i like it tudor.
belated hello to you all girlies....while I nurse severe heartburn thought id update my day. only time i have been on is to look at the what to pack thread for the hospita

gosh....so much, chances are i might not need it all but would rather have it just in case I want or need it.
well, 6 this morning i lay awake after going to the loo and heard hubbys alarm go off time and time again, so i went into the spr room where he was and climbed in with him for a cuddle. he then got up for a pee so i got back into the double bed where he joined me for another cuddle. beany proceeded to play kick hand lol which DH loved

and then......hehehehe

i swear this pregnancy is making me feel more kinky?

anyway, once we finished he said im not going in this morning im gonna go get the exhaust sorted on the car so will get up at 9. cue more hugs. this time i placed my bump into the small of his back where beany proceeded to boot the hell out of his arse....much to hubbys amusement and mine

in actual fact hubby didnt go to work at all today so i thought i would do some more minor prep for the hospital, like uploading some music onto the ipod and writing my pack the bag list out lol.
He now gone to town for some drinks with his friends. so here I am...all on my own lol.
Hope u have all had a good day. i will be around here somewhere this evening. maybe in chat. xxxx