
just wanna say
Happy Christmas
this is probley my last time on BNB befor xmas as tomorrow were off my parents dropping presents off. then im working xmas eve

but only til 2.30pm so i wont miss out on the xmas film, new pjs and opening the xmas chocolates on the evening

got to do my xmas food shop later

but Garath (OH) is off the dentist 1st he's been suffering with toothache! poor love.
i feel on top of the world the sickness and tiredness has lifted i feel full of beans

my Ladies lumps are stil very sore i dont remember them ever being this sore. also IM 10 WEEKS TOMORROW

cant believe it

the only time i feel yuck is if i have my tea late and i eat too much

i have to eat every 2-3 hours as my tum is constantly rumbling
How is everyone? Heidi just read your status on FB about needing a bigger bed, garath and i are looking to buy a king size after xmas in the sales as at the moment we have 3 in the bed, me, OH and Dylan. and when little spud comes.
its been snowing again, i like it when its all fluffy but hate it when its all icy nearly broke my neck yesterday.
im so looking forward to christmas, work has been kind and only given me xmas eve to work, my MIL is in xmas day, new yrs eve. since ive been pregnant ive grown real close to my MIL shes like my 2nd mum.
hey sparkle your in single figures now! so exciting
bought a love jade green fine knit jumper dress yesterday to wear over xmas, its tight on the bust then loose on my bump its lovely and im looking a little bit more pregnant

, im definatley showing earlier this time round.
anyway got to scoot sorry this is so long have a wonderful christmas PMA girlies