What a weekend! Im now on a course of antibiotics to clear up an infection i have. A cyst the size of a grape has now turned into an abscess and is causes me fever and sickness!! Nhs direct wouldnt see me so had to go doctors this morning. Luckily my doctor was very understanding (for once). But i think even he was shocked at the size of it. He even asked how i was managing to walk.
Its horrible and its (TMI) down in my lady bits!
Paracetamol isnt really doing much apart from bring my fever down. Apparently its common so the doctor wasnt really worried about it. So common that noone i know has heard of it lmao!!!!!!!! He said it could have been caused by anything, hair follicle, blocked pores BUT thankfully not a STD im all clear. The evils i was giving hubby all weekend after google told me it was caused by STDs.
Like i said im just waiting for the tablets to kick in. for Amoxicillin
Kayleigh....Im sorry to hear u have one of those nasty nasty things.....I get them too, I had one a while ago right above my clit OMG it got huge thankfully the relief when it went was amazing.....only would u know how that feels if u have ever had one.
I have had one at the top of my leg.....and I woke in tears on saturday cause it was so sore and big, I knew it was gonna burst that day but i couldnt walk so I took matters into my own hands and pierced the head myself.....the relief was amazing....still Im having to change dressing regular as i think it was bigger than i thought....I basically have a hole in my leg about 4mm but it dont hurt no more and as long as I keep it clean everything is A OK. lol. Kayleigh I hope urs clears up soon babe.
so.....whats the latest gossip??? anyone seen my long ar$e thread on my journal
Mines beside my clit and has pushed it to one side so no for awhile. Im desperate to pop it but the pain is so immense. Oh said it looks like i have a testicle THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol apart from that all is good. Oh is taking me shopping for a halloween cozzie yay . Think he feels sorry for me
Wow just read thru alllllllll that! Thats one long post. I got my cot on ebay for 70quid inc mattress and postage. I think they've gone up to 130 now. Mine had a lil spinny ball on the ends which got quite irritating when they could stand up and spin it at 3am!!!!
hahahaha i like those cots.....thanks for the tip.....makes note not to get one with balls lol.
hey dawn no hun not had anything back yet so hopefully fingers crossed Im in the clear ???
lol at ur halloween cozy, make it a sexy one hun for ann summers lol im thinking of getting the red one from asda if i can and chopping it up a bit???
hehehehe already have tail and horns
hahahaha so ur coming then??? the chances of me looking remotely sexy in my maids outfit at the mo is BOB HOPE AND NO HOPE chance lol.
think il be going for the other option too.....btw....Kayleigh, if u go to my group...the ann summers one, Vicki thats on there lives in ado too....maybe if u mail her u guys could come down together??? saves petrol xxxx
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