positive opk @ 8dpo...HELP!!!

It's close but not exactly a positive. It looks like later on tonight or tomorrow..its going to be positive. But for right now, its a negative but its verrryyyy close.
i think if you are still having no ovulation since august..not even one period..then your doc should try to give you something to jumpstart AF and probably try and put you on something to jumpstart ov. Do you temp orally or vaginally? FXed you get a positive soon.

I know, that's what I keep thinking, but I must admit, I'm glad that the doc sent me for scans only 6 months in, because I've seen some forums for people who have been told to wait at least a year :nope: So I'm glad he's taken it seriously enough to send me for testing already. He said after the scan results last week that he'll give it another 3 months and then refer me to a gynae if still no period. He said that there's nothing to suggest that ovulation is taking place and that there is another problem with my body being able to rid itself of the lining... all's clear, so it literally is a waiting game for another 3 months! :shrug: I was temping orally :winkwink:

Thanks again! :winkwink:
Well the thing is you can have a period with no ovulation. If you are getting flat temps like that with temping then maybe try a new thermometer and do vaginal temps.

I used to use the pill a long long time ago, it took a year for my body to get back to normal. my most recent BC was Mirena. It is progestin..I never stopped getting a period but can't say that those cycle were not annovulatory cycles. I have heard a lot of women say that their Af disappeared on Mirena. Mine didn't which was good, because it took no time to start ovulating again. Actually it only took the following cycle April 2011. I got pregnant in June 2011 (second tri loss though).

So you may as well may or may not be ovulating. The only way to truly confirm is through temping. Don't give up and believe that you aren't just yet. Try the vaginal temping for a cycle and see how that goes. Oral temps can be affected by anything from sleeping with one foot from under the cover to wearing something heavier than the day before (as pj's) to bed.

I hate when the store isn't stocked up on test constantly! :nope: I guess they are under the impression that not many of us are trying that hard...:rofl: but they haven't met us TTC'ers!!! We are serious about everything from ovulation to hcg confirmation!!! :rofl: When we say :test:'ing time we mean :test:'ing time!!!

The pill is evil :growlmad: HA HA, you should have seen the assistant's face when I asked for him to check stock. When he said 'what would you like?' and I said 'your pregnancy tests which are usually over in the next aisle', he almost sniggered - he was probably embarrassed! :blush: HA HA!
well good luck. i know the wait can be pretty stressful at times. And i use to temp orally but my temps were always so erratic so i found out that vaginally is the most effective so im going to try that this cycle and hopefully i get a more balanced looking chart. This would be my 2nd time temping for a cycle.
Thanks..that was from last night...be'ed anyhow. I am waiting to test today...
you're welcome. what time do you normally test?
you're welcome. what time do you normally test?

Well last cycle I was testing at 10:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m (don't quote me on that 2:30 might have been after 3:00) and I did 8/8:30p.m.
This cycle I wasn't sure how often to test, my surge usually happens in the evening since losing the baby. But it looks as though we are going back to in the late mornings again.

The last time I got a blazing positive on New Choice was in April 2011. So taking them now looks so different, they haven't been blazing positive in along time. They just get really dark. So I had 1 New Choice left and 1 FR opk... i decided to take them and not but anymore opks. Figured we would just BD until 4 confirmed high temps. So I took my last New Choice and it looked dark but not blazing. So I took the FR after...It was waaaay darker than the other FR's I had been taking. Still I wasn't sure it was positive. So i went to Walgreens and reluctantly bought CB digi again...:wacko:

Take a look...


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So they are all positive...:happydance: glad I bought the CB digi and didn't buy more FRER or New Choice again. I would have missed my surge by not being sure if they were positive. So I am thinking that last night could have been positive, or on its was up to positive. I didn't record last nights as + on FF though.

I just thought something was funny last night...I was in the bathroom talking to my daughter and I started really having OV pain. So that even why I took that test. I think that was after 9 p.m. or so, I must've made a face when it hit because she stopped talking to ask if I was ok...lol So I guess we will get to more baby dancing tonight and tomorrow....And then I will start that progesterone..
yay see I told you the last $store test looked like you are going to get positive either later on today or tomorrow morning :happydance: Time to get busy lady. :thumbup:

AFM, i have a few ic opks from a woman on another thread so i can use those and not worry about spending money on them because I have 4 to use. And im going to temp sooooo im going to just watch my temp and once it starts looking like its going down...im going to start using the opks. Hoping we both get our sticky beans this time around. By dh saying we are going to dtd every day...im bound to end up pregnant :rofl: Also I have noticed that the prenatals are working magic on my cycle. I am having cramping during the cycle which doesnt usually happen. Last time that happened, i was 10 yrs old with a 28 day cycle. And the bleeding is light now. Im only on cd5 and AF suppose to leave on cd7. So maybe it will end tomorrow or right on time on cd7. But the prenatals are really helping out. Definately going to continue using them.
I figured that it would be positive today or tonight too. Thanks for the vote of confidence..:flower: It felt like I was going to be waiting for ages to OV...I just said I had to take the wait and see approach. I think the delay is from the CP. I am going to test this afternoon with digi and then in the evening to see if it goes negative or if I surge for 2 days.

I think that you ought to try that EPO to help regulate your cycles and hormones. Couldn't hurt to give it a try. I took it a few days this cycle and noticed that my temps were more controlled and steady. I also feel healthier. And those Prenatals are a life saver too. I noticed how much better they made me feel the 1st month I was taking them. That should control your temps too.

You guys are going to be doing a lot of dancing :happydance:. Your DH better not tap out either, or we will get and angry BnB mob together to get him!! :rofl: My Dh tried to tap out last night miss lady!! Can you believe that?! I was like "oh no, you promised you weren't going to tap out!" So he laughs and starts tapping out on the back of the sofa!!! :rofl: I told him I didn't think so and I would see him in the room!!! :rofl::blush: so the mission for last night was accomplished. So all he has to do it make it through tonight and tomorrow night...I might let him take tomorrow night off...IFFFFFF.....he plays nice tonight!!!:rofl::blush:

All I need if the "Love Juice"!!! C'mon :spermy: you can do it!!! Swim little one Swiiiiiiim!!!
I would try EPO next cycle IF i dont get a bfp this month. Im using the prenatals so going to see if my temps are going to be steady. I think the reason for my erratic chart the first time i ever charted was because of my sleeping habits. Well its a good thing i am going to temp vaginally now. I never been so excited to stick a thermometer in me before :rofl: And yes DH and I are going to be some very busy people :haha: Cant believe your DH tried to tap out. Dont our DHs know that once you make a plan...you stick to it and no tapping out because we show no mercy :rofl: Come on little swimmers....its time to give us bfps!!!
This just in mzswizz: I think last nights were positive...I did another digi and its now negative...:shrug::blush:

My urine wasn't dialuted...I haven't barely drank anything (a few sips of a soda) since the last test at 10 a.m. So I guess either yesterday was positive or my surge is short.

or did CB digi lie to me?:dohh: I honestly don't think that it did, I took 20 cb digi's and none of them :nope:had a smiley. This one from today is the only 1.



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Out of all the tests..the bottom one looks like it was going positive or was positive. Dont really know how its detects a positive or not. But if its negative now i would say you probably have a short surge this time around. Maybe the cp caused it :shrug: Either that or the new choice was just soo hard to predict that is positive and it was. When i use those tests, the whole line usually matches but its soo hard to actually tell the difference between positive and negative. But definately today was your ov day and you will be 1dpo tomorrow yay. I think by the time i enter the tww..you will have your bfp :haha:
believe it or not...the bottom one said negative..I think it's because the others faded...that was the last test I did. Well I did the 2nd and 3rd one behind the other...but the first 1 is from the positive digi...
I suspected this but I just found out that my Best-friend is pregnant!!! :cry: I am so ecstatic!! Today has been awesome!!! She has been trying for a long time now...and we have both been praying on it and she got it!!
Out of all the tests..the bottom one looks like it was going positive or was positive. Dont really know how its detects a positive or not. But if its negative now i would say you probably have a short surge this time around. Maybe the cp caused it :shrug: Either that or the new choice was just soo hard to predict that is positive and it was. When i use those tests, the whole line usually matches but its soo hard to actually tell the difference between positive and negative. But definately today was your ov day and you will be 1dpo tomorrow yay. I think by the time i enter the tww..you will have your bfp :haha:

I took and opk @ 5 and it's much lighter than the others. To me they all look alike, but of course I have them in person. Just wanted to get the pics out there for when you start testing...

So you think that I am going to OV today?!! hmmm it must be today given it's gone negative...:thumbup: I hadn't thought about that. I still figured it would be tomorrow or in the next 2 days. If I see my thermal shift tomorrow then that will let me know that it was today...1dpo?!!! :happydance: Holy Crap how awesome!!??!! I am so ready to start the TWW...I wasn't earlier in the cycle, but waiting so long to OV has made me excited to get there. :rofl:
Never miss your water til' the well runs dry!!! :rofl: I can appreciate the TWW now....lol
Morning TTC buddy!!! :flower:

Well today is actually the big "O" my temp went waaaay down. I am upset though. DH tapped out on me last night. I was so annoyed. I think he is going to tap out today too. :nope: I was so upset last night. i keep thinking ok he is messing this up and I am out for sure...yesterday was my peak day...So I will probably be out, I will OV this morning. By the time he gets home tonight (which could be 10 or 11 p.m.) it may as well be too late. I have never gotten preggers from BD'ing after OV. It's always been because the day before and day of. I can't help being upset with him. I felt the usual OV pain yesterday and cramps last night, so its a done deal.

I must admit I was harsh toward him...I kinda' really don't feel guilty because we agreed on a plan. I know I sound mean but it is what it is. I mean he could have made it a quickie, not to sound so blunt but we are all adults on this thread. Although longer than 5-10 minutes would be nice, I would have taken the 5 minutes just to get some BD'ing in. Forgive me for venting like this. I should hush.

Anyhow just wanted to tell you that disturbing news. I hope all is well with you this morning. What are your stats sister? And is your DH holding up his end of the deal? I hope so, wouldn't want to have to get an angry mob together. :rofl: I am getting one together for my DH are you coming to help out? We are going to tie him to a chair and make him eat chocolate pudding until he burts!! :rofl: Now that's a thought!!:-k
:haha: Count me in on the angry mob :gun: :haha: So tomorrow will make you 1dpo yay :happydance: Dont count yourself out because didnt you dtd 2 days before ov? Sperm lasts up to 5 days so whether you know it or not...you covered your bases so its a good thing you bd'd when you did. Also, i've heard that you have a better chance at getting pregnant 2 days BEFORE ov so its sounding good for you. Yay congrats to your friend :happydance: My friend is also pregnant. I found out in January and she already is hoping i get pregnant so we can have children close to each other so they can be playmates. Also, i know what you mean about quickies. Sometimes guys dont understand how much we need them when its crunch time. But dont worry you are still in with a chance :thumbup: My stats so far is that im on cd6 and AF suppose to be gone tomorrow :happydance: I have noticed that since cd5..the bleeding has gotten lighter so it looks like its going to stop either tonight or exactly tomorrow. So cant wait to start temping :happydance: And so far we only dtd twice on cd3 and 4 i think..i have it on my chart though. But havent dtd since which is understandable seeing that AF is here so we know there's 0 chance during this time. So we are going to wait until AF leaves so we can conceive....ooooo i like that sentence :blush: And about torture method...i say we should tie him up to a chair..put a spotlight on him and make him listen to every woman's ttc problem, suggestions and plans to conceive...that'll make him cherish dtd with you more :rofl:
:rofl: my face off!!! That sounds even better than chocolate pudding til' he bursts!!! I so hope she disappears tomorrow. I am going to wish her gone tonight so you guys can get the mission started!!! Heck, it's time to get the :spermy: swimming!! I see it the way you guys see it...if there is constantly sperm waiting then there is no way to miss the egg!!!

1 dpo...(sigh) I am excited about that. helllooo TWW!! :flower: I am so going to romance the TWW. Wine it, dine it, and court it!!! I do have more surprising news!! A Heck of a BFP on the Digi!!! In the words of the great betty Wright, "tonight is the night" that the egg is coming out!! Got pics to and I just took the digi at 10 this morning it was negative with FMU. Without further ado...drumroll please!

Don't wanna gross you out but I also added a pic of my CM...I haven't seen that in freaking years...The twenties! This is the first cycle that i can say that I have seen it.:happydance: Is it EWCM? It sure looked like it, and since we didn't BD last night that's what makes me think it is....:shrug:


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I know what you mean I cant wait to go into the tww. Atleast you will be 1dpo tomorrow and yes that most definately is ewcm. I usually dont see it but i know its there when we have sex :blush: But last cycle..i did see it on the toilet tissue on and off. Im thinking as long as its in the va jay jay then I am okay :haha: We both going to wish her away. So far its only been a small amount and brown on my pad so hoping she is leaving soon. If anything another day wont kill me. But im sooo ready for us both to get our bfps and analyze the heck out of each others' charts :rofl:

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