I was in a similar situation two weeks ago. I was 24w4d pregnant with twins and felt very light cramping, thought it was a false alarm but called the doc anyway for advice. He said to go to the hospital, they said I was in preterm labor, so they gave me the steroids and kept me from dilating for three days, as well as kept me tilted slightly upsidedown to combat gravity. Eventually the meds stopped working and my body basically pushed one of the placentas all the way through. They gave me a c section at midnight. I was hardly conscious from all the pain. The steroids worked though, both babies cried when they came out. That was the only moment I smiled during the c section. But um, boy came out 1lb 12oz, girl 1lb 9oz... they are doing much better than I expected and they are a few weeks behind your cousin. The babies stay in the NICU until around your due date, it's a tough road bc you watch them grow, struggle, get sick, get better, and i've experienced a few scares in just two weeks. But there wasn't really a choice, my body just decided it was labor time. Hopefully she can keep them in as long as possible, every day will make a difference. But if they decide to come out, she just needs to stay strong and keep on going. Mine came out at 24 weeks and are doing well for their age. Good luck to your cousin though! Hope it all turns out well.