positive opk @ 8dpo...HELP!!!

The brown means she leaving town!!! :rofl: I can't wait until you get there...I am going to be sweating buck-shots when you make it!!! I probably won't be able to contain myself!! :rofl: Yep, I thought that was EWCM...it's been MIA for a loooong time now. So definitely OV today...I can't wait to see those temps get started on your chart. I think we have chart-dot fever!! :rofl: Did you see that super-stupid dark opk from the digi?! Wooow, I didn't think it was going to come up positive, I was just taking it to confirm my negative with FMU!! Now that was blazing positive if nothing else!!! The temp dipping way down should have told me better, but I didn't think that it meant anything at all. So I talked to Dh and I am sure he is going to make it up to me tonight for tapping out.

I went to the Dr. today to get my Progesterone results...Come to find out they never faxed my info over, so I have to call her tomorrow to get them. She also told me that they gave me the wrong dose of Progesterone in the emergency room. She said instead of 100mg it should have been 200mg...so she wrote me an Rx for 200 mg's. So I am going to take that starting tomorrow night maybe. She also gave me a lab sheet for me to go and do my HCG quantative again and another progesterone test. How long should I wait post ovulation to go? 5 days or should I wait longer?
I did see that bold positive. That was a pretty obvious positive. Everything is looking good on your end. Yes, usually brown means she's heading out the door. Its been pretty light so hopefully she is going to kick rocks tomorrow on time :haha: Yes i think we do have the chart dot fever. I am soooo ready to see dots on my chart already. Getting tempted to just start tomorrow :rofl: But i will wait and see what happens. Well atleast your DH is stepping up so thats good. Now for progesterone...you should start that right after ovulation (atleast thats what i keep hearing for women who takes progesterone cream etc) and for the hcg test..i think you should wait atleast 8 days so if you are pregnant...they would have results.
Thank you...hmm Should I wait for the 3 high temps or just wait for the one and start taking it then?

I was thinking that 7-8days would be more ideal...I keep forgetting it's not an Hhcg test, that I have heard about. That's the one you can take at 5 dpo...It picks up on the smallest levels of hcg that are being produced before bean implants. Wouldn't that be something to brag about if I had that one? Well its only bragging worthy if its positive and not negative..:rofl: sometimes I eat my own words...lol

When are you going to start testing on the opk's again...I need a line fix here. :D
i think you should wait for the 3 high temps. And i will start around cd16 for the opks. AF left for me :happydance: DH and I dtd this morning also :happydance: Also, i just bought a new family planning thermometer. It suppose to keep track of my temps and beep when im at my peak :happydance: So im super excited. On my tracker app..it says 12 days before ov so we shall see. I will start temping tomorrow :happydance:
Well I let the ladies stalk my chart to confirm that I did OV....I played around with temps a little while ago and made them at different levels to see if it would change my Ov day, but it didn't. It is still calculating yesterday as OV. I did have a huge temp spike this morning .73...which is almost a full degree. So I am going to take it for what it is and take the progesterone pill...with that kind of spike there is no way that I OV today or will OV on any day after this.

The reason that i am going to start today is because of my stats and I feel like I OV, literally!!! I have tender breasts and cramps and my back is just started to hurt this afternoon..The Dr. said take it 12 days and then stop if no +, (because of the chemical, which didn't come when AF was due it came before) my LP can be anything from the looks of it. So I want to have it in my system so I don't start spotting...even those 3 days may be crucial. My best-friend agreed and said she thought I should take it tonight instead of what other people are doing.

Dr. thought i should take it last night since I knew I was OV and I had EWCM. I printed out my chart and brought it with me yesterday. She also said 200mg instead of 100mg...She rewrote me a RX for 200mg. So I am stocked up for while if I get the bfp..I will let you know how it makes me feel in the morning. Bestie and Dr. both says it's a doozie!!! (sigh) here we go...:blush:
i think you should wait for the 3 high temps. And i will start around cd16 for the opks. AF left for me :happydance: DH and I dtd this morning also :happydance: Also, i just bought a new family planning thermometer. It suppose to keep track of my temps and beep when im at my peak :happydance: So im super excited. On my tracker app..it says 12 days before ov so we shall see. I will start temping tomorrow :happydance:

This may sound silly but...:dohh:What's the difference between a family planning thermometer and a basal thermometer? How many temps does it store? And you said it will beep when you are at your peak...that sounds like a neato contraption!! Does it beep a certain amount of times to let you know. I just have to know how it works:blush:. It sounds almost like a fertility monitor, just not all technical and needing to be used at the start of a cycle. Are you going to still chart? I know 21 questions hunh?! :rofl: Not trying to be nosy just interested and inquisitive:blush:.

So glad the old hag is gone!! :happydance: I am so going to countdown with you! :happydance: that isn't long!! I am getting excited..I hope you OV before then!! That would be too awesome! Hopefully your cycle balanced out so much that you will OV earlier than that and be back on a 28day cycle again.:happydance::hugs:

Break the briefcase out and re-brief DH on his mission!!! :rofl: All of BnB TTC'ers are counting on him to get you the bfp! :haha:
well i agree. take it now since you had a major temp spike. Yay you are officially 1dpo :happydance: I found out i have a LP of 17 days not 14 days after i inputed my cycle information in my phone app so now atleast i know around when i suppose ov etc :happydance: Now about the family planning thermometer. Its still a basal thermometer but instead of the normal 3 digit temp i.e. 97.2...its 4 digits and more specific like today..my temp is 97.93. I dont know about the certain beeps but i think i read it wrong :haha: The peak temp was about the highest temp when i temp that day :dohh: And it only stores the day before's temp. It's pretty cool though. I like it so far. It comes with tip covers that I can use and it even came with a year's worth of ovulation charts so i can input the temps manually on paper but i dont need it because i have my app and FF :haha: Now as for debriefing...DH did the debriefing on me :rofl: He says...okay so we are going to dtd every day and we are going to do it once because if we keep going, we will lose sperm and i will be blocking their obstacle so we cant do that..also afterwards...legs up!! :rofl: And in the morning take your temp and get ready all over again :rofl: So he is on the ball and we are sooo ready this cycle. I have also noticed that i have a thermometer with a blue top and the new one has a pink top hmmmm wonder if i get pregnant which 1 would it be pink or blue :blush:
I took it last night, it wasn't so bad today. I was sleepy later after taking it but not I am oh so drugged sleepy. Plus I was groggy today, but my day starts early and ends late anyway. We got rain today so I just took a nap. Problem solved. This evening I have been feeling a little flush but nothing I can't handle, just progesterone doing its job.

I had Dh pick up my 200mg pills today so I am going to take one of those instead of 2 100mg's. Hopefully the effect will be the same given the dose is the same. We were suppose to going out of town tomorrow, on a day trip, but the rain and cold are all I need to stay home.

That's the same thermometer that I have. Mine came from Walmart and it reads to the 10th degree, stores the previous temp also. Says it can do Celsius but I never figured that one out. That's the kind I thought you'd been using all along. That 10th make all the difference. As far as the girl or boy thing..I think it can go either way really. Just because of the BD every night..By the time you Ov you are going to still have left over live sprem cells in your fallopian tube waiting; the stong girl sperm and the replenishing supply of male sperm. girl sperm live longer but if you are replenishing sperm constantly, you could have an equal chance of having a boy. I am eager to know what you would have too.

With all of the dancing we have been doing I may as well have either. I read that sperm take 10hours in the fallopian tube to finish maturing and producing that protein they need to break through the egg wall, soooo if the girls live longer, they can have time to do that and wait around til the egg pops out. I already have a girl, and boys (2) so either is fine with me. Although my daughter will tell you she needs a sister...
I think it will have the same effect if you taking the same dosage. Also, yes its been raining over here too and cold. And yes i love the new thermometer much better because it does makes a big difference. Before it was like 97.6 and 97.8 so im thinking major jump. But this one is 97.93 and 97.86 and instead of looking and saying oh it dropped by .1...with the 10th degree, i can say oh it only dropped by .07 which is a big difference so i like it much better.its not going to leave me guessing. I know DH and I will be happy with either gender but i know men tend to root for boys more because they want a mini them :haha: Every time dh talks about kids he says him, his, he, and im like what if its a girl and he gives me that look like he would be super protective and everything will be different. I can just see it now :haha: I cant wait for us to get our bfps :hugs: Also dh and i dtd last night even though yesterday was a stressful day. My MIL had a triple bypass surgery which was a 4 1/2 hour procedure and it was DH, me, SIL and her 2 kids, and his aunt there. Everything went fine and now she is in the ICU. We saw her but we really didnt want to see her in her state. DH got emotional..well we all did...and i consoled him. I was going to skip out on dtd last night but DH didnt mind and I guess it helped out too. So we did. Keep her in your prayers for me please. :hugs:
I think it will have the same effect if you taking the same dosage. Also, yes its been raining over here too and cold. And yes i love the new thermometer much better because it does makes a big difference. Before it was like 97.6 and 97.8 so im thinking major jump. But this one is 97.93 and 97.86 and instead of looking and saying oh it dropped by .1...with the 10th degree, i can say oh it only dropped by .07 which is a big difference so i like it much better.its not going to leave me guessing. I know DH and I will be happy with either gender but i know men tend to root for boys more because they want a mini them :haha: Every time dh talks about kids he says him, his, he, and im like what if its a girl and he gives me that look like he would be super protective and everything will be different. I can just see it now :haha: I cant wait for us to get our bfps :hugs: Also dh and i dtd last night even though yesterday was a stressful day. My MIL had a triple bypass surgery which was a 4 1/2 hour procedure and it was DH, me, SIL and her 2 kids, and his aunt there. Everything went fine and now she is in the ICU. We saw her but we really didnt want to see her in her state. DH got emotional..well we all did...and i consoled him. I was going to skip out on dtd last night but DH didnt mind and I guess it helped out too. So we did. Keep her in your prayers for me please. :hugs:

I am so sorry about your MIL having to do a bypass and in the hospital! :nope: My grandmother had one a couple years ago, and she did good. We kept praying and she pulled out just fine. I will keep your MIL in my prayers as well as the rest of your family and DH. Just know that God is going to see this situation through and she will be healthier than an ox when she finishes her recovery. my grandmother is more healthier now than she was before. Just feel reassured that everything will be ok.

I am glad you got that thermometer, because that tenth makes sooo much difference. And then Ovulation can be calculated better, sometimes a thermal shift is really small, can't be seen on previous thermometer. and FF might not pick that up correctly.
So I am 4dpo now, just a little sleepy (thanks to progesterone, I think) and a little nipple soreness. And I am starving (again, progesterone?). So I guess nothing really to report on my end except the usual. Do you have your opk's ready? :happydance:
cant believe you're 4dpo already. yes the thermometer does help out alot. my temp is still in the 97 range and it dropped a little so far. i do have my opks ready :thumbup: also, dh has been keeping up with dtd every day plan :thumbup: Also, mil is doing good. She is conscious and responsive. But in alot of pain. We will see her today.
Hope all is well with your MIL still...I have been keeping your family in my prayers. I know she is in a lot of pain. my grandmother was also. They gave her one of those chest straps to squeeze to take the pressure off when she needed to move or cough. My grandmother still ended up popping stitches, having them stitch her again, and having a home health nurse when she went home after rehab. It's a long stretch but with prayer and patience she is going to be better than her old self.

Yes madam you temps are lower than last cycle. :happydance: This is going to be it forthe both of us!! I have been trying to get on here all day, but the site was undergoing maintenance. I thought I wasn't going to be able to get on today, the site is big and know admin. has a lot on their hands.

Well I am now 6dpo..annnnd ANTSY!! :rofl: my chart is at the beginng of going tri...hope it stays that way. I had the fallback rise that threw me for a loop! Had me thinking I was going to be annov or something. Somehow I knew better I got my crosshairs at 5dpo I think. Take a look and tell me what you think...
i defo think you o'd when you think you did :happydance: and my mil is doing better. she will be out of the sicu in no time :happydance: And i have 9 more days until ov..getting excited. fxed for both of us :thumbup: as you can tell by my chart..we have been keeping busy :haha:
My opt r not pos just yet but getting there....i have been temping as well....
LMFO!!! You guys have been really busy!!! :rofl: sending "BD:dust:" for even more energy!!! If you temps keep going down like that I can see a good LH surge happening!! :happydance:

My chart went a little tri kind of early. Temp still up so, hoping that this is it! I will be testing with FRER in a couple days then. I am 7dpo now, I guess I would say in 2 days. That may be long enough to get me a couple lines. Gosh I wish it was already time to test. I have those ic's that I have been playing with, nothing yet on them, hopefully there will be 2 lines on them in the next couple days.

Glad to hear the you MIL is doing good. Thank God, I will continue to pray for her.

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