mmmmmm roast dinner......where was my invite lol.
well.....its miserable looking out of my office window today, all i see is white....and a crane lol (im on the 18th floor so should have a good view....bob hope on a day like this, I guess winter is finally dawning upon us)
I had faff all sleep last night, well it started ok till i woke in the early hours to go for a pee, then i developed restless leg syndrome

man its uncomfy. after sheddin a few tears I ended up propped up on sofa with my legs up in the air on cushions so i was kind of in a balanced v shape. thats the only way i could get back off to I destined to sleep like this for the next 3 months?

feeling a bit down today....wish i was sleeping.
Thinking of twinks of course - hope it goes well today babes and that you get the answers you need.
Kayleigh stay away from the sticks today babes.....
Dawny Im sorry ur still waiting...I hope u have got you dr appt booked. xxxx
where is everyone else? hope ur all ok xxxx