Please be my WTT buddie


Me, OH and Milo pup TTC 1
Mar 23, 2010
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Hi lovelies
I'm looking for a WTT buddie my poor OH will be sick of all my excitement and prep talk so in great need of a buddie so I don't drive him insane.
I'm WTT for 8 months then it's onto TTC for us.:happydance:
I have had a majorly long WTT journey being broody for many years.
Hello misswaiting! I'll be your wtt buddy. I won't be wtt for long though. We originally planned to ttc #2 May or June 18. We decided to ttc in February even though financially it wasn't the wisest. CD1 today and I want to wait until I have benefits in June to ttc again.

It took us 18 months to conceive dd. Took 6 months to regulate after bcp.

Oh and broodyness s awful! I didn't get broody until 26 I believe.

What kind of furbaby do you have?
I'll be your buddy too! I'm in for around another year and a half wait...maybe. We haven't made any decisions on #3 yet but Im always up for talking about all this :) Do you have any fun things planned between now and when you're starting to try?

Hi Flueky! Haven't talked to you in...a long time! How exciting to be going for #2 soon! I hope your journey to baby isnt as long as the first time :flower:
Kk i know! I hope you guys ttc #3. Oh and thank you! I hope it isn't nearly as long either. I know there are women that try longer but it's hard.
I will be your buddy too! We are currently WTT for #2! We are waiting another 2 or 3 months as we have some holidays planned. I had lots of complications with my last pregnancy and my son was born at 25 weeks so I know we will have lots of hospital appointments etc and don't want to be abroad if we have any complications so it just makes sense to wait. I am so excited though! I didn't think after my last pregnancy we would ever have a second baby so I am so happy the the OH wants to try too! xxx
Count me in! WTT for #1 starting in August. It's almost like the closer we get, the more impatient I get. I'm starting my last pack of birth control pills on Sunday and will be on it until we get back from Europe toward the end of May. It's exciting to think that this is the last pack for a long time!
Kk i know! I hope you guys ttc #3. Oh and thank you! I hope it isn't nearly as long either. I know there are women that try longer but it's hard.

Thank you! I am really really hoping we wind up going for one more. We are also looking at adoption but right now my heart is leaning towards another biological. We will see. It's going to be at least 18 months so there is a long time to try and convince DH lol.

I cant imagine how hard and frustrating it must be. If you dont mind me asking, did you go see an RE to help to pregnant with your first?

babymurphy- oh wow! that must have been horrible to experience, I'm sorry you had to go through it. Will you have extra monitoring with the next baby?

Lady- I remember before my first how nerve-wracking and exciting those last few months were. I hope it goes by quickly for you! Where in Europe are you going to be visiting?
Hello misswaiting! I'll be your wtt buddy. I won't be wtt for long though. We originally planned to ttc #2 May or June 18. We decided to ttc in February even though financially it wasn't the wisest. CD1 today and I want to wait until I have benefits in June to ttc again.

It took us 18 months to conceive dd. Took 6 months to regulate after bcp.

Oh and broodyness s awful! I didn't get broody until 26 I believe.

What kind of furbaby do you have?
Aw yay thank you so much. I'm driving my other half insane with baby talk lol
We are going for baby number 1 so fingers crossed I've been broody since I left school so about 12 years now.
I have a patterdale terrier cross with a Jack russle he is my total world got him when he was 12 weeks old and he is now 6.
I'm not in birth control came of that last September due to health issues and just haven't gone back on it as I don't like the side effects anyway so we are using condoms at the moment till we start trying .
It's so bad though I'm stupidly excited and the poor other half just doesn't get that excited he wants kids but just doesn't have all the hormones driving him like I do
I'll be your buddy too! I'm in for around another year and a half wait...maybe. We haven't made any decisions on #3 yet but Im always up for talking about all this :) Do you have any fun things planned between now and when you're starting to try?

Oh fingers crossed for baby 3 then and no nothing really planned just the usual of try to get to some vintage events off to bemish in the summer went in March but it was way to cold and bad weather to get all the way round without causing myself issues with my fibro so we managed 3 parts but it's huge so took us a few hours.
The main thing is sorting my health care out before we ttc really is the main focus
I will be your buddy too! We are currently WTT for #2! We are waiting another 2 or 3 months as we have some holidays planned. I had lots of complications with my last pregnancy and my son was born at 25 weeks so I know we will have lots of hospital appointments etc and don't want to be abroad if we have any complications so it just makes sense to wait. I am so excited though! I didn't think after my last pregnancy we would ever have a second baby so I am so happy the the OH wants to try too! xxx
Oh wow hun so glad little one and you are ok and fingers crossed for a happy healthy 9 months with baby 2.
I'm a premie baby myself but that's due to my mum's blood group more then anything so emergency c for her but I'm also a twin
Count me in! WTT for #1 starting in August. It's almost like the closer we get, the more impatient I get. I'm starting my last pack of birth control pills on Sunday and will be on it until we get back from Europe toward the end of May. It's exciting to think that this is the last pack for a long time!

Ohh so exciting hun and I know waiting 8 months is just like omg for me at the moment I can't believe it's real that we are actually going to be doing this as id lost hope abit when I was with my ex of ever having a baby so totally over joyed at the moment
Ive got a wtt journal on the go to get and vent my excitement lol 8 months will fly by as I have 2 weddings in that time one being my twin sister which is the end of this month then Christmas and then it's ready to go
Count me in! WTT for #1 starting in August. It's almost like the closer we get, the more impatient I get. I'm starting my last pack of birth control pills on Sunday and will be on it until we get back from Europe toward the end of May. It's exciting to think that this is the last pack for a long time!

Ohh so exciting hun and I know waiting 8 months is just like omg for me at the moment I can't believe it's real that we are actually going to be doing this as id lost hope abit when I was with my ex of ever having a baby so totally over joyed at the moment

It's so amazing to have a partner that's on the same page! My husband was previously married and his ex had a child from a previous relationship. He always wanted to start a family of his own, and she switched up on him and said she was done having children after they got married. For a while, he thought that he'd never get married again or have a family. But things with us really took off, and he realized that it wasn't too late for him to have a good marriage and someday be a dad. I'm so excited to share this journey with him and can't wait to conceive our first child <3
Babymurphy how frightening to go at 25 weeks!! Any reason whyypu went into PTL? I had my girl 34w6d. It was scary enough for my tastes. Anyways, I'm hoping for a smoother pregnancy next time for you. My ob said I'll be on progesterone shots to prevent PTL.

LadyVictoria thats great you should ve regulated on cycles when you start ttc!

Kk, I don't mind at all. No, the week before I found out I was pregnant I'd made an appt. Was so happy to cancel that appt! Not sure if just not stressing because I started to believe it wouldn't happen without help or if I do have a problem.

Misswaiting:rofl: I'm not sure how my DH is still sane with my baby talk, ttc madness through the years. I had a jack Russell and rst terrior mix. He was great except he had bad seperation anxiety.

Hope the next 8 months go fast and it's a quick ttc journey!
Count me in! WTT for #1 starting in August. It's almost like the closer we get, the more impatient I get. I'm starting my last pack of birth control pills on Sunday and will be on it until we get back from Europe toward the end of May. It's exciting to think that this is the last pack for a long time!

Ohh so exciting hun and I know waiting 8 months is just like omg for me at the moment I can't believe it's real that we are actually going to be doing this as id lost hope abit when I was with my ex of ever having a baby so totally over joyed at the moment

It's so amazing to have a partner that's on the same page! My husband was previously married and his ex had a child from a previous relationship. He always wanted to start a family of his own, and she switched up on him and said she was done having children after they got married. For a while, he thought that he'd never get married again or have a family. But things with us really took off, and he realized that it wasn't too late for him to have a good marriage and someday be a dad. I'm so excited to share this journey with him and can't wait to conceive our first child <3

Aw that's amazing my ex was just an arse and didn't want to have kids with me.
Makes me so happy tony does I'm driving him nuts though lol
Babymurphy how frightening to go at 25 weeks!! Any reason whyypu went into PTL? I had my girl 34w6d. It was scary enough for my tastes. Anyways, I'm hoping for a smoother pregnancy next time for you. My ob said I'll be on progesterone shots to prevent PTL.

LadyVictoria thats great you should ve regulated on cycles when you start ttc!

Kk, I don't mind at all. No, the week before I found out I was pregnant I'd made an appt. Was so happy to cancel that appt! Not sure if just not stressing because I started to believe it wouldn't happen without help or if I do have a problem.

Misswaiting:rofl: I'm not sure how my DH is still sane with my baby talk, ttc madness through the years. I had a jack Russell and rst terrior mix. He was great except he had bad seperation anxiety.

Hope the next 8 months go fast and it's a quick ttc journey!

Yea Milo had separation anxiety it's a nightmare but can't be mean with him for it he's just anxious.
Yea my poor man I was talking to him for ages last night and kept just giggling still rather giddy from the fact we have a plan
How are you ladies doing today?
Have you got lists for things you want to accomplish before you move to TTC
Aw that's amazing my ex was just an arse and didn't want to have kids with me.
Makes me so happy tony does I'm driving him nuts though lol

It's only natural to be excited about starting a family - that's a big deal!

And I have a lot of people who share my excitement. This is a text conversation with my mother. I knew she'd be excited, but her reaction cracked me up! :laugh2:

In terms of my list before TTC, everything is set into motion. It feels unreal to be ready for this next step! We're travelling, I'm going off my pill, and I've been taking a hair/skin vitamin that has everything a prenatal does but will switch to prenatals when I finish them. I've been eating better and working out more regularly, and both my husband and I have been to our doctors for check ups with blood work to ensure that we're in good health.

I also started putting away money each month to cover my expenses while on maternity leave. I'm guaranteed 12 unpaid weeks and plan to ask my director for more time than that. We have our own short-term disability insurance, but I've been saving to be able to cover my leave without that, so it'll be extra money. I've started to think of nursery themes... I love elephants, so I'm leaning towards that, and I think you can add accent colors that would make it work just as well for a baby boy or girl. And baby names. I have 3! Two girls names and one boy.
Misswaiting- have you been able to talk to your doctor about a care plan for your health? I don't know much about fibromyalgia (I assume this is what you meant by "fibro"?) What are some of the complications with pregnancy? I'll go check out your journal and follow you there as well :)

Lady- OMG....your Mom is too funny :haha: That is great that you and your DH are on the same page! Its not always the case and definitely makes it easier and more fun :winkwink: Elephants are a cute theme for a nursery. We were team :yellow: with our second and did a neutral nursery with a a lot of grays and added accents after he was born and it worked perfect :thumbup: Are you sharing your baby names?

Flueky- oh wow! I bet that felt AMAZING to cancel the appointment! Hopefully you fall preggo right away this time! If it does take longer, how long do you think you would wait before going to the RE?

Does anyone have a gender preference? Do you think you'll find out or keep it a surprise?

AFM, my main goals are health related. In between my pregnancies I lost 71 pounds and was active running, working out and eating well. I got pregnant 2 weeks after hitting my weight goal and no matter what I did the pounds packed on and gained 68 back :doh: As of now I've lost about 40 of it but still have 30 to go. I would like to hit my goal weight and give myself about a year after that before getting pregnant again. Hopefully my body wouldn't spaz out like it did before and I can keep the weight gain managable (which in turn would hopefully help with the other issues I had in my last pregnancy). Another thing I'm looking forward to is taking some trips next year! DH and I have had one night away alone together in 4 years and that was for a wedding. We are planning a week long trip for next summer without the kids (at that point it would have been 5 years without any type of significant alone time). I'm also taking a girls trip with my mom and oldest niece, a girls weekend with my best friends,a really fun family vacation to Jacksonhole WY with the boys and to take the kids to visit family in New York.

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