Please tell me I'm not alone?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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I think I am going to go mad through exhaustion!

Niamh has not had a proper sleep all day. She'd had 30min cat naps, but hasn't managed to settle since she woke up this morning. Every time I think she's settled she wakes up crying and screaming after 20/30mins.

I know why it's happened. Instead of her morning nap we went to Mums and tots and it was a lot busier (and more noisy) than usual, so she didn't sleep. She cat napped in the car, then the HV woke her up so after she's missed her morning nap her whole day has been ruined. :( She has been in an awful mood all day and will not settle.

So I'm still up with her now, at 2:30am and I can't think of anything else to do now. I tried letting her cry it out, BFng, winding, rocking, a dummy/soother, even caved in and gave her a bottle. I think I am just screwed tonight. I even gave her a bath about an hour ago as her nappy leaked everywhere. :(

Please tell me that other newborns do this?? I hear people posting about how their newborns sleep after each feed and Niamh will do this sometimes, but we have days like this about once a week.

The only thing that I could think that might settle her was putting her in her carseat and taking her for a drive as she loves the car. I asked OH at 10pm (I don't drive) and he said no, that he was going to bed. I can understand that he has to get up early for work, but if he had spent 20/30mins helping me soothe her then I wouldn't still be up 4.5 hours later! :hissy:

Since Sunday I've had 8 hours sleep and I am exhausted. I'm getting headaches to the point I can't see properly (migraine maybe?) and paracetamol and ibuprofen isn't touching it.

Please tell me I'm not the only Mum who has to go through a newborn not sleeping. I think it would help. She woke up this morning at 7am and has only had small cat naps since. :( I have to be out the house by 10am tomorrow as I have to go to a meeting and can't cancel.

Please tell me someone has a magic wand or something they can wave to make them sleep!
She's been asleep for a whole 10mins now *touches wood*. Hopefully this is her down for a few hours...
hey hun im really sorry to hear this i hope she
will rest for a couple hours too bad your OH
couldnt have takin her for a drive to calm her
I am sorry honey. To be honest, I guess the worst was my second child. He had catnaps throughout the day and then would go to bed at midnight. He was like that for the longest time and even now, he doesn't go to bed until after 10 p.m.

However, that has nothing to do with what you are going through. Obviously, today's routine was wrecked and that's caused disarray today. I hope tomorrow is a better day and you manage to get some sleep soon! :hug:
Yes,it's normal.If theyre sleeping pattern gets disrupted,you pay for it the rest of the day. Especially during first 6 months. I am wishing that my next baby is a sleepy head!
I sypathise - my LO rarely naps for longer than 30 minutes. I've been known to sit in the car for ages when we get back from somewhere and he's dozed off in the car! I keep a book in the car now so I can sit back and have a read while LO sleeps now. My neighbours probably think I'm mad but if he's dozed off I dont want to wake him!!!

maybe take a day or two without any appointments, shopping etc and concentrate on just baby and you? Thats what I'm trying today anyway...
You poor thing. I find the middle of the night the most exhausting time. Cormack is often like this, catnapping through the day. He didnt nap after every feed either. I find now that a long stint in his bounce chair will send him off for an hour but this has only been working for the last month or so!
Hv came the other day and woke callum up just as id got him to sleep he wouldnt seatle for hours after that. i hope you got some sleep hun xx
This may work for you?:
Sam was in one all yesterday too (We had a hectic day what with trips out and then dashing around and disturbing his sleep with visitors). He fussed all night.
Seem's to have reset his own little aggro clock again this morning though. He's had a play, feed and now he's fast a byebye's...Lucky x
Chloe only started sleeping properly during the day at 5 months. her first 2 weeks she slept alot bt I put that down to being 2 weeks early! After that she would only cat nap in the car or my arms and ot was exhausting.

I know it doesnt help but it gets better :hugs:
:hugs: oh goodness, poor poor poor you honey, its so so hard at the beginning, i do hope she sleeps better today :hugs: x
:hug: We had one night a week that I termed "hell day" when Hannah just would not settle, was cranky etc. all day long

I haven't had much sleep in 4 months! Lola hardly sleeps during the day, just like Niamh only cat naps. Three times for about 30 minutes or so. She goes to sleep late, wakes up once per night and then again wakes up early morning.

She also has so much energy that it's very hard to exhaust her during the day...

Definitely not the only one hun :hugs:
I had such banging headaches too.
Not a magic wand but I can totally sympathise with you - Max would have 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there and then the nightime would turn into hell! If your OH wont take Niamh out in the car perhaps you could try one of those baby bjorn slings - that used to do the trick for Max. A brisk 10 minute walk around the block and he'd be in dreamland. I tried taking him out once he was asleep and putting him in his moses basket but I didnt have any luck - I ended up propped up in the rocking chair catching 40 winks. It might work?
You're so not alone hun, all i can do is sympathise with you xxx
This has been my godsend when claire is cranky like that:

Papasan Cradle Swing

not only does it swing front to back, but side to side. My SIL's little boy wouldn't sleep AT ALL. She was in pretty much the same senario that you are talking about, but every day. Once they got this, it helped to get my nephew to go to sleep, as it cradles them and makes them feel like they're being held. It's expensive, but worth in IMO.

When Claire gets super grouchy we put her in it, and then turn on the built in lullabyes and normally she's out in about 5 mins. Then I nap on the couch beside her. :)
Have you tryed a Sling hun keep her close...:hug:huggababy there great..
Bren naps good, but he wakes up every hour at night, and has for months. I am dieing. I so know how you feel. I am taking him to the doctors today, I have had enough.
Ya I had a couple nights like that when Jasmine was about that age... I just camped out on the couch and snuggled the night. Luckily after she was about a month old her sleeping was great.

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