Plus sized in the second trimester!


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
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I saw a group for plus sized ladies but it's in the second trimester section and the in discussions isn't very active. Anyone want to form a group with me?

I'm 7w2d according to my ultrasound last week. I'm a bit plus sized, US size 16/18 with PCOS and actually conceived while losing weight (28lbs so far).

We struggled with ttc for over 4 years and you can see by my signature some of what we tried. We took a break due to finances and were going to go back next year for one more IUI and then try to find money for ivf. I know the diet changes is what helped us both. (DH has mfi)

Anyway I'd love to meet some ladies who are dealing with weight issues and all the other problems that come with it during pregnancy.
I'm plus size, I was with my previous pregnancy as well. With my first I wasn't really looking after myself and had a desk job so wasn't all that active either and I developed sciatica which has never really gone away and I also had spd towards the end and gestational diabetes. I did have a very condescending doctor (which I changed) at first who made me feel horrible and as if my weight might kill my baby, but the doctor I saw after that was lovely and never mentioned my weight because you can't really do much about it once you're pregnant.

I have lost a lot of weight but I am still 'obese' so I'm sure I'm going to get some kind of lecture this time as well however I have a much more physical job now and eat a lot better. I am still worried about getting diabetes again but I stressing about it isn't going make it better so I'm just concentrating on eating as well as I can (which is difficult at the moment with ms) and keeping active. There's not really much more I can do besides that so I'm just going to let whatever a doctor says about my weight wash over my head this time and not worry over it.

Congratulations by the way :)
Aw congrats on the pregnancy, with ds we ttc for 2 years and eventually on the 2nd cycle of clomid got our bfp. This time it was a complete surprise straight after our wedding at the end of June 👍. With ds I had a bmi of 30 with this one I'm already bmi 36 so I guess there gonna give me a lecture too, it's so hard to eat healthy when all I want is wharburtons potato cakes drenched in butter hhhmmm 😊👍☺️Xxx
Hi Dom and Dolly!

I was lucky, my midwife didn't mention my weight at all, and I asked how she felt if I lost weight while pregnant, because I am just trying to continue the healthier eating like I was doing prepregnancy and she said as long as I don't cut out any one food group and don't restrict calories then it's fine. I've actually lost 5lbs since finding out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago. Of course the healthy eating has been hard the last week or so because all I want is carbs! I do okay, I eat healthy about 75% of the time, but I struggle to get veggies in, as I don't get along with them much at all right now!

My BMI currently is about 36 ;( but it was over 41 so I've made progress. My doctor told me not to expect to get below 30 anyway because of how I'm built, he's been my doctor for 26 years and he knows me well, and says as long as I'm healthy then the number doesn't matter...I love him!

I'm hoping to stay away from gestational diabetes but I know I'm high risk with my weight, my history of insulin resistance and my mother was a bad diabetic but I'm going to do my best!

It's nice not to be alone, so many of my buddies on here are "normal" sized and I can't really talk much to them about these issues.
Plus size here too with my first baby but almost out of the first tri. My Dr hasn't said anything about my weight yet (2nd meeting tomorrow so we'll see). I know I have been struggling with eating healthily this tri since I have had so many food aversions.
Me I am a plus size BMI 35.
I had a BMI of 30 with DD and I can honestly say never caused any problems or was ever mentioned. This time I don't know as I still have my baby weight + more.

I am 7 weeks tomorrow and my nausea is kicking in slowly but surely. I can cope with the nausea to be honest but my heightened sense of smell makes everything 10 times worse.

I did join slimming world before BFP as I thought it would take us a while to conceive but got caught first mth (very surprised). I am still trying to follow it as I find SW more of a healthy way of eating than a diet IYKWIM.
Hi there! I'm US size 14/16 with a BMI of 31, when I was only a few weeks along the HCG hormone made me lose 12 lbs. I went from 210 to 198 and now I'm hovering around 196. I am confident everything is fine with my rainbow but my nurse was a bit of a food nazi (the doctors words not mine) she was very harsh with me about what I should be eating, it ended up stressing me out more than anything.

I love this group!
Hey ladies! Another plus size here and also have PCOS. We were ttc for 3yrs before getting bfp with DS and that happened when we decided to take a break from ttc as I had just started a new job. My bmi was 30 with DS and I had no issues throughout that pregnancy. Now I'm still carrying baby weight (and some) so keeping fingers crossed I don't suffer too many problems and don't put on too much weight this time
Welcome everyone! I do recognize a few of you from other posts.

I am not "expecting" any problems related to my weight, but I am aware that I'm at a higher risk for some, but so far so good. I'm only just over 7 weeks but still..

The nausea is getting a bit worse for me, I was good for the last few hours now after dinner I'm really sick to my stomach again. Think I ate too much honestly.

What have you girls changed with your wardrobe? I find I can't stand most of my jeans, and when I'm at home I am always wearing stretchy shorts or pants. All of my clothes still fit, but I just can't stand my jeans anymore, if it is at all constricting I want nothing to do with it!
Another plus sized mum here. I've struggled with my weight for years, with my first two pregnancies I gained around 50lbs with each one and struggled to lose that weight after, with my most previous two pregnancies however I lost 28lbs both times! Unfortunately I slacked big time after my last son and gained all that back.

I'd just decided to really get back on the weightloss wagon, have drastically changed my diet etc so hopefully I'll end up losing weight again this time around - and this time I will keep it off after baby!!
I am feeling so much better after talking to you ladies!
I'm right there with you on the jeans, I've switched to leggings, dresses, skirts, and shorts!
Hey ladies! Yes I am a plus size mommy-to-be as well! I weigh 206lbs right now with a BMI of 34. I still fit into my jeans and such now, but the bloating feeling just makes me want to wear leggings, dresses and pj pants!!

I love that you started this thread so that we can support each other and keep on the healthy track!

Hoping we can all keep both our babies and ourselves healthy :0 :happydance:
Hello ladies!

First off...Dini, my sister gets gestational diabetes when she's pregnant and is no where near obese, so I wouldn't let that plague you too much ( just don't have a diet of all carbs and you should be good).

My Dr has never mentioned anything about my weight either. We've been TTC for 4 years now and ended up getting a bfp in March that ended up ectopic (again). I've never had a "normal" pregnancy that hasn't ended up in emergency surgery so fingers crossed for this one (my problem tube was removed this time). We were on clomid this month. I got a positive opk on CD 16 ( usually o around cd19), which is the day my sono was scheduled to see how many eggs were ready to go. I went in expecting to see a few since I already o on my own but there were none! One little tiny one not close to ready. My Dr said it was possible I already ovulated earlier that morning or the previous night, but that it didn't really look like it and told me to call her if I get my period so she could call in a higher dosage since 50mg did nothing to my body. I counted myself out that cycle so was completely surprised when I didn't get AF.

Congrats to all you ladies!!!
I had lost weight after having my daughter and was at my lowest weight ever, then got pregnant in march and had a mc in May and began to eat whatever I wanted and gained some weight back. I was about the exact same weight that I am now when I got pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago and my doctor never ever said anything about my weight even with me gaining 40+ pounds while pregnant with her. Then with this pregnancy I went in for my first appt and the nurse did my measurements and all and listed me as "obese" on my chart. I almost started to cry! Then she began to lecture me about weight gain and only wanted me to gain 15 pounds with this pregnancy... It's just frustrating that with my first I never had any lecture and never any problems.. Now this time is completely different. :( however.. I know bmi is supposed to be a good indicator, but I don't think that is good to be used for labeling if that makes any sense. For example my hubby is considered to be obese by his bmi. However, that man doesn't even have an ounce of fat on him. He's pure muscle. Then on the other hand I have a consumer that I work with and she is 5'10 and 418 pounds and labeled as obese. I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that everybody is different in stature, how they carry their weight, muscle mass, etc

This is more of just a post with me rambling on.. But I hope I made some sense lol
I'm pregnant with my first and got a BMI of 31. I was following slimming world before but have since stopped going, I've been craving all the wrong carbs and I know there was no way I would be able to stick to the diet. I had managed to lose 28lb but had gained 7lb of that back before my bfp and gained even more now. It hurt a little to be noted as obese on my midwife notes but she
passed no comment about it to me, but them she's on the larger side herself! I'm just trying not to worry about my weight, I thought I may lose in first tri but i haven't really had any sickness so I've ended up gaining. My aim is just to minimise any gain. That said, I do feel terribly fat and uncomfortable in most of my clothes now and can't wait till 12 week scan to start telling people then I can wear maternity clothes!
I still feel ok in my clothes, although I don't like wearing my jeans if I'm driving long distances because it gives me a tummy ache but other than that they feel ok. I'm hoping to get away with not having to buy much in the way of maternity clothes, although I know I will have to get trousers for work and a couple of pairs of other jeans/casual trousers but I'm finding it really difficult to find maternity trousers above a size 18 (I'm in the UK so sizing is different, not sure what that is in the US) .

I'm planning on joining slimming world tonight, I'd just like the extra support and advice and I spoke to the group leader on the phone and he seems really nice. I do want to minimise how much weight I gain in this pregnancy because I know I am more likely to get diabetes again and I don't want a lot of extra weight to lose as I had been losing weight anyway before I got pregnant, we just didn't expect to conceive so quickly.
Welcome everyone! I do recognize a few of you from other posts.

I am not "expecting" any problems related to my weight, but I am aware that I'm at a higher risk for some, but so far so good. I'm only just over 7 weeks but still..

The nausea is getting a bit worse for me, I was good for the last few hours now after dinner I'm really sick to my stomach again. Think I ate too much honestly.

What have you girls changed with your wardrobe?

I am OK so far, I am still in my normal clothes. I am being careful though this time as when I was pregnant with my DD i think i was probably in maternity work trousers by now.

Hello ladies!

First off...Dini, my sister gets gestational diabetes when she's pregnant and is no where near obese, so I wouldn't let that plague you too much ( just don't have a diet of all carbs and you should be good).

Congrats to all you ladies!!!

Thats very good to know, there is such a stigma around that GD is related to high BMI.

I had lost weight after having my daughter and was at my lowest weight ever, then got pregnant in march and had a mc in May and began to eat whatever I wanted and gained some weight back. I was about the exact same weight that I am now when I got pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago and my doctor never ever said anything about my weight even with me gaining 40+ pounds while pregnant with her. Then with this pregnancy I went in for my first appt and the nurse did my measurements and all and listed me as "obese" on my chart. I almost started to cry! Then she began to lecture me about weight gain and only wanted me to gain 15 pounds with this pregnancy... It's just frustrating that with my first I never had any lecture and never any problems.. Now this time is completely different. :( however.. I know bmi is supposed to be a good indicator, but I don't think that is good to be used for labeling if that makes any sense. For example my hubby is considered to be obese by his bmi. However, that man doesn't even have an ounce of fat on him. He's pure muscle. Then on the other hand I have a consumer that I work with and she is 5'10 and 418 pounds and labeled as obese. I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that everybody is different in stature, how they carry their weight, muscle mass, etc

This is more of just a post with me rambling on.. But I hope I made some sense lol

You are so right, makes a lot of sense. My idea weight is between 9 and 11 stone, if i got down to 9 stone i would seriously look ill.

I'm planning on joining slimming world tonight, I'd just like the extra support and advice and I spoke to the group leader on the phone and he seems really nice. I do want to minimise how much weight I gain in this pregnancy because I know I am more likely to get diabetes again and I don't want a lot of extra weight to lose as I had been losing weight anyway before I got pregnant, we just didn't expect to conceive so quickly.

I agree slimming world is good, it changes the way you eat rather than is being a 'diet' so to speak, i am trying to stick to it to be hones.
Anyone having pre-natel testing i.e. MaternT21 or NIFTY?
The reason I ask is i was wondering whether a high BMI would effect the result?
Hi Ladies,
Id love to join you here if I may?

Im a plus size, bmi 33
I have a little girl who is nearly 2 and I was about the size with her as I am now

My midwife before was lovely and didnt mention my weight (or my age- bless her) at all
bt Ive moved to a new area now so new midwife/GP and hospital .
My first appt is next week on the 8th so we will see what happens at that

I didnt have GD in my first pregnancy but did end up with a very large baby (11 lbs 3 oz) and emergency c section - so Im guessing Im probably going to be referred to the consultant no matter what

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