Morning......well well well......
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks for the info Kayleigh

Anna, glad u liked the thread....had me in stitches too funny enough lol. tudor......glad to hear your being kept busy, although we do miss u heaps on here too,

bumble lol saw u floating about last week.....ur so brave reading back over the pages lol, there must have been loads.

Dawny......not long to go baby. what day do u actually go in? will it be the night before?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I missed Samzi, but...I have her mobile number so will text her instead. if anyone needs to pass on urgent message give me a shout xxxx
well, as for me, I won slut opf the night on saturday at my ann summers party

yay go me lol. I won the bananas and cream game lol

Im just too filthy for my own good lol. was a good night though and bought some normality into my life.
I had a wicked day on friday with my mate vicki - (baby deacon) we went shopping and I ended up spending about £200 on baby bits lol

then we went to franki and bennys for lunch....mmmmmm cinnamon waffles and icecream - the dogs wotsits!
sunday - well i rolled out of bed at half 10

thats a first for ages lol then i was asleep again at 5 hahaha for a few hours. then x factor -ITS A FIX! It has to be. i so felt for Rachel being in the bottom again....poor love.
Oh well today is a new day, I have got to collect my medical cert later and I might poss go into work to start dismantling my desk either today or tomorro. oh and to check my payslip. Im pretty sure my promotion hasnt been set up yet! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol