I see the witch got you. Sorry.
On a bright note, you did ovulate and and the ideal time of your cycle. I hope next month brings your bfp with a sticky bean!
Nothing too much going on with me. I'm at the tail end of this sickness I think. I was super-tired the first half of yesterday, so I slept in, but I still wanted to go to bed early- went up at 9:30 hoping for DS to come up at 10, but he came up at 11 (I didn't push it because I was playing a game lol), and then he was hungry, so he went back down and ate, but I think he was asleep before midnight. Me? Oh no... I couldn't fall asleep til about 3 a.m.
and I had to be up at 7 to babysit. I try to use his nap time for our home schooling time, but sometimes I can get him to take 2 small naps instead of 1 big one, and I get to sleep for the first one.
Anyway, my temp was 97.60, which is still above normal for me, but not as high as I'd like to see. It was over 98 most times I checked after 9 pm. So, still waiting to see what's up with me. I may be 5 or 6 dpo. That high temp moves my CH to make me 5 dpo. If I discard it, it puts me at 6 dpo, which is what I thought based on my temps. I also have a lot of temps taken at different times, have been sick, and took Nyquil a couple nights, so my whole chart may be wrong.
Anyway, I hope your AF is a quick one and you get get back to TTC.