positive opk @ 8dpo...HELP!!!

If I discard my CD33 temp, I get solid cross-hairs for O on CD34. If my temp stays up and I leave that alone, I get CH for CD36. Of course my temp will probably be back down tomorrow. Oh and after several days of a wet sensation, CD35 seemed less wet.... which I one reason I thought O may have happened the day before. Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
"Poor me" rant for today... A friend just posted her baby's birth pics... Yea she never said on Facebook that she was even pregnant. So it was an absolute surprise to me. Of course it's baby #4 and she was married the same year (few months later) as me, and her oldest is almost exactly the same age as DS. So she's gone on to have 3 more while I've been trying... Another FB friend's anniversary is today (10 yrs) and she has 4 kids, another FB friend had their baby turn 1 yesterday- granted that baby took many years, but still a 2nd child and they've been married a few months less than us too.... And tomorrow is my 11th anniversary and here I am still trying for a 2nd and it's been 9 months since I even ovulated. So I'm sitting here crying like a big baby. Even if I did ovulate, our timing wasn't optimal thanks to DH. And money is tight right now so I don't even know if I'm going to get to go away even though DH took off work Monday and Tuesday so we could. If I didn't have 3 kids here, I'd go upstairs and go to sleep. :cry:

Oh and my brother's ex wife is due this month with baby number 4 with daddy number 4. :growlmad:
Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA for a while have had lots going on around here with it been summer , the kids and with me trying to go back to school its been a mad house and I don't get much time to my self how is everyone doing

LE happy 11 years
I was wondering where you were, Stacey! Looks like your little man isn't quite so little. :)

Thanks for the anniversary wishes.
Glad you're feeling better, MzSwizz. I decided earlier that I'm just going to stay off Facebook as much as I can the next few days. That should help and I'm figuring out finances so we can have an overnight trip. We won't get to do a whole lot, but I think a whole night away will be good for us. We haven't stayed at a hotel with just the 2 of us since well before DS was born. I was feeling guilty about not taking him, but we still have to like each other once he's grown, so alone time would be good. Plus I told DS that we'd probably just be looking around shops and he had no interest in it, so it made me feel better. :)
No he isn't that pic is from fathers day so he is even bigger now rolling over found his feet trying to sit up and teething at his last check he was just over 18lbs 25ins size 3 diaper and 6 to 9 month clothes he is my big baby oh and holding his own bottle
L.E. yes facebook can really make you feel down and out when you seeing people and their kids or pregnant. I stopped going on there for awhile because it was really bringing me down but don't worry, we will have our LOs soon.

Stacey-wow he is a big boy now. Cant wait for update pics!

AFM, im on cd19 and now my temps are staying in the 96 degree range. I wonder if that means im about to ov soon. Well atleast we got our bases covered because we have pretty much been dtd every day. Cant believe in 4 days DH will be on his detachment. Im happy for him because this will be his first detachment. Also, while he is away, I will be seeing my doc etc to help me fix any issues I have (mainly thinking its me not ovulating properly that's the issue) and by the time he comes...we can see if what I use at that time works. So we shall see. Also, I have started school for medical coding and billing yesterday and I am currently doing great. I did two modules already and their exams and I passed the exams with an 100% :happydance: And its fully online so im glad. Well that's all for now.
Glad to hear school is going so well for you! I hope you O before DH leaves. Your temps look really good, so I hope it happens. I had dotted cross-hairs yesterday (saying I was 3 dpo), but I pretty much knew that wasn't accurate. Today's temp was lower and took them away, as I expected. We're going away overnight tonight for our first little trip without DS, but it's just going to be about 24 hours. I hope I can keep it together and not cry like a baby.:haha: I'm not bringing my thermometer. It's just 1 temp and I don't want it to be on my mind tomorrow (like that's even possible lol).:rofl: Anyway, I'm getting everything ready as I hope to leave in about an hour. I'll probably check back tomorrow. :thumbup:
L.E. enjoy your trip!!!!! And yes 1 little temp wont be missed...just enjoy..you never know what might happen on a carefree trip :winkwink:

AFM, im cd21 today and as you can tell from my chart...for the past few days, my temps are VERY low. This is the first time they have been this low. Maybe im gearing up for ovulation who knows. I feel like I been gearing up for ov for the longest :nope: Well based on my previous charts and FF, they put my earliest ov day as cd24 which sucks because DH will be gone on cd23. But I guess if we dtd on cd23, we will still have a chance. If I ov later than that, then I know for sure to expect AF to come this cycle and we will have to try when dh comes back from his detachment. Im doing pretty well in school also. And I had my follow up today. He said I can take off the strips and I was finally able to see the incision which by the way didn't really leave a scar :happydance: Im happy about that because I wanted to prevent that because I already have enough scars as it is. So now in 1 week, I have my appt. with my primary doc about my fertility issues so I cant wait and also I am just flying by in school which is great because that means I will be starting my career soon which will be perfect if we do conceive soon :thumbup: And on Aug. 27th.....its a special day for my parents because its their 36th year anniversary :happydance: Wish I could be there to celebrate with them but a nice video chat will do the trick :thumbup:
How's everyone?

AFM, im cd23 today and looks like my temp has finally went up. I had to wake up at 5:45am this morning instead of my normal 7am because DH is going on his 17 day detachment today so I had to drop him off. When I took my temp at 5:45am it was actually 97.20F but I used the temp adjuster because I took my temp at a different time and it put my temp at 97.45F. So hoping my temp just goes up for the next 2 days because if it does..that means I finally o'd and if I did...I finally o'd the day BEFORE he went on detachment. FF said the earliest I can ov is cd24 and today I am cd23 so we shall see. We have our bases covered up until today. I know that supposedly sperm lasts for up to 5 days so I have a few days ahead covered as well. Just in case mytemp just went up randomly. But I was very shocked to see it go up so high today. I didn't do anything different also like wear pajamas etc :blush: And most of the time if we dtd like around 12am-1am...it still didn't effect my temp so I know dtd didn't change anything either....so fxed that ov has FINALLY happened last night. So today starts day 1 of DH being away and Im going to miss him but I can still talk to him on the phone etc and I didn't take him leaving as bad as I thought. I guess its because Im use to DH being away so now I just adjusted mentally to it. But I cant wait for him to come home safely. Hoping that I did ov and I get a bfp because then when he comes back home...we'll have a bfp and he will know before his birthday (sept. 7th). So fingers crossed this is ovulation but we shall see how the next 2 days go. Hoping my temp doesn't drop or I don't have ovulation at all. Also, I see my doc in 5 days to discuss fertility issues so if this is ovulation...I can talk to her about what I know about me not ovulating every month etc and she can probably check to see if I have ovulated etc. I don't know but hoping I get some type of answer(s) when I go. So all in all everything is going good. And now its time for me to start on my school work.
hey everyone...

AFM, I got a call today for a job interview on Saturday and also I put down an adoption hold fee because we getting a new dog (the other dog was terrible so gave him another home with people who can train better). Also, looks like this cycle is going to be short and no ov because...im spotting but its more like a light flow. Its this pink/purple :shrug: looking color and its not consistent. It only came out with DH's extra soldiers/my cm. And its wet when it comes out but it dries up like discharge :shrug: So right now im totally :wacko: im only cd24 and obviously I didn't ovulate at all so I don't know what to make of this. Will definitely talk to my doc about this on Monday and see what happens. Also this is my 3rd cycle after the bcps so I have no clue whats going on. They said that the bcps that I was taken will be completely out my system in the matter of days so I don't know what my body is going through. I didn't even have TIME to ovulate :nope:
AFM, im on cd25 today and the brown discharge has stopped last night around 10pm so I only had it for 2-3 hours. And it was a little bit on the pad (not enough to call it a light period because it wasn't constant and it only came out when the discharge came out) and it wasn't there when I wiped nor was in the toilet so only on the pad :shrug: It don't seem like I ovulated neither so I don't know whats going on. Also, first it was pinkish/purplish (don't know how to really describe it..kinda of peach like) and then half a hour later, it turned brown. It was dry brown discharge like. It don't even look like bleeding so im lost. It sounded like characteristics of implantation bleeding but from looking at FF chart, it doesn't show that I o'd so im confused all around. I was thinking that it was AF. Usually, the first day it would be here and there but mostly here and doesn't really stop and then by the next morning, its here full blown. But it stopped last night and it hasn't been back since and Ive used the bathroom twice and all I see is the normal cm..so this is me right now :wacko: Any ideas?
Hmmm, I don't know, MzSwizz. If you did O a couple days ago, it would probably be too soon for IB, but anything's possible. I'm the queen of random spotting/bleeding, so I just try not to think too much of it. I had 2 days of spotting- actually while we were out of town of course. I chalked it up to being stressed out the first day and I hadn't even marked it on my calendar. Well, FF now thinks I O'd. I changed my CD35 temp because that was the wacky one and I wasn't sure which temp to go with anyway, so I went with the higher one because it matched my 4 a.m. temp, which was higher than usual. I already had solid cross-hairs, but for CD36, and I really thought if I had O'd it was CD34, which is now what my chart says. I'm not convinced I O'd but those solid cross-hairs do look lovely. So after today's temp and my cross-hairs moving, I thought I'd better add the spotting, and it was possibly 6 and 7 dpo, with my temp jumping up today at (maybe) 10dpo. I hate it when my chart gets me all hopeful lol. If I did happen to O on CD34, then I BD 2,4, and 6 days before O. If it was CD36, add 2 days to all that. If it was yesterday, then I BD on O day. Today's temp completely shocked me. It was taken a bit later, but just about all the open circles on my chart were taken within 10 mins of today's temp, so obviously the later temps don't automatically make my temps higher... and not this much higher.

Anyway.... Grrrr... Now I seriously want to go get an hpt lol. I'm not going to. Ok well I'm going to try not to. I'd like to just wait it out and see what the next few temps look like.
Oh somehow I missed your other 2 posts... sorry. I didn't realize DH's detachment was only 17 days. That still stinks to be away from DH, but it's better than the 6 months I was thinking it would be. I hope your doc gets you some answers. I think when you get the chance to try, Clomid would be a good option for you. I think it is for me too, so I'm pretty much planning on trying it at income tax time.

I hope the new dog works out better. We got a dog a couple years ago, and he had too much energy for us (not to mention jumping, nipping, peeing in the house), so we gave him to our friends and it worked out great. They have high energy teenagers to help and had a great Boxer to set the example, and they were good dog trainers. I've considered a dog a lot, but I think they're more work that babies, and I don't want poop in my yard where kids play and I mow lol. My sister is fostering a dog, and, boy he's something else. She's the dog person, I'm the baby person. :)

Anyway, there's still a chance you O'd. Guess we're both just watching our charts and waiting. My temp is probably a fluke too, but I of course hope it's not.
L.E. fxed for you. Sounds like you might be getting your bfp...hoping you are. You are stronger than me because I would've been heading back from the store with hpts in hand by now :haha: And im thinking that this is another non ovulating cycle and AF is going to come soon. Probably later on today. Well, I cant wait until my doc appt so she can fix whats going on with me.
Thanks. If you get a regular AF without Oing, that would at least be a plus. That has never happened with me, so if your body resets on its own, that's a really good thing. Mine needs a swift kick in the pants to do anything lol.

I'm not holding my breath about the Oing thing. Chances are good that today was a fluke and tomorrow it will be down again, but I can't deny that I have hopes that it stays up.
L.E. I hope you did ov and that your temps stay up :thumbup:

AFM, I think its probably just an early AF playing tricks with me. So I decided to do an experiment. Soooo I went to the store and bought a douche (water-based) never used one in my life but I know supposedly it suppose to clean out your "area" soooo with that being said I bought it so I can try and jumpstart AF :haha: I haven't had any cramps at all so didn't understand the brown discharge etc. Soo today I checked cervix and it was pinkish/red blood like up there so im like okay it must be AF and then when I wiped, it was pinkish/red on the tp so im like okay so now let me help it come out because if I use the douche it "should" show me how much blood I really have up there. Sooo I tried it (ummmm after like 10 mins of trying to figure out how to use it :blush: ) and then while it was leaking out, I only saw a small amount of brown once again :dohh: And then when I wipe with the tp.....I got nothing. Then I checked my cervix to see if its still a bloody mess :haha: Anddddd nothing. I didn't stick it "that" high to mess with the cervix but whatever. I guess its just taking its time.
And I bought 4 hpts so im just going to test knowing it will be negative.

L.E. Also, yes I was already thinking about getting Clomid because my cycles are weird. So we could be the Clomid buddies hehe.
How are you doing L.E.?

AFM, im cd26 today and have no brown discharge last night. I was able to sleep with no pad etc and woek up this morning took my temp (vaginally) and there was nothing but white cm on the thermometer. Also, I would think that my temp will drop lower thinking that AF is on its way but its still in the 97s range and it really didn't drop as much. I took a test this morning and of course it was a BFN like I thought it would be (pics are below). I still on and off get the sharp pain in my left ovary which is weird. I seriously thought AF was coming because since yesterday (starting around 7 or 8pm) I was getting sharp pinching pains which made me think okay AF will be here later tonight or this morning. Currently, I don't have on any pads or panty liners etc..and there was no brown discharge as of right now. I used the bathroom this morning (which usually brings forth AF while im using the bathroom) and nothing but cm came out. Im not going to freak out or worry about it or stress about it anymore. I got my job interview today and I got my doc appt on Monday @ 9:40am so hopefully she can shed some light on why I had spotting. At first I was thinking maybe its my left ovary finally trying to work and this time around my pre-ov temps would be 96s degrees and my post ov temps would be 97s degrees. But that was just wishful thinking. The doc will be able to tell me if I o'd or not. These are the non tweaked photos so ladies feel free to tweak the pics :hugs:

Last night:2013-08-09_23-41-21_492.jpg
This morning:2013-08-10_07-28-14_602.jpg
HPT from last night:2013-08-10_08-10-08_931.jpg
Hmm I don't see anything, but that's not unusual for a pic not to show it. If you don't see anything in person, then it probably is negative for real. :nope:

Today is going fine. I called it and woke with a much lower temp today. I also proved my theory that my temp doesn't change .2 degrees every hour like most people, which is one reason I don't adjust my temps, even though some are almost 2 hours apart. Today I took my temp at 8:45 a.m. and it was 97.18. Got up, went to the bathroom, came back to bed, and woke up at 10 a.m. and my temp was 97.18. Exactly the same. Took it another time because I really wanted to see a higher temp, and got 97.18 again.

My cross-hairs are still there, but if my temp is about 97.4 tomorrow, my O date will move to CD36 with dotted CH, if it's 97.3ish, the CH will be gone altogether, and if it's 97.5 or above, it will stay the same. My guess is that I'll be at 97.3ish or lower tomorrow. :growlmad: At least it was just 1 day of a high temp and not a whole misleading week of high temps like in April. Of course I'm still hoping, but the realist in me knows that I most-likely didn't O.

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