a print of mine as well, but since I ended up in the hospital, obviously didn't get to.
Interesting! I knew my hospital had a fridge specifically for placenta, but never did find out what they did with them (was just told not to put my food in there!). I had to have an emergency c-section in part because my placenta was not working, so I guess it wouldn't have been good to keep? No one ever asked me... So I don't know!

This would be an interesting topic for "Ask a mom who..."!

This would be an interesting topic for "Ask a mom who..."!


i agree...thats a great idea!
i had no idea u could do so much with them. I never really gave mine any thought (i had a c-section so it was just taken away). i might give this all some thought for next time. I like the idea of planting it.
I was a bit out of it after the traumatic labour, so didn't do anything with my placenta or see it, but fabulous OH took lots of photos for me, so at least I've got something to remember that absolutely amazing thing.
I know someone who dried and capsulated it to ingest. I'm thinking of doing that but my hubby isnt keen. I dont want it just binning :(
If I had the chance again I think I would do prints. Although I prefer the idea of doing it with ink rather than blood, I love how they have a tree shape on. Most of mine was manually removed, I didn't see any of it but they were wafting round a bag of blood and bits near my mum and OH, so I guess that was it. The rest came out 3 months later and let me tell you I had no desire to see that!!

I agree a great idea for an ask a mum :)
I had a good look at mine. If I'd had my wits about me (or managed the home birth I wanted) I would've composted it. I think it's in Africa somewhere that the placenta is considered to have a soul and is buried after the birth. I like that idea, I've said it before but I love it when humans invent these acts that become traditions that really are all about being at one with nature.
i am making prints of it this weekend, then im going to dry it out and encapsulate it, i have made contact with one of the only people in the country who does is as a job and she has offered to train me to do it! id happily do an ask a mum thread :) after teh weekend though ;-) i plan on taking lots of photos on the way VERY excited about it. closing the chapter on my birth xx
check this image out!
I mentioned the idea of eating the placenta to my husband while I was pregnant, just as a joke really, but now whenever he hears the word placenta he looks a bit sick hehe. I got a good look at it while they were checking it over and I have to say, there is NO WAY I could do anything with it cos I'm too squeemish. Ladies who do have my respect!
Am I the only one who wants to post placenta piccies? (I think I'm weird!)
Post them! (maybe put a warning!) I never seen mine. I had an emergency c-sec with my first so was totally out of it, my second was a planned c-sec and it never really crossed my mine to ask. Im intrigued, I must be weird too LOL x

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