Please can I ask a few questions....


Mummy to Sam & Abigail
Jun 11, 2009
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It has shown up on my scan that I have notching on my umbilical artery, and we have been told that at some stage it is likely that there will no longer be a good enough blood supply to the baby, and the growth will be affected. Once this happens the baby will have to come, as it will be better out than in, but I am very worried about all the unanswered questions I have at the moment, as I was so taken aback at the hospital, I didn't get to ask any, so I was hoping it would be ok to ask a few here? :flower:

1. How will I go about expressing milk and storing it all?
2. Can OH go with baby after delivery so they aren't on their own?
3. Will I be able to visit the baby and spend all day there? Will my Mum be able to come with me if OH is back at work? And is there a latest time you have to leave by in the evening?
4. What did your OH do in regards to work when your baby was in the NICU? Was he there the whole time too, or did he go back to work? OH has five days to take when baby is born, but the rest will be annual leave, which if baby will be in hospital a while, he would like to save until its time to come home.
5. Can I ring and check up on LO when I'm not there, I know I'm going to worry so much.
6. How do you cope with all the uncertainty? I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster just the last few days, and it all seems like so much to deal with right now.
7. Is there a gestation that we really want to aim for to give LO the best chance once they are here?

I hope nobody minds me asking, and if its ok, I'm sure I will be back asking more again soon. Thank you all, so much. xxx
Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy. Obviously you have lots of questions that you want answers to. I will do my best to help.

My baby was born at 33+5 weighing 5lb 1oz. He spent 3 weeks in neonatal.

1. I bought a Madela breast pump to use at home and used the hospital ones when I was there. The hospital gave me bottles to store the milk in and they stored all the milk that I expressed. When it was time for Thomas to come home, I had about 30 bottles of milk to take home from the hospital freezer as I had been expressing more than he needed.

2. I was able to hold my baby after delivery for a few minutes and then he was taken off to neonatal. My husband was able to go with the baby as I didn't want him going alone.

3. In my neonatal unit, parents were allowed to visit at any time, except for when the doctors were doing their rounds (for a couple of hours every morning). We could stay as long as we wanted. Grandparents were only allowed to visit on certain days however, for an hour at a time.

4. We were very lucky on this count as my OH is a teacher and my baby was born on 20th July (the last week of term) so he then had a 6 week summer holiday. This meant that we had Thomas home for 3 weeks before he had to go back to work.

5. You are able to phone the neonatal ward at any time for an update on how LO is doing. They will of course call you if there are any changes.

6. As for how you cope, everyone is different. Sometimes I felt that I really wasn't coping at all. The best advice is probably to try and stay positive and focus on the little things that show you that your LO is getting stronger and closer to coming home. And if you need to cry, cry.

7. There no specific gestation really. I think that they say after 24 weeks the pregnancy is viable and the baby stands a good chance. Obviously the longer the baby stays inside the better but there are plenty of ladies on this forum who have babies born very prematurely who are doing brilliantly.

I wish you all the best and please come back and ask if you have any more questions. It also might be worth asking your hospital if you could have a tour of the neonatal unit and ask them your questions as every hospital probably does things a bit differently. x
1. How will I go about expressing milk and storing it all?

I hand expressed while in the hospital and they gave me little syringes to express into and then little bottles. I got a pump when I came home and we just kept stocking up on supplies of the bottles at the hospital every time we visited. The hospital kept the milk in the fridge and freezer.

2. Can OH go with baby after delivery so they aren't on their own?

DH stayed with me when Sophie was born as they had to take her immediately to be sorted out (she was only 27 weeks) but he was allowed to go to see her after a couple of hours.

3. Will I be able to visit the baby and spend all day there? Will my Mum be able to come with me if OH is back at work? And is there a latest time you have to leave by in the evening?

In our hospital parents were allowed in from 9am - 10.30pm but they were great at letting me in during the night etc while I was still in hospital and DH used to take the milk in every morning before 9. We were allowed 4 visitors per day apart from DH and me so our parents etc could go too.

4. What did your OH do in regards to work when your baby was in the NICU? Was he there the whole time too, or did he go back to work? OH has five days to take when baby is born, but the rest will be annual leave, which if baby will be in hospital a while, he would like to save until its time to come home.

DH took his 2 weeks paternity leave when Sophie was born but then had to go back to work so he used to just meet me there after work. Eventually he was signed off sick with all the stress but that wasn't till Sophie had been in there 10 weeks.

5. Can I ring and check up on LO when I'm not there, I know I'm going to worry so much.

Yes - they are great, any time of day or night they're happy for you to phone.

6. How do you cope with all the uncertainty? I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster just the last few days, and it all seems like so much to deal with right now.

Somehow you will cope...I found it really really tough the 2 weeks before Sophie was born, after I found out she'd be coming early. To be honest, I was an emotional wreck, but after she was born and we could see for ourselves that she was ok (before she was born it was a case of whether she was going to be born alive), it got much easier.

7. Is there a gestation that we really want to aim for to give LO the best chance once they are here?

Just every day the baby is inside counts...the longer the better really. They told me even every half day. But I know of babies from 23 weeks onwards who have made it. They are little fighters. I know of a few at 24 or 25 weeks, also a few 27 weekers. Have they talked about giving you steroid injections to help mature the baby's lungs?

We are always here to help with any questions you may have - don't just sit at home worrying. I don't know what I'd have done without this section! I didn't even know that so many babies were born prematurely, or that they could even survive. As soon as they started talking about delivery even at 30 weeks, I thought she wouldn't make it, till I came on here and found out how many do, even much earlier than 30 weeks.

Don't be scared to ask anything - we're all here to help.

Thank you so much - Reading all this, and seeing how kind you have both been, has made me abit emotional.

I haven't heard about steroids yet, I have three scans coming up over the next few weeks, then an appointment to discuss it all at 21 weeks, so hopefully will hear more then. Will definately ask about seeing the neonatal unit though. xxx
I'll answer quick but havent read replies (because i need a peeeeeeeeee sorry :rofl:)

1. How will I go about expressing milk and storing it all?
The hospital should have a pump, and get a home pump too. My Medela mini electric was enough to do the job. :)
2. Can OH go with baby after delivery so they aren't on their own?
Totally depends on the situation, in my case it was a no until everything was set up and LO was settled. WHatever happens, trust the nurses, they are amazing
3. Will I be able to visit the baby and spend all day there? Yep, normally! Sometimes they have visiting hours but they often arent strict on parents
Will my Mum be able to come with me if OH is back at work? Yes, but this may be at set visiting hours different to your own. Depends on hospital again. Babies often need peace in neonatal and constant visitors can be a pain for LO and the nurses (honestly)
And is there a latest time you have to leave by in the evening?
In my case, yes, but it wasnt enforced on parents, but definatley enforced on others.
4. What did your OH do in regards to work when your baby was in the NICU? Was he there the whole time too, or did he go back to work? OH has five days to take when baby is born, but the rest will be annual leave, which if baby will be in hospital a while, he would like to save until its time to come home.
My OH did the same, he spent as much time as he could the first few days, then it was back to work. He still visited every day where possible, and it was 2wks annual leave when LO got home
5. Can I ring and check up on LO when I'm not there, I know I'm going to worry so much.
6. How do you cope with all the uncertainty? I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster just the last few days, and it all seems like so much to deal with right now.
Somehow you just do. I cant explain it hun but you will manage!!!
7. Is there a gestation that we really want to aim for to give LO the best chance once they are here?
Katys reply is spot on babe x

We're always gonna be here hun, ive been on this section since the day LO was born and im always always happy to give support, and i guess i speak on behalf of the other regulars in here too. :)

Now pee time!!!

For the first couple of days I hand expressed and once my milk was in I used a breast pump. The hospitals one when I was there and my own when at home. At the hospital I put it straight in the freezer. At home I put it in my own freezer as I had loads in the hospital. You can also put it in your fridge overnight and put it in the hospital freezer the next day.

It will depend on the gestation of the baby. A very early baby they will probably have to wait a few hours.

The first neonatal I was in was 24 hour access for parents. The second was 9-22:30 for parents. Everyone else could only visit at visiting hours. Every Nicu is different so you will need to ask at the hospital.

Our first Nicu was hundreds of miles away as I was hospitalised when away so my oh wasn't in work then. When we transferred closer to home he went back to work and took holidays when she came home.

Yes you can ring 24/7.

It is hard the uncertainty but gradually you get into a routine.

Some hospitals now have viability from 23 weeks others 24. I was in hospital from 21 weeks and they aimed to get me to viability. They ideally wanted me to get to 26 weeks as 23-25 weeks are extreme prematures and chances greatly increase from 26 weeks. I only got to 25+2 though. Every baby is different and unfortunately until they are here it is difficult to determine.

I hope you manage to hold on for many many weeks. Also you won't get the steroids until the baby reaches viability as I didn't get them until 23 weeks.
It has shown up on my scan that I have notching on my umbilical artery, and we have been told that at some stage it is likely that there will no longer be a good enough blood supply to the baby, and the growth will be affected. Once this happens the baby will have to come, as it will be better out than in, but I am very worried about all the unanswered questions I have at the moment, as I was so taken aback at the hospital, I didn't get to ask any, so I was hoping it would be ok to ask a few here? :flower:

I had uterine arterial notching, diagnosed at 21 weeks. My boy Andrew was born by c/section at 29+1 with severe IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction). He is now 15 months old actual, just over a year corrected, and is doing fine! He's small (wearing 3-6m clothing), he's a little delayed developmentally, but he's absolutely fantastic :happydance:

1. How will I go about expressing milk and storing it all?

I was lent a hospital pump whilst Andrew was on NICU, and another by the outreach midwives when he was first discharged. I would take expressed milk into NICU daily when I visited, so storage wasn't really a problem; when he came home, I had one shelf of the freezer dedicated to his spare milk.

2. Can OH go with baby after delivery so they aren't on their own?

After Andrew was delivered, he was taken to a separate team of people in the next theatre, so that he could be ventilated and attached to monitors. Once he was stabilised (breathing on the ventilator) my OH was escorted through to see him for a few minutes, and was allowed to take a photo. My OH then chose to stay with me through recovery and back onto the ward, feeling like I needed his support more than the baby would - the baby was surrounded by medics, whereas I was under the care of a shared midwive.

3. Will I be able to visit the baby and spend all day there? Will my Mum be able to come with me if OH is back at work? And is there a latest time you have to leave by in the evening?

Depends entirely on your NICU. Ask now, before you give birth, so that have time to get accustomed to their arrangements. I could spend all day on our NICU, and I was allowed one visitor with me (max. 2 per incubator). Our NICU actually had a 24hr access policy, the only time you couldn't be by your baby was during doctors' rounds.

4. What did your OH do in regards to work when your baby was in the NICU?

Not a problem in my case, my OH was laid off around the time my pregnancy became high risk, so he could come to all the additional scans as well as visit every day with me.

5. Can I ring and check up on LO when I'm not there, I know I'm going to worry so much.

Yep! Every hour if you wish. It's your baby.

6. How do you cope with all the uncertainty? I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster just the last few days, and it all seems like so much to deal with right now.

You put your faith in yourself, your family, and the medical profession. Everything that can be done to help your baby, will be done.

7. Is there a gestation that we really want to aim for to give LO the best chance once they are here?

The longer the better, that's pretty much all I'd say. I had steroid jabs that stretched me from 28 weeks to 29 weeks, but then he had to make his early appearance as he was better out than in.

If you want to ask anything else, please do so - the premmie thread is wonderful :kiss: and if you want to discuss your arterial notching - which, btw, can go away again leaving you & baby fine - then feel free to send me a message.

PS - There was a tv documentary on in September called "Cherry Has a Baby" - I was the 40yo mum whose baby came prematurely! If you find a copy of that online, you'll be able to see just how small Andrew actually was when born. There are plenty of photos in my story thread here too.
1. How will I go about expressing milk and storing it all?
The hospital where harry was born had a milk kitchen and i would express and store in the fridge and freezer
2. Can OH go with baby after delivery so they aren't on their own?
Im not too sure on this, my husband had to wait like me for a few hours but that might be because of how prem Harry was.

3. Will I be able to visit the baby and spend all day there? Will my Mum be able to come with me if OH is back at work? And is there a latest time you have to leave by in the evening?

I spend all day every day there from 6in the morning to 10 at night, grandadparents were allowed 24/7 just like parents but i think this can depend on each unit.
4. What did your OH do in regards to work when your baby was in the NICU?
Was he there the whole time too, or did he go back to work? OH has five days to take when baby is born, but the rest will be annual leave, which if baby will be in hospital a while, he would like to save until its time to come home.

My husband was lucky and because of our situation his work gave him 8 weeks so he could be there everyday but many dads come in the evening
5. Can I ring and check up on LO when I'm not there, I know I'm going to worry so much.

Ring as much as you like, they understand and wont mind it at all
6. How do you cope with all the uncertainty? I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster just the last few days, and it all seems like so much to deal with right now.

I wish i knew the anwser to this question but even after spending 102 days in hospital, i have no idea but you do x
7. Is there a gestation that we really want to aim for to give LO the best chance once they are here?

As long as you can, i only managed to 24 weeks and 2 days x

Keep us updated and all the best xx
Thank you again girls, the replies have really helped. xxx
Thought I would just pop back and say thank you again, and happily say we are now 32+2, and still cooking away. :happydance: We have our next scan/appointment on thursday, but we are hopeful he can stay in for a little bit longer still.

Thank you all again, you helped so much. xx
Thats fab news 24/7 , not long now! And im sure if u dont need the advice, someone else will find it useful! Xxxx
Just a quick update to say our little man proved everyone wrong, and everything went so much better than we had hoped, and not only did we make it to term, but in the end he didn't decide to put in an appearance until 41 weeks!! :happydance:

Little Samuel was born on Friday 13th, and despite worries about his weight, he was a very healthy 7lbs8oz.

Thank you again for all your advice. :hugs: xx
That is absolutely fantastic news - CONGRATULATIONS :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

(And also quite good news that a pregnancy with arterial notching can then result in a full-term pregnancy!)
congratulations hun :happydance:
1. How will I go about expressing milk and storing it all?

I expressed for 7 weeks and then my milk ran out :( I expressed every 2 hours day and night took what was needed to the hospital and then froze some at home for when Ellie came home

2. Can OH go with baby after delivery so they aren't on their own?

I dont quite remember this and can only go with what Peter has told me, I woke up in high dependancy, I had to be put to sleep as my spinal wore off, Peter came in around 5pmish (Ellie was del at 12.38pm) and he had spent most the day with her.

3. Will I be able to visit the baby and spend all day there? Will my Mum be able to come with me if OH is back at work? And is there a latest time you have to leave by in the evening?

We were allowed in day and night 24/7 which was nice if you woke in the the night and NEEDED to go and see the wee one and we were allowed 3 at the incubator but only 4 diff visitors a day

4. What did your OH do in regards to work when your baby was in the NICU? Was he there the whole time too, or did he go back to work? OH has five days to take when baby is born, but the rest will be annual leave, which if baby will be in hospital a while, he would like to save until its time to come home.

Peter had to go back to work and we also had Mia so I would go in in the morning head home for the school run Peter would come in from work then we would head up or he would meet me there or I would just go in all day and Peter would take the day off for Mia

5. Can I ring and check up on LO when I'm not there, I know I'm going to worry so much.

You can cal ANYTIME as MANY times as you like

6. How do you cope with all the uncertainty? I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster just the last few days, and it all seems like so much to deal with right now.

We were told at the 20 week scan she wasnt growing properly and that we needed further detailed scanning. We were told that Ellie had pacauds syndrome or Edwards syndrome and wouldnt survive more that 1 hour to 3 month after birth if she made it to the end of pregnancy and were advised to terminate but we done an amnio and her chromosomes were fine, we were scanned twice a week and were told from week 24 Ellie would be delivered any day we got to week 33 and in the end it was a placenta problem where the blood flow was decreasing

7. Is there a gestation that we really want to aim for to give LO the best chance once they are here?

we were told every day was a bonus and our aim was 30 weeks

Have they talked about steriod injections I had them in the bum ouchy lol at week 24 4 jags over 2 days and they made me glow red lol and then I had them the night before they planned to del Ellie

Also ask for a tour of the neonatal unit its not as scary as you think it will be and the staff at our hospital were FAB

Any question just ask us all xx
I had IUGR from placenta problems and my baby was born at 33+5 weighing 3 lbs 10 oz. I was able to get one round of steroids for his lungs before they took him. I also had HELLP so they couldn't wait another day for 2nd steroid shot.

I didn't BF so I can't answer your ?s on that. But they do encourage it at the hospital.

In my case, I wasn't able to see my baby in the delivery room. They were busy working on him and all that good stuff. My husband and our parents were able to visit him in the nicu the day he was born though. He was in an incubator but they were able to reach in and touch him. I wasn't able to go see him until the next day bc of HELLP issues.

We live very close to the hospital and DH is in sales so he is able to make his own schedule. Once I was released, we came up as often as we could to visit.

We tried to come around feeding times so we could feed him (once his feeding tube was out). Our NICU let us come whenever but the first few weeks the baby was sleeping constantly. He had to be woken up to eat. So I didn't stay up there all day. But I could have. At first while he was in the incubator I wasn't able to hold him for very long bc he couldn't keep his body temp up outside of it. Once he was in a crib in the nicu I came more often bc I was able to hold him.

You will cope. It's one of the hardest things you'll ever go through but you will find the strength to get through it.

I called multiple times a day to check on him. They don't mind at all.

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