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Jan 21, 2010
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Since 6:55pm I've had about 7 Braxton hicks/contractions. I'm not feeling any pain, only a lot of pressure like I'm going to bust out the baby. My last one came during my warm bath. 4 of them came 10 mins back to back starting at 6:55. Then they came different times since then. I've been bouncing on a ball off and on since then too. Last one lasted about 30 seconds. Just had one more as I type this and it's about 8-9mins ago since the last one. They were lasting about a min or min and half and now only about a min or less. What do u think this is?
If they're not painful. Then it's just your body preparing for birth. How far along are you?
I just don't remember having this many with my previous pregnancies
This was my labor until I was 5 minutes apart when they turned into painful, true contractions, but by the time I made it to the hospital 10 minutes away (made it out of the house about 10 minutes after the real ones got going), I was 9cm.

I could time mine. They started 7 minutes apart, then moved to 5, then they stopped for a bit. When they picked up again, they were true contractions (knock-you-on-your-butt contractions :haha:). Make sure you are hydrated, fed, and keep changing positions. If they are still coming with some regularity, I'd give L&D a call. It never hurts, and they always say that they'd rather talk to you about a false alarm than miss something :shrug:. With my past, this is exactly what I'm looking for this time to tell me things are coming up. :thumbup: Hopefully, this is it for you!!!
This was my labor until I was 5 minutes apart when they turned into painful, true contractions, but by the time I made it to the hospital 10 minutes away (made it out of the house about 10 minutes after the real ones got going), I was 9cm.

I could time mine. They started 7 minutes apart, then moved to 5, then they stopped for a bit. When they picked up again, they were true contractions (knock-you-on-your-butt contractions :haha:). Make sure you are hydrated, fed, and keep changing positions. If they are still coming with some regularity, I'd give L&D a call. It never hurts, and they always say that they'd rather talk to you about a false alarm than miss something :shrug:. With my past, this is exactly what I'm looking for this time to tell me things are coming up. :thumbup: Hopefully, this is it for you!!!

Thanks. I have decided to rest and lay down on the couch for a bit. It's been 20mins and nothing so far. Just a little back ache starting. With my second I had the Braxton hicks for like 2hrs then they started getting painful and it was labor. But don't recall having so many of the bh.
Oh, no problem!!! Take care!! If you can sleep or nap, that is a wonderful idea. It's tough when your mind gets you all excited, wondering, "is this it?"

I'm so excited! Keep us posted either way :)
I will update :) and yes I'm so ready. Looking forwards to the pain then I'll know it's time!! Lol
Sorry, I missed your "what do you mean by regularity" comment. I just mean, if they are coming at timed intervals. If you can put a stop clock to them and are finding they are coming every ____ minutes and lasting _____ seconds, then that could be the real deal for you (as it was for me). :)
Sounds like something could be happening for you.

Best of luck, keep us updated :)
Ooh good luck . :) I was same last night only mine actually hurt to coming every 7 to 5 mins . Then just disappeared . But lost a massive amount of plug at 4am .
Sounds like body getting ready. Ive had painful Bh at 4-8min apart for over 3hrs, 3 times now. Baby is a tease lol
So the bh went away. I just woke up about 920 to leaking fluid. I woke up with pee or water comming out when I kinda coughed or cleared my throat. I got straight outta bed. Went to bathroom my pantiliner was soaked and some of my panty. It was sordA like a off colored slime on liner and yellow but didn't really smell like pee? Think it was my water? I took a shower in case it was. And put a pad on. But nothing else so far, I was having a big cramp but went to #2 and it went away. Do u think it's my water or peed myself?
That sounds like water to me. Looks like things might be starting for you :)
It sounds like your water. I've heard it is sweet smelling, if that helps. But if you think it is your water, I've been told to contact them right away. They will want to make sure you and baby are ok. They will want to make sure you are progressing, as once your water goes, they want labor to initiate before the 48 hour mark. I could totally be wrong, but that is definitely one of the reasons I've been told to call. "If you water breaks, you call!" were the exact words of L&D last time I was in :D

It sounds good!!!
We'll I haven't had no more leakage, just a bloody show. Less than 12contractions since 930. Decided to get up and walk around a few stores to see if I can't get things to progress a little more. Then bounce on my ball. Will call drs at 5pm regardless tho. Thnks. Will update.
We'll I was in labor! It started back about 6pm. Contractions were 2-5mins apart. Arrived at hospital I was 6cm at 9pm. They took me to my room where I got my epideral and hooked up to Iv. As soon as I got my epideral my water broke. Epideral only worked on half my body. I felt it. At midnight i was ready to push and it only took me two pushes. No rips or tears and super fast delivery. Doctor was amazed! 8.8 and full head of hair. The birthing ball did wonders! He. Was practically on his way out before pushing since he was so low.

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