First off, welcome to the family that no one wants to be in.
Second: Yes, he'll be bullied. I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I can't with a straight face. Bright side? Often us autistics don't REALIZE we're being bullied, and believe it or not, that often makes it much easier to deal with. I have some horrible bullying stories from childhood that I didn't realize what was happening till years later... and that made life much easier at the time.
Third: How he'll do in life depends on a great many things... how severe is he? What kind of early interventions can he get? How are you reacting as parents? (I've seen far too many parents induce live long anxieties and depressions from their behavior towards their child... please don't be one of them.) What kind of expectations do you have from your child?
My dad is autistic, was diagnosed in 1959. His doctor suggested they institutionalize him and move on with life, and my Oma refused. He's had the same stable job for 22 years, has been married to my stepmom for 18 years, raised two decent children (IMO!
) and has lived independently nearly his whole life.
I'm aspie. I'm happily married, one son already, another child on the way. I hold a job, pay my bills, etc. I have a small circle of friends I like, and I'm happy with life.
My 13 year old son is autistic. And I have every hope and dream of him doing the same as my dad and I. Might take him more work than it takes the average NT kid... but he can do it.
I have faith!
Good luck to you!