May ♡ testing thread

Never got af today so hope it means my cycles are back to normal. Was getting so sick of getting af a week early since having covid again on March 3rd. Not counting my chickens just yet. Will test again in the morning. Guessing 8dpo.

Good luck @Pink.Rose and @ChibiLena looks like we are the only ones testing right now. Keep me updated on how you both are doing.
Never got af today so hope it means my cycles are back to normal. Was getting so sick of getting af a week early since having covid again on March 3rd. Not counting my chickens just yet. Will test again in the morning. Guessing 8dpo.

Good luck @Pink.Rose and @ChibiLena looks like we are the only ones testing right now. Keep me updated on how you both are doing.

If nit back to normal then hopefully getting there at least! Or better yet, expecting!
I'm new here but just got my BFP today,this is my fourth...kinda scared this go round,my youngest is 4 so it's been awhile! Much love to everyone and baby dust to all!
Congratulations angel!

Nightflower, good news af hasn't arrived let's hope cycles have regulated and it turns into a bfp
Congratulations angel!

Nightflower, good news af hasn't arrived let's hope cycles have regulated and it turns into a bfp
I'm praying so hard I get a bfp sticky of course ❤
Good morning (or afternoon or evening, wherever you are). Soooo, I took a nap yesterday. A nap! Slept for a solid 1 1/2 hours. Either I am coming down with something serious or I am indeed pregnant. Still not testing though.
CD 36 and AF has not shown. None of my usual PMS symptoms. Instead, whitish cm every day and very tender in my pelvis, especially in the mornings. Get tired in the afternoons still. According to my app, I would be exactly 5 weeks along today. Not testing though. What if I just ovulated later than usual? Or am deluding myself and it's just a uti (done that before).
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Maybe you did ovulate late chibi, fingers crossed

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