Please Help - Dates...?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2012
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Hey Ladies

Well we have been trying for almost 3 years and Monday just gone (13th Oct) i got my BFP!!! (Total shock!)

Right so here comes the difficult bit.... I have PCOS and my cycles are not great, so i need some help figuring how far along i am...

BTW on Monday when i got my BFP i did the test mid-afternoon after holding my pee only for 20 mins, so it was way diluted and came up completely instantly and very strong.

So these are my cycle dates - August month - Period was 1st to 5th.
No idea when i ovulated or anything else.

September month - Period was 4th to 8th - again dont know when i ovulated etc.

Now the reason i took a test on Monday 13th Oct was because the night before i was crampy, i was very emotional, and i was eating some ready salted crisps and they tasted weird and i had a strange taste in my mouth and felt nausea, so this clicked and i took the test.

So with all that in mind, today is the 18th Oct, i have been crampy, not sleeping and nauseas.

But as i have PCOS i am petrified of the worst....:(

I have my midwife on Thursday for first app and screening tests, then i will get a scan date...

So my question - do we think i am 6 weeks gone or 11? Going by my symptoms, dates etc.

Sorry for all the text, just need some help please ladies, i cant wait another 3 weeks until a scan, going out of my mind, just want to know a little more whats going on.

Please dont read and run - Thanks ladies much love! x
Sounds like you're closer to 6 weeks!
This is what I got from just knowing the dates of your two cycles. It's a huge guess and if you have a normal 2 week LP.


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To me it sounds like you are probably six weeks gone but at the same time with my first I actually didn't know I was pregnant until start of second tri because I did have light bleeding at the start of my pregnancy and I just assumed it was a period :dohh: if you want to be sure maybe take a clear blue test that tells you the weeks? I've never actually used one myself so I'm not sure how far the weeks go on it if that makes sense? Haha , congrats btw :flower:
Aw thanks hun, the only reason i wasnt sure if it was longer, was because my cycles are not at all regular and because i thought my symptoms were perhaps a little advanced for 6 weeks.

But this is my first baby, so no idea.

To be honest i was kind of hoping it would be longer, as i petrified becuase of my problems, so i just want to hurry up and have a scan, to see if so far everything is okay - but if i am only 6 weeks, there wont be much to see.

Also my work trousers are tight already, is that normal so early on?

Hey thanks yes i did consider a Clear blue, but then i read that it only goes up to 4 weeks+, so unfortunately wont be much help :(

Damn it, i wish there was just a way of knowing right awa if everything is okay x
Hey thanks yes i did consider a Clear blue, but then i read that it only goes up to 4 weeks+, so unfortunately wont be much help :(

Damn it, i wish there was just a way of knowing right awa if everything is okay x

I know it's easy to say but of try not worry yourself too much! I'm actually the same myself just now with overthinking and worrying because I had a fall last night and even though the doctor says he's not concerned at all because I fell on my hands and knees I just can't help being a bit paranoid :dohh: but like he said if you've had no unusual pain or no heavy bleeding you should be fine! And same goes for you! I mean discomfort at this time is very normal and even some light bleeding (found that out with my first) but as long as it's just that it's fine and if you have none of that even better because you have nothing to try worry about :p :hugs:
Oh ps just realised what PCOS actually means :dohh: poly cystic ovary syndrome right? If so my best friend actually has that and her and her partner where trying several years and where actually starting to think about other options when they finally got their :bfp: and her pregnancy went fine and now they have a happy healthy two and a half year old son :flower:
Thank you Sarah

Fingers crossed everything i alright for you hun!

I think its just because it has taken so long and because i have something wrong, i just wish i was further and closer to that 12 week mark (the so called 'slightly' safer zone haha) i just want to have the scan and see our baby is all okay.

I am just being paranoid i suppose, but i need something to hold on to....

Things dont usually go right for us, and im scared of the worst.

Originally we thought i was 8 weeks right now but the dates were wrong and it only seems im 6 weeks, which has torn me in half, cause i just feel further away from finding out all will be okay (well so far).

Do you get what i mean?

I totally understand me and oh have literally had the worst luck over the past few years and when ever something good does happen its kind of hard to believe! :haha: my last pregnancy got us through a really hard time tbh and looks like this one might be the same so it's just the thought of something going wrong (especially since I fell) is just unbearable to think about! Yes I know I want my scan right now! And I only found out two weeks ago haha it just doesn't seem real till the scan to me I dunno, but I know what I'm like as soon as I get the scan I'm okay for a bit then I get all paranoid untill they check the heartbeat regularly! :dohh: but as soon as I feel baby move for the first te the worrying eases off a bit! Haha so hopefully you will be the same! It's funny I thought when I was pregnant with Kian that when he was out of my tummy and safe the worry would stop ... How wrong was I :haha: I think it's something all Mummy's and expectant Mummys do! As long as it doesn't take over your whole life and thoughts its all good haha :flower:
Can you not get a private dating scan to confirm? Actually, you might get one on the nhs just to confirm your dates as you're really not sure. Worth a shot anyway. If you're wanting an NT scan you'll need to go with your earlier due date because if it is right and you went with the later one baby would be too big for that particular scan. Not sure if it's offered at all where you are, though.
Hey hun

Sorry for late reply, internet was playing up, no i cant get an early scan, have to wait until the midwife app on Thursday and then i will get a letter a few days after in the post with the date of my scan.

Really wish time would just fly, really really not sleeping, keep waking up so much during the night....

Feel totally drained all the time.

Really wish i was further along, i know there are no guarantees but being that little bit further would put my mind at ease a little. x

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