Lol Heidi, your lil update still says pregnant with number 3...i got really confused just then lmao!!!! Hows it going with three lil girls?
Can you believe last night i blamed hubby for moving my hot chocolate. I couldnt find it anywhere. This morning i wake up, make the girls lunches and found it in the fridge!!!!! Im losing the plot!
ok girls so i called the midwives who made me call the labour ward apparently the tightenings are braxton hicks and the bruising is where mia is kicking so hard EEK!
I started to get mine at 28 start with it's just where your bump goes hard. Then they start to get more painful until you're left with full on 'false labour' which I got at 39 weeks.
It's just your body gearing up hun. And she must be a strong girly to be kicking you hard enough to bruise.....just wait til she gets stuck under your ribs like Earl used to!
i have to walk work in a mo in this ice and snow and its -10 outside im gonna freeze or break my leg! i hate, hate, hate the winter roll on the lovely sun, i was looking in the garden yesterday and thinking about sun bathin in the summer and i shuddered i cant imagine my self sunbathing out there feels like were in the antartic, anyway time to change in to my eskimo suit, have a good weekend girls
Yep, just seen that on facebook too! I am amazed she can text tbh...I didn't even know what a mobile phone was at that stage....then again I really hope she's having a better labour than I did - a smaller baby would be a start!
I hope that by now she has her gorgeous LO in her arms!!
Heidi she is gorgeous! And I love the name too. I feel like I've missed loads on here lol but Earl has kept me so busy.
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