Please please answer these questions about your 6-10month olds naps!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Following my other thread needing advice about my LO who never naps in the day and ends up an overtired screaming banshee by the end of the day I thought I'd see what all you other ladies do and see if I can pinch some tips. Thanks to all who replied in my thread, got some great tips.

Please please answer even if you don't think you do anything that would help me cos that little thing you do without thinking about might be the thing I need!!



Baby age -
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps -
Time + length of each nap -
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do-
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) -
If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired -
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) -
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps -
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? -
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. -
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night -
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own -
Any other tips -

Thank you very much ladies, sure some of the stuff in there will really help me. Thanks :)
Following my other thread needing advice about my LO who never naps in the day and ends up an overtired screaming banshee by the end of the day I thought I'd see what all you other ladies do and see if I can pinch some tips. Thanks to all who replied in my thread, got some great tips.

Please please answer even if you don't think you do anything that would help me cos that little thing you do without thinking about might be the thing I need!!



Baby age - 1, but I'll give you our 7 month routine.

Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - Yes, 3 hours after wakeup x 2 (so 8:30 or 9am, and then 1pm).

Time + length of each nap - 1.5-2 hours each

Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- Swaddle (now sleep sack), dark room, aquarium water noise, feed in rocking chair, down awake, turn on aquarium music.

Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) -Now, self settles to the music.

If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - At first, yes. That changed a round 8 months

Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - Yes and no. I repeated my routine over and over for a MONTH until he got it. No crying.

Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - We come home for naps. Some babies nap out & about, mine never has and never will.

If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? -
No dummy

Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - Swaddle, music

If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night -Good napper, not great at at night, he is high needs

If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - It took a month consistent

Any other tips - JMO as another reflux mom, some babies are very resistent to sleep because they have aversions to it (ie the acid pains). Repeat, repeat, repeat. I firmly believe you do not have to leave a baby to cry but if you give it a good couple of weeks/months of solid GOOD sleep associations, you can expect improvement. But I don't expect perfection or even "fantastic", just "okay", I believe they will do so when ready.

Thank you very much ladies, sure some of the stuff in there will really help me. Thanks :)

Baby age - 9.5 months old
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - Yes
Time + length of each nap - One hour ... 10.30amish and 2pmish
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- No
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - Self settles, sleeps with a bottle
If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - No
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - No
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - He is very easy going and will just go with the flow, if it means missing a nap then so be it
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - No dummy
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - Nothing
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - Good napper and now STTN
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - Always been a good napper.

Hope this helps :flow:
Baby age -8.5month
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - between 10-11am then again about 2pm
Time + length of each nap - 2+hours in a morning, 30mins to 1hr in afternoon
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- no real routine, just lay him on the sofa with his dummy (with me sat next to him) then move him to his cot when he falls asleep.
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - just has his dummy and my phone playing music.
If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - /
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - /
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - no not always if we are in the car he's sleeps most of the car journey
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - nope, usually he drops it when he's fully asleep
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - just my music on my phone
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - sleeps through 9pm-7am
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - he used to nap down stairs and would only have about 30mins-1hour, has much longer now I'v put him in his cot.
Any other tips -
Baby age - 6 months
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - We follow a regular pattern but it's not set in stone.. if hes not tired, I don't put him down.
Time + length of each nap - 9-9:30, 12-12:30, 3:00-4:00 (bed at 7)
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- Breastfeed til he's drowsy, dummy in, into cot, falls asleep.
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - I only breastfeed til he drowsy, but not asleep.
If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - No
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - No
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - Generally sticks to the same routine, probably takes shorter naps though, cause he's nosey.
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - No, he doesn't notice if he drops it.. or doesnt care.
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - Nope
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - He's only Just started taking an hour nap in the afternoon, before that it was a bunch of 20-30 min naps. He's not a good sleeper at night, wakes every 2-3 hours but thats cause his skin is itchy from eczema :( when his skin clears up though, his sleep significantly inproves
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - I used to try and have him in a proper routine and get him to nap every 2 hours but found that I'd usually either have an overtired baby, or a wide awake baby. Now i just watch for signs he's tired.
Baby age - 6 months
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - yes
Time + length of each nap - 9am for approx 1 hour and 12pm for approx 1.5 hours. (although this will probably slightly changed now I am starting her on solids!)Occasionally 4pm too. I get her up from the naps once she starts making noises and having a little moan!
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- Not really, she rubs her eyes just before nap time usually so I know she is tired. Even if she doesn't I try to stick to the set times (give or take 15 mins) as I like to keep her in a routine!
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - self settles. I put her in her cot in her sleeping bag and put her mobile on (which she isnt really bothered about to be honest), then leave her to it! Sometimes she has a moan for 10 mins but then nods off!
If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - n/a
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - No.
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - Usually sleeps when in pushchair for long periods. I've also got a u.v sun blind for the pushchair which helps her sleep when out as its nice & dark!
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - She doesn't use a dummy
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - No just make sure she naps with the blinds down if at home!
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - Yes she sleeps from 7pm till 7:30am approx (sometimes later sometimes slightly earlier)
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - n/a
Any other tips - If I think of any I will let you know!
Baby age - 7 months

Do you put your baby down at set times for naps -No. I put him down when he's tired. But that is roughly once he's been awake 3 hours.
Time + length of each nap - 9am-ish for an hour, 1pm-ish for half to an hour, 5pm ish for half an hour. Not every day is the same. Some days he'll nap once, others 3 times.

Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- No routine really. I see the signs he's tired so he either goes straight in his cot or on the sofa next to me with his dummy and a muslin to stroke, depending on how tired he is.

Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) -He self settles now, but never used to. I had to rock, sing, feed...allsorts for a long time.

If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired -N/A

Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - None.

Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps -He'll nap anywhere when he's tired.

If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? -Sometimes. I can usually put it back in and he'll go to sleep.

Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. -We did use wave+heartbeat noise for a long time but don't need to now....unless it's noisy outside or there is drilling work going on downstairs (happens a lot! :lol:)

If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night -I find the more he naps during the day, the better he sleeps at night. He's getting better with his naps and his sleeping at night. It wasn't always like this!

If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - He was a very poor napper, up until a month ago. I didn't change anything, just natural progression I think. He refused to sleep, a lot. So I either put him in his bouncer to drift off or on the sofa. Now, he'll fall asleep anywhere, if he's tired.

Any other tips -I find if I put him in his cot once he's asleep, he sleeps longer than if I leave him on the sofa or bouncer.
Following my other thread needing advice about my LO who never naps in the day and ends up an overtired screaming banshee by the end of the day I thought I'd see what all you other ladies do and see if I can pinch some tips. Thanks to all who replied in my thread, got some great tips.

Please please answer even if you don't think you do anything that would help me cos that little thing you do without thinking about might be the thing I need!!



Baby age -
7 months on Thursday
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - I am baby led on naps - I watch for her sleep clues, but they are at similar times - usually 2 hours from waking from the previous sleep/nap
Time + length of each nap - Usually a total of 4 hours worth of naps a day, shortest being 1 hour and longest 2 hours.
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do-I watch for Violets sleep cues which are yawning, rubbing eyes and ears so as soon as she does this I walk upstairs, put her in the cot surrounded by her cuddly toys and blankie, put her dummy in, switch on her Slumber Bear sound box and her Angelcare monitor and leave the room. Sometimes I also switch on her lullaby that plays for 15mins
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - self settles at all naps and at night
If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired -
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - no, just followed Violets sleep cues. Up until about 5.5 months she used to only sleep for 30mins at a time but suddenly she decided she wanted to sleep longer. This also coincided with starting solids and me putting up black out blinds in her nursery...
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps -She is in such a good routine that I try and be home for naps whenever possible
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? -no, she might cry out if it falls out before she falls asleep and Ill go and put it back in but it doesnt wake her if it falls out while she is asleep. She can also reach out and put it back in now too
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. -white noise - a Prince Lionheart Slumber Bear
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night -Yes - usually 7pm approx until 7am but she will normally lie in her cot in the mornings playing with her soft toys for a good 45mins! :)
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own -It started improving when she was about 5.5 months, around the same time she started on solids and I put up black out blinds in her nursery... dont know if its coincidence or not but she used to be a rubbish napper and now shes ACE! :happydance:
Any other tips -

Thank you very much ladies, sure some of the stuff in there will really help me. Thanks :)

Hope the above helps!
I have a pretty poor napper aswell, but here's our info anyway:

Baby age -4 months 2 weeks

Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - I put her down after she's been awake for roughly 2 hours, or when she starts rubbing her eyes

Time + length of each nap -Usually only 30 mins occassionally 50 mins
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- I hold LO and walk her around the house, finishing with walking round her room with curtains shut

Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) -She self settles after about 10 mins of crying / grissling. Occassionall longer so I have to go up and pat her tummy and say shhh nap time"

If fed to sleep does you"r baby refuses feeds when not tired -Do not feed LO to sleep

Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - Yes, we did a sort of controlled crying, with going back in every 10 mins or before if her crying was more distressed. I refused to get her back out of her cot until she'd had a nap (unless it was feed time)

Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps -If we're out walking she'll nap in her pushchair, but if we're at someone's house she will not nap and gets really tired and grumpy.

If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? -Doesn't use one

Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. -LO hated being swaddled and hated grobags, but has now got used to her grobag and sees it as part of the nap routine.

If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night -Bad napper but sleeps 11 hours at night.

If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own -We did the controlled crying in her cot

Any other tips -I would say try to stick to one method for a little while to give it a chance to work. In the early days I kept trying different things too quickly and I think it made LO more unsettled.
Have you tried the pram, pushing to sleep, my lo always naps after a feed, sometimes we play a soft music cd or she falls asleep in her chair watching club house disney, maybe lay cushions on the floor with a blanket on and lay with her, one thats never failed is the hair dryer, know it sounds mad, but after a bath lo i put her in her cot while i dry my hair, and by time im done shes fast a sleep, noise must soothe her lol, imnot saying blast the hair dryer, but find what works for your lo, she has a dummy and no doesnt wake up if it falls out, but when she does wake, she grabs it and puts it in herself.
Thanks everyone, picking up a good few tips here, thinking I may stay in for the rest of the week and start a proper routine!! Keep answers coming :)

Have you tried the pram, pushing to sleep, my lo always naps after a feed, sometimes we play a soft music cd or she falls asleep in her chair watching club house disney, maybe lay cushions on the floor with a blanket on and lay with her, one thats never failed is the hair dryer, know it sounds mad, but after a bath lo i put her in her cot while i dry my hair, and by time im done shes fast a sleep, noise must soothe her lol, imnot saying blast the hair dryer, but find what works for your lo, she has a dummy and no doesnt wake up if it falls out, but when she does wake, she grabs it and puts it in herself.

Yep!!! She will push to sleep but wakes as soon as I stop for even a second! I bought an electronic pram rocker (yes those exist) but it doesn't have the same effect as it doesn't push as fast as I do!! I used to leave the hairdryer running (i'm surprised it didn't blow up) when she was younger to get her to nod off but it doesn't work now!

Lol im not the only one then, try the hoover next :rofl: i dont rly know what to suggest hun, i have no problems settling my lo, apart from when she sometimes fights her sleep, and i just stroke her head shhhhh, and give her the snuggle blanket which she brings up to the side of her face, maybe try sing to her, or sit her next to you on the coach for a bit then lower her on the cushion, see if she falls a sleep next to you, or bath her afternoon, feed then try nap her, stand and swaddle, go for a walk with the pram, what time does she go down of a night, and when does she wake, hope it helps gl :)
Megan is now 1 1/2 but at that age she had 2 naps a day. Well 3 naps until 7mo but those were too short. When I made her stay awake for a bit longer in the am & made her stick to a routine it helped her napping and day a lot. I would also watch tired cues - but she would generally have a nap midmorning around the same time & then around 1:30-2pm. She would sleep for 45min-2 hrs each nap(typically 1 shorter & 1 longer but it wasnt always the same nap that was longer).
She always has napped in her room- in her crib (cot uk), in the dark, whitenoise on, sleepsack on. At that age we would go in her room, change diaper, put sleepsack on, drink bottle while I rocked, then read books (or vice versa -sometimes books first). But I found it was better to let her stomach settle w/ the books before laying her down or she would wake up crying w/ stuck air. If she was having lots of trouble settling I would do pupd - but she was usually tired enough but not overtired and napped easily. She slept ok at night but liked to fight bedtime(usually waking 1 time a night?) until 11months when she was having a horrible time w/ all sleeping. We did cc at 13 months & also at that time switched to 1 nap & since then she is a fantastic sleeper & sttn. We now do the same sort of nap routine but no bottle just books & sleepsack in her dark bedroom. Megan has a pacifier but it doesnt affect her if it falls out. She typically sleeps without it once actually asleep - she uses it more to fall asleep.

ATA: She has never slept well anywhere but her own crib. She wont sleep unless its dark - once in a while in the car she will sleep if she's exhausted - she never has slept in a stroller while out & about.
Lol im not the only one then, try the hoover next :rofl: i dont rly know what to suggest hun, i have no problems settling my lo, apart from when she sometimes fights her sleep, and i just stroke her head shhhhh, and give her the snuggle blanket which she brings up to the side of her face, maybe try sing to her, or sit her next to you on the coach for a bit then lower her on the cushion, see if she falls a sleep next to you, or bath her afternoon, feed then try nap her, stand and swaddle, go for a walk with the pram, what time does she go down of a night, and when does she wake, hope it helps gl :)

Haha, it's worked!!! I have 8 hours of hoover sounds from youtube playing and she's gone to sleep, hope it keeps her sleeping for longer!! I have it on the laptop at the nursery door so now I'm sitting on the floor so I can still use the laptop haha!

Depending on how tired she is she goes down anytimes from 6.30-7.30 and sleeps all night, usually until between 7-8 although she'll wake around 5 and then up for the day around 6 if she's really overtired.

DaisyBee, thanks for the tips, I have just started a similar pre-nap routine which is working! xx
Baby age -

6.5 months

Do you put your baby down at set times for naps -

Not set times, but usually 2.5hrs after he last woke up...ish!

Time + length of each nap -

Usually has 45min-1hr in the morning at about 8.30/45 and 1.5hrs after lunch at about 12.15ish. Might have 10mins in the car at 3/4pm when i'm driving home from somewhere.

Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do-

He tends to not bother yawning anymore! sometimes the odd eye rub but I know the time when he needs to go down (actually now its after breakfast and lunch!). I take him into the nursery with the lights off (blackout blind on) and put white noise on and I change his nappy, then sit and tell him a story or sing twinkle twinkle. Then after a few mind put him in his sleeping bag and turn the lullaby projector on, kiss him and say 'time for a snoozle' and leave.

Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) -

He will watch the projector for a bit, then he'll cry sometimes, not always, but it's moaning and intermittent so I don't go in. I only go in if he gets worked up and prolonged crying. He's always fallen asleep by the time the projector has finished (10mins) when I go and check on him.

If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - N/A
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) -

Evan used to only sleep on me until 4 months old being constantly walked or rocked to sleep. Then I got fed up and started double swaddling him and doing up to an hour of pu/pd/shh/pat sort of palava using a dummy to help him just go over to sleep. It eventually worked and we did this for 6/7 weeks. Then he started rolling and kept getting tangled in the swaddle so I had to put him in the sleeping bag. Later that week I put him down with the projector on which I didn't used to do and while I was sorting the washing out he cried but by the time i'd finished the washing he'd fallen asleep!! Its been like it ever since. I think he just did it when he was ready.

Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps -

He NEVER slept in the pram/in a class etc. Would sleep in the car if going fast enough. About the same time as he started self settling he started to nod off in the pram...not for long, only 20mins but it's a start!

If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? -

I haven't used a dummy in weeks now, he only ever had it to get him to nap, never at night but once he could self settle, i've never used it.

Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. -

Still use white noise, helps set the scene and protect from house noise waking him up.

If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night -

Sleep 7-6.15am with a dreamfeed at 11pm. I went through 2 months of HELL at night over the 4month sleep regression. Thankfully, it's all sorted now.

If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own -

I've already answered this above. Evan was horrific....He would fight sleep tooth and nail and now I spend less than 5 mins doing his routine and leave him to it!

Any other tips -

Thank you very much ladies, sure some of the stuff in there will really help me. Thanks :)[/QUOTE]

Hope that helps, i'm sure there is an element of them doing it when they are ready but routine and consistency I think also plays a big part. xx
Baby age - almost 1, but I can just about remember the 6-10 month bit : )

Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - no, I didn't; we did the EASY plan, so it was naptime when she'd been awake for a certain length of time - around 2 hours at 6 months, I think, and 3 hours by 10 months.

Time + length of each nap - times as above. duration generally 1-2 hours, twice a day.

Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- I sat down on the couch, put her on my left arm with her dodi in, put my laptop within reach of my right hand and away we went : )

Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - She self settled but always on me!

If fed to sleep does your baby refuses feeds when not tired - she never fed to sleep.

Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - no. I put up with sitting under her for all her naps until she turned 7 months and decided the cot wasn't so bad after all. It wasn't easy (I'd have cracked up without my laptop!) but I couldn't have done sleep training and I'm glad now that I had all those cuddles. I sort of miss them now.

Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - yes, she'll sleep in the car or the buggy if necessary (or even in someone else's house if she's really wrecked)

If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - occasionally. she's getting better about that though.

Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - just me (these days she has to have a teddy against the side of her face that used to be against me)

If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - reasonably. she has always gone down easily at 7 but even now still needs a bottle most nights at about 3am.

If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - I kept trying her in the cot, maybe every week or so. It never worked. Then one weekend (the day before my birthday!) she just went to sleep when I put her in it, and slept for 2 hours. I can't begin to describe how happy that made me, it was the best birthday present EVER :happydance: She has slept in her cot ever since. It wasn't anything I did, I think she just grew up and was more able to nap on her own.

Any other tips - don't stress about it. it gets easier as they get older. I know that's not much consolation now but soon enough it'll click into place and you'll forget the awfulness : )
Baby age - 6 months-8 months
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - yes - 2 naps
Time + length of each nap - 11am (1-2 hours) and 4pm (30min-1hour)
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- for the 11am nap, hed have breakfast (oatmeal at 10am) then play time till 10:45am,then itd be diaper change, lights off, pat back put down awake, turn on projector and leave room. for the afternoon nap hed have diaper change and bottle at 3:45pm, in crib at 4pm, pat back, put down, turn on projector and leave.
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) -self settle
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - i did PickUp PutDown, for naps and bedtime. worked a treat, has done since he was 4 months.
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - I tend to try and organize the things we do so that we are home in time for his naps
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - i use a teddy blanket, if he drops it h can grab it himself. he tends to hold suck/suck it.
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - just the night light projector thing, it puts an image on the ceiling above his crib and plays either lullabys or wave noises.
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - yes, hed wake once a night at about 5am and have a bottle and go back to sleep till 7/8am
If your baby was a poor napper when did it improve, did you have to do anything or did naps improve on their own - he used to only sleep on me or swaddled, and if i put him down hed instantly start screaming. i got rid of the swaddle stopped putting him down asleep, and stopped letting him fall asleep on me.

Baby age - 9-10.5 months
Do you put your baby down at set times for naps - yes 1 nap
Time + length of each nap - 11am - 30mins-1.5hours
Do you have pre-nap routine and describe EXACTLY what you do- breakfast at 10am, play time, 10:45am, diaper change, kisses and cuddles for daddy, int he crib awake, projector on, i leave room.
Does baby self settle or get rocked/fed/other to sleep (describe what happens) - self settles
Did you have to do any sleep training for naps (if so, what did you do and how long did it take?) - PUPD, it originally took about 10 days to get it smoothed out, but i started to notice a difference after about 2 days.
Will your baby stick to the same routine and naps when out and about or do you have to come home for naps - we're normally home for his nap.
If your baby uses a dummy do they wake up halfway through naps if dropped? - he has his teddy blanket to hold
Anything else like swaddling, white noise etc. - wave noises from projector
If your baby is a good napper do they also sleep well at night - yes
Little Man is 8 months old

he has 2 naps a day, generally at 10am & 2.30pm, they can last anywhere from 45 mins too 2.5 hours!

He has a booby feed about 1 hour before his nap, we then have some playtime, the I change his nappy, we go upstairs, I put him into his sleeping bag, we then lay on the bed with just the touch lamp on low, we read a story too relax him, then when we have finished we sing twinkle twinkle, I then give him a kiss, lay him in his cot, tell him 'sleep well baby boy' turn light off and leave, he generally rolls over and goes straight too sleep

If he isn't totally relaxed he will fuss a little but I just go in, rub his back and he settles straight down :)

He doesn't have a dummy or get swaddled

He still feeds twice in the night, but thats ok as he has a dairy & soya allergy so often has trouble properly absorbing his food so needs extra top up's in the night

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