girls i need some massive PMA hugs right now.
Hubby had his meeting with work today to finally get his promotion and salary agreed after nearly 10 months doing his managers old job when she left to be told it's still not 100% confirmed what he'll be getting and to top it all they're looking to relocate staff to waterloo from our home town so not only is he now not getting any more money right now but he may also have a 2 hour commute to and from work each day and got knows what the cost implication of that is.
and now my mate who's organising my babyshower has told me she's gone and double booked herself for the day i booked the hall for so i either let her organise it and not come or i have to change the date!
oh anna im sorry your having a crappy day, is there nothing OH can do about the pay? he seems to be getting treated unfairly!
just been and bought my 1st baby things
an avent sterilliser
pack of bibs
a cream baby grow with disneys dumbo on (coming home from hospital suit )
amd my son picked out a 101 dalmation suit
yes getting excited now, although had a minute of panicing last night incase something goes wrong with bubs, but i need to stay positive, off to see midwife later fro check up and the quad test hope i get to hear bubs heartbeat!
hellooooooooooooo sorry i desserted you lot againg didnt i lol busy time being mummy. Im so tired at the mo i have actually got a headache now. I was up til one with her this time which is better than having to get up in the middle of the night but then she was awake again at 6 or just before. I love motherhood but its bloody hard work lol.
how is everyone anyway??
nasty midwife i dont think even vampires can get blood off me! ive been proded and poked my arms all bruised i have go back hosp next week for more blood!
midwife at hosp was a little harsh in the way she gave me information regarding SPD she said dont lift anything heavier than a cup im a busy mum of 2 i can not sit round doing nothing, anyway seeing community midwife on monday nxt week and doc on thursday next week for another sick note.
Hey girls, hope your all ok.
Samzi happy 39 weeks!!!
Tudor I'm really sorry midwife was so shitty! Spd is nasty I'm suffering badly but no one reall inderstands! X
im in so much pain my hips are killing me, ive over done it today nipping round like a mad women trying to get jobs done and bloody paracetamol is not working i could cry, OH is suffering with his teeth he had an unsucessful tooth extraction on thursda and has been in pain he has go hospital and have his gum cut open to remove the rest of the tooth, so he hasnt been supportive and he has a low pain thresh hold so hes self wallowing which tbh is really getting on my nerves i know its not his fault but just want to scream at him!!!!
tudor i'm right there with you. got home from conference at 9.30 last night after a 5 hour drive running around for 2 days has killed me my SPD is so bad and my hips are grinding like mad!
off to physio this afternoon they're not going to be happy!
My hubby is bad with his teeth too, its a major bug bear of mine when he moans about them. Ive noticed that if i say im getting stomach cramps etc (IBS) then he starts complaining he has a head ache
Im so confused... i had a 'morning bleed' again in Monday. Sorry TMI but it was brown which would suggest it was old blood. But im not sure whether i should count that as cd1 or just carry on with this cycle!!!!???? It wasnt alot...kinda made me jump as i wasnt expecting it.
But again nothing since.....
Hope things calm down with your SPD girls.
Samzi not too long to go now!!!
Dawn lovely to see you, where you been hiding lol??????
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