Hi all,
I never for one minute thought I would be doing this for someone not due for another 5 weeks but....
3 Girlies has had her baby girl

it all started at 4.21pm uk time
"I think Im having your pains, do you want them back lol, they hurt!"
"Il send mine over lol, I said to OH its like being in labour right now and he just laughed, i wasnt joking, they bloody hurt and are making me feel funny "
another text talking about my baby etc and then she says " gonna leave it for a bit, prob just ate something dodgy, just for the record there is no way im doing it without pain relief this time.
I then said have u called labour ward.....
they said take paracetemol and call back if waters break, pains are coming every 3 minutes, ive felt this pain only twice before.
I had asked how early she was knowing i was ahead....
"shes not due for another 5 weeks"
told her to keep me informed of any progress..........


shes here, hasnt been weighed yet but shes stunning.....(now thats what I personally call uptodate info lol....not even been weighed and she has her mobile in hand)

way to go hun!
she is 4lb 3oz...could you update bnb pls.....
so there u have it. as far as I know both are ok....Im not sure if or when I can get back on personally but im sure someone can update if need be.
Congrats to you hunny bunch.

Now where is mine???

Im ok guys, still waiting for my lil moo stubborn thing.

getting a lil fed up now tbh. got mw in morning so hoping she can shed some light?
Im so proud of Heidi, but now I feel sad cause I want mine too

lol hope uir all well. xxxx