post-HSG test spotting anyone?

Hey ladies!!

Sounds hopeful for you Optimistic. We have decided to drop out for a while. With summer travel, camping and then I have a wedding to attend in Vegas in September. So we have opted to hold off on the clomid until after summer. The amount of stress that has lifted from me since we made this decision is unbelievable. Hopefully you ladies will be good n pregnant before then. I will still be around, thinking about you ladies always, hoping and praying and sending all the baby dust your way!! Hope all is going great for you...:hugs:

Hey there... sounds like a fab summer for you ... have lots of fun.
the good break might work wonders:thumbup:
have a fab time very envious about your summer away:thumbup:
I was 8 days late... period arrived yesterday so gutted : ((
cant wait for florida holiday in 13 weeks :hugs::hugs:
take care
Hey you guys.... hope your all well xx
Thinking of u all..
Hope you are all enjoying your summer xx
Hey Optimistic,

Nice to see yours post. I have been thinking of you ladies very often. Summer is fine here, although I am mostly working. Will be starting my IVF very soon.

How are you hon? What's the latest?

Takecare and talk soon
Hey Optimistic,

Nice to see yours post. I have been thinking of you ladies very often. Summer is fine here, although I am mostly working. Will be starting my IVF very soon.

How are you hon? What's the latest?

Takecare and talk soon
Hey there.... exciting but scary starting ivf : ))) Wish you lots of luck
Im good plodding along ticking off the weight loss seein each month pass by with no luck : (
Just looking forward to our florida holiday yippee. ..
Thinking about maybe going private in 2014/15 if no luck : ((
So hope full itll happen one day xxxx
Be thinking of u xx Let me know how it goes
Hello pretty ladies!!
I have been at a lake for a couple weeks no internet ...... crazy :wacko: Back to reality now lol. Way to go on your weight loss Optimist and yes it will happen for you keep your positive thoughts luv. IVF Sunshine thats exciting!! When??

We are still on hold, just taking it easy and not (well trying not) to think about baby making until after we go to Vegas in sept. We haven't started the clomid and going to hold off until then. What a difference it has made on my stress levels just putting it on the back burner for a while. Just wanted to pop in and say hi I am still thinking about you and I hope your summer is as sunny as can be ......tons of hugs to you both :hugs:
Hello pretty ladies!!
I have been at a lake for a couple weeks no internet ...... crazy :wacko: Back to reality now lol. Way to go on your weight loss Optimist and yes it will happen for you keep your positive thoughts luv. IVF Sunshine thats exciting!! When??

We are still on hold, just taking it easy and not (well trying not) to think about baby making until after we go to Vegas in sept. We haven't started the clomid and going to hold off until then. What a difference it has made on my stress levels just putting it on the back burner for a while. Just wanted to pop in and say hi I am still thinking about you and I hope your summer is as sunny as can be ......tons of hugs to you both :hugs:

Hey there , nice to hear all Is well.. sounds like a wonderful summer for you..
have time relaxing this summer ... be nice not thinking about it all the time give chance for your body to relax : ))
hope you have an amazing time
Hello everyone I thought id just say hey : ))) xx
It's been a long while...
I broke my ankle a month a go so im in a cast : (( ..
Christmas very close now x
Hope you all have a fab xmas
Xx hope we all have some good news in 2014 : ))))
hey optimistic,

I logged on to this site after a while, and so happy to see your message. Sorry about your injury hope you heal soon.

Well a lot happened at my end, although unfortunately it was all negative. I had my first IVF in august which was a BFN.T
hen last month I did a frozen embryo transfer and that too was negative. I have been depressed since early September.

The sad thing is that the doc don't know what is wrong with my body, what is the cause of infertility. I am so broken hearted at the moment.

You tell me how are things with you? how was your holiday? Missed talking with you, it gets so lonely sometimes :(. This pain of infertility is just sometimes so unbearable.

Hugs and write back soon.
hey optimistic,

I logged on to this site after a while, and so happy to see your message. Sorry about your injury hope you heal soon.

Well a lot happened at my end, although unfortunately it was all negative. I had my first IVF in august which was a BFN.T
hen last month I did a frozen embryo transfer and that too was negative. I have been depressed since early September.

The sad thing is that the doc don't know what is wrong with my body, what is the cause of infertility. I am so broken hearted at the moment.

You tell me how are things with you? how was your holiday? Missed talking with you, it gets so lonely sometimes :(. This pain of infertility is just sometimes so unbearable.

Hugs and write back soon.

Hello ... im so sorry about the past few months for you must have been so terrible x x : ((
I understand your pain and wish for some answers.
Is the dr going to send you for any tests? What's the plan?
Are you going to have another try at ivf? ..
I really feel for you... no one understands do they.
Infertility is so miss understood.
It's like being on an awful roller coaster that doesn't end.
I just give up sometimes..
Its so hard to stay positive all the time.
Nobody understands just questions all the time. Facebook is feeling such torture atm every status includes pregnancy , babies, children .. its sounding terrible I don't begrudge people at all but its so hard when you want a family so bad : ((
Its so raw painful.
Its a bit rubbish at the minute sat on my bottom for months eating not loosing weight dreading putting any weight on , exercise out the window
Sorry : ((
Im going on, on xx
Its just feeling time ticking on and on and nothing... still in awful limbo.
Thank you we had a fantastic holiday in florida it was amazing holiday of a lifetime : ))
Wishing ourselves back there x
Nice to talk to you again x
Sorry been so long ... : )))
Big hugs xx
It's been that long since I've been on here the desktop version is different : (
I'll stick to using mobile x
Heheh x
How's Sweden ?
Cold? Snow? Xx
How's hubby with what's happened? X
Hey Optimistic,

Hubby is also bogged down with what happened, but we have to accept. here things are very structured, they don't perform any test etc, they just do the IVF, which is really bad. we still have 3 frozen embryos left, so perhaps, we will do another transfer in a couple of month. me and hubby thinking of coming to UK to take a second opinion from doc there.

how about you? will you be proceeding to IVF?

I so much hope that we get through this difficult journey.

Hey Optimistic,

Hubby is also bogged down with what happened, but we have to accept. here things are very structured, they don't perform any test etc, they just do the IVF, which is really bad. we still have 3 frozen embryos left, so perhaps, we will do another transfer in a couple of month. me and hubby thinking of coming to UK to take a second opinion from doc there.

how about you? will you be proceeding to IVF?

I so much hope that we get through this difficult journey.


Hey they ,
I feel for you lovely : ((
im sorry.
Yeh don't really understand the system over there being so unstructured.
I don't really understand the protocols of the nhs ... complicated
We hope to proceed next year with private clinics but with £5000 Price tag for one go, we need to get cash together.
But im frightened of the protocols of private health care whether the bmi are a little more lenient than nhs as im above 29.9 that nhs ask of us.
Hubby is miles away from it. : ((

Its very traumatic what has happened and understandably you have to try another cycle only when your ready x
I would seriously be thinking about another opinion , I definitely agree.
There are quite a lot of
clinics all over the uk.
You have all the Harley st clinics in London but don't know if they cost more x
Sorry but if you don't mind me asking but did you both have to comply with bmi protocol over there ? X x
Take care
Ps I do to also hope for an amazing outcome to this journey : ))
Hey Optimistic,

No we did not have any BMI criteria here. Here the first two attempts are financed, and then you have to pay.

I will be in the UK in Jan, we look around for clinics , just for check-ups etc, as they wont do any here----damn.

You are also unexplained like us right?

Its so frustrating, this circumstances we are in. You know so times I get so desperate that I feel impelled to get in touch with an astrologer or some clairvoyant.......grrrrrrrrrrr

What you doing for chirstmas and new years?

Hugs and take care
Hey Optimistic,

No we did not have any BMI criteria here. Here the first two attempts are financed, and then you have to pay.

I will be in the UK in Jan, we look around for clinics , just for check-ups etc, as they wont do any here----damn.

You are also unexplained like us right?

Its so frustrating, this circumstances we are in. You know so times I get so desperate that I feel impelled to get in touch with an astrologer or some clairvoyant.......grrrrrrrrrrr

What you doing for chirstmas and new years?

Hugs and take care

Sounds like a plan in jan for you : ))
Hopefully get some answers.
Well although unexplained I have pcos. But I ovulate naturally , had regular periods for 3yrs april with assistance from metformin.
There answer tends to blame excess weight.
But without being rude there are millions of overweight/ morbidly obese folk who conceive : ((
We don't feel its the cause its a get out clause for nhs to limit their spending on u : ((
This is partly why now after 4 year we are considering ivf privately.
I had a hsg last year this flushes the tubes through and allows them to see the activity in the tubes.
The dr didn't feel there was any problems at all.
Had laparoscopy a few years ago which confirmed my pcos.
Dr didn't feel I would need assistance along the way if we got our weight down : ((
I don't know what to believe to be honest... its so hard x
But she discharged us on our last appointment as there is nothing she can do for us til we attack the bmi situation easier said than done.
We feel totally at a loss.
With the weight situation as it is I just feel totally over whelmed its like a brick wall I don't feel can be broke.
As nhs asks the couple to be both healthy bmi.... under 29
Drives me mad
Because they can't guarantee if we miraculously lose all the weight we will ever be pregnant : ((
Infuriating ...
Im 35 next sept this also us scary as I will be then in another bracket.

Over the years I have had some readings tarot/palm/clairvoyants.
The one I saw last year was surprised thar I didn't have any children as she said a little girl was on my lap .. she said 3 but was unsure about 1 of them : (
I like to have readings as im interested /intrigued but you have to stay realistic.
Hubby thinks im daft for having the readings : )).
But it's my choice I've had a few over the years.
I would defo have a reading.
Although I do feel she shouldn't have told me about the one she's unsure of : ((
She felt they was here already so she said they must be in the very near future x (we will see)
Well to be honest because of fracturing my ankle im off work till in the new year otherwise I would of been working xmas day but off boxing day. So working in care industry ita 24/7 doesn't stop for Xmas : /
Hopefully ill be out of the cast in a few weeks.
We did a lot of xmas shopping before my accident luckily.
All wrapped : ))
We will see all the parents on xmas day have lunch with my parents.
We aren't really party people both tee total so nothing at new year just us two x x
How about u 2 ?
Done all Xmas shopping?
Take care xx
Hey daring optimistic,

I can well understand your frustration dear. It feels so helpless when you don't know what is the reason why things ain't working your way.

You know in early September, when my first IVF failed, I was devastated. Had to take sick leave from work. But then I started doing meditation and cried out the bitterness. It really helped me.

But, this situation we are in is not easy and the thing is we can't share this problem with a lot many people. At work, 4 of my colleagues are pregnant, and then people keep asking me this biting question is that now its my know how bad and sad I feel.

Even my hubby's family, every one has a baby, other than me, in fact his cousin just gave birth to a baby boy last night.

Also for me , I work at the university, so there are so many deadlines and the bloody work pressure to top it all. I have to work on weekends too to finish my research.

But today we took a break, both me and hubby. We went to buy Christmas presents for his niece and nephew.

Christmas we will be spending with hubby's family and then on around new year we come to UK.

Hope you have a nice sunday and take care, sending lots of peace , happiness and love your way.
Hey daring optimistic,

I can well understand your frustration dear. It feels so helpless when you don't know what is the reason why things ain't working your way.

You know in early September, when my first IVF failed, I was devastated. Had to take sick leave from work. But then I started doing meditation and cried out the bitterness. It really helped me.

But, this situation we are in is not easy and the thing is we can't share this problem with a lot many people. At work, 4 of my colleagues are pregnant, and then people keep asking me this biting question is that now its my know how bad and sad I feel.

Even my hubby's family, every one has a baby, other than me, in fact his cousin just gave birth to a baby boy last night.

Also for me , I work at the university, so there are so many deadlines and the bloody work pressure to top it all. I have to work on weekends too to finish my research.

But today we took a break, both me and hubby. We went to buy Christmas presents for his niece and nephew.

Christmas we will be spending with hubby's family and then on around new year we come to UK.

Hope you have a nice sunday and take care, sending lots of peace , happiness and love your way.

Morning there : ))
the time is wrong on this site several hours out its 1013am sunday : ))

You must be really tired, demanding job for you.
Will you get to have a good amount of time off over Christmas to rest up?
Totally understand your grief this year... what an awful time :hugs:
Does the uni close up for the festive period?

You do need time away from work to let yourself deal with all that happened it takes its toll..... tears are a good way of healing
you have to let it all out, can't store it all up.

I've done a lot of crying in past 2 days, partly my cycle to blame and feeling totally frustrated with being stuck to the sofa all day every day...

Glad you found help with meditation, I personally have never tried it.

Its an open wound isn't it that keeps being opened..
I totally understand how you feel about friends/colleagues/family having babies...:cry:
My cousin is pregnant... she got pregnant on the second time they tried although she is 21 it seems so unfair to have been trying for 4 yrs..

My best friend has conceived each of her children very quickly on trying.

She tries to understand when I tell her about the fertility stuff but doesn't really understand : ((
she also looses weight very quickly and doesn't understand why myself and hubby aren't able to get to the bmi ....
Its not easy with pcos.
Also having weight issues all our life... you cant just half your body weight just like that....

I love her to bits ive known her a long long time, shes very supportive but no one really understands the pain ...

Our parents are very understanding but without being rude they also don't understand things like pcos , ivf etc etc wasn't even discovered back when they where getting together and planning families....

We all feel at a loss with the nhs and the bmi crap... :cry:

I believe in making these diets/exercise a way of life ... we swim , play badminton, walk etc etc ... but now having had the accident im laid up for 3/4mths and the extra food/calories/lack of mobility will have its consequences ...:cry:

I have a lot contact with the elderly in my job they don't understand why at my age and been married a few years we don't have a brood of little ones ... ( I WISH )
I often get "don't leave it to late "... "time is ticking"... I didn't realise you was that old and you don't have children"...

obviously they don't mean any harm but I can only so many times let it go over my head...

Im in complete turmoil with myself and that its my fault im not able to conceive.. I cant be a mum, I cant make my hubby a dad, also our parents aren't able to be grandparents..
its torture....:cry:

I feel it'll never happen ...

Glad you had a nice time Christmas shopping..
its nice to spend quality time with one another :happydance:

Its been really good to talk again ... thanku for listening

:hugs: take care xxx
Dear Optimistic,

I am always here , I feel very connected to you. so if you ever want a shoulder- I am right here.

I understand your pain, and I hope with all my heart that you recover soon from your injury and that things work out the very best for you in the coming months.

Maybe , next year will be our year, this year was crappy- full of disappointments.

I feel your pain about the BMI issue and how people just sometimes don't understand.

The uni will shut down for Christmas, but our job is not the typical 9-5 job, its research, so we have to often take work home.
I will take some break during Christmas, but in early Jan , I have to get back again . I will be staying in UK though for the early part of 2014- visiting another uni in UK.

Have you tried chines medicine. They seem to be good at these. And in Uk there are quite a few chines doctors. I think, I will have a look at it when in UK.

sending all good thoughts your way

Take Care and Hugs
Dear Optimistic,

I am always here , I feel very connected to you. so if you ever want a shoulder- I am right here.

I understand your pain, and I hope with all my heart that you recover soon from your injury and that things work out the very best for you in the coming months.

Maybe , next year will be our year, this year was crappy- full of disappointments.

I feel your pain about the BMI issue and how people just sometimes don't understand.

The uni will shut down for Christmas, but our job is not the typical 9-5 job, its research, so we have to often take work home.
I will take some break during Christmas, but in early Jan , I have to get back again . I will be staying in UK though for the early part of 2014- visiting another uni in UK.

Have you tried chines medicine. They seem to be good at these. And in Uk there are quite a few chines doctors. I think, I will have a look at it when in UK.

sending all good thoughts your way

Take Care and Hugs

Hey there.....

hope your well?:thumbup:

sorry do you mean Chinese ?never heard of chines?

I live quite a long way from London also ... would find it hard to make London trips for fertility treatment etc...

I would love to go through Harley st private clinic they renowned to be the best... we are just not in a position to make that kind of commitment for distance, it had many other implications financially also.
We just couldn't make monthly / weekly trips for testing and consultations or endure the costs at doing at a distance...:nope:

Ive heard Chinese drs don't like western medicine or visa versa...
all conflicting isn't it ..

Im being treated with metformin and I have read that id have to come off it to under take different therapies...

side affects aren't amazing with metformin it controls my insulin levels which has given me regular cycles for a few years now and I wouldn't want to jeopardise ...

Have you had any accunpunture?

Ive read a blog on here noticed someone had said the nhs is reviewing the NICE guidelines in 2015..
I hope they are going to be made a little easier ..:cry:

Sorry I know I go on about the bmi stuff but the fact they ask both parties of the couple to have bmi of 19-29 we can understand the woman being in that category but seems so unfair for the man..
even if the man gets to 35.. it would be better...
Men are built so different to women..
Just find it so unrealistic : ((

Yeh I don't feel ive achieved much this year with regards conceiving...
I guess after the hsg I got some answers and it flushed me through

But yet still yet to have a positive test.....

I think I wouldn't believe it if I got a positive ...
had so many negatives :cry:

I certainly do hope for a better year all around :happydance:

Whats life like in Sweden any how ?
cold I bet now ...
We hope to one day visit Norway .. we hope to see the fjords ...
looks breath taking.

I do hope when we are both least expect it .. it'll happen :hugs:

Have you both thought of adoption?

Once we have gone through the private healthcare and if we find we cant do it naturally we are open to adoption completely....
There are millions of children out there without families and parents..

In the future we would also like to foster:thumbup:

thank you for your kind words ....

Hey Optiistic,

Sorry for the late reply. been so busy. This week we have had Christmas parties and other gatherings at work so been very hectic. Although I hate to go any such evenst these days- I am so sad from within and sometimes my pains is just unbearable.

One of my college had a baby last week, and at the party they were discussing, my expressions were so sad- I just couldn't even get to feign happiness fo her. I mean I ma not upset that she has got a baby- but someone else becoming a mother reminds me that I cant be- it just a painful and embarrsing feeling. And I am afraid, I hope this does not make me a bitter person----I feel so much at lost.

Also I have immense work pressure-things are just messed-up in my life at the moment.

Enough of my rant. how have you been? you recovering well? I will look up the hospital you said in London. although we will mostly be in Oxford during our stay there.

Yes its quite cold here, snow everywhere. I will work until 22 dec and then on 23 we go o my in-laws for Christmas, we will stay there until 28 and 29 we go to UK.

Regarding adoption- yes we are considering that option too. we will wait a couple o years more and if nothing then we will go in for it.

Take care- I hope there was some magic which I could do on both of us to get out of our situation.
Hey Optiistic,

Sorry for the late reply. been so busy. This week we have had Christmas parties and other gatherings at work so been very hectic. Although I hate to go any such evenst these days- I am so sad from within and sometimes my pains is just unbearable.

One of my college had a baby last week, and at the party they were discussing, my expressions were so sad- I just couldn't even get to feign happiness fo her. I mean I ma not upset that she has got a baby- but someone else becoming a mother reminds me that I cant be- it just a painful and embarrsing feeling. And I am afraid, I hope this does not make me a bitter person----I feel so much at lost.

Also I have immense work pressure-things are just messed-up in my life at the moment.

Enough of my rant. how have you been? you recovering well? I will look up the hospital you said in London. although we will mostly be in Oxford during our stay there.

Yes its quite cold here, snow everywhere. I will work until 22 dec and then on 23 we go o my in-laws for Christmas, we will stay there until 28 and 29 we go to UK.

Regarding adoption- yes we are considering that option too. we will wait a couple o years more and if nothing then we will go in for it.

Take care- I hope there was some magic which I could do on both of us to get out of our situation.

Hi there.....

I really honestly do feel for you : )) I really understand your pain.
Its so hard isn't it ..
Your feelings are very natural..
I also feel very green with envy with friends/family.
the jealous feeling isn't nice at all:hugs:

It makes you bitter over time as its hard to justify why is cant/doesn't happen...

I question all the time what it is wrong with me? why won't it happen?when? what have I done to deserve this? im a freak? why was I put in this situation !! I can go on and on..
Im very much my own enemy... blame myself !

People can be so rude and ignorant towards others... we cant judge when we don't have a clue whats going on in others lives...

I believe we all have our problems.. we all cry :cry:

I mean it in the nicest possible way and I know my opinion doesn't matter but as a friend if you don't mind me saying..
Have you considered cutting back on work hrs/stress/comitments?!:hugs:

please don't take it the wrong way its meant well.

we commited ourselves to me only being at work max 30 hrs being flexible, stress free, able to exercise, eat well, have time to stay relaxed.

I was told by the fertility dr to consider all the above in order to be healthy enough to conceive.

There are many clinics and hospitals around the web address below is the Harley st clinic I spoke of..

rant away its fine :hugs:

You must be both really looking forward to your xmas nice week off.

With our work commitments we don't have xmas off but for the first time in 5 years we will have all of xmas day off together...
Hubby normally is only off for one day.

We tend to have a week off in jan which will be nice.
Everything is a little topsy turvy with the accident .., but itll be fab to have xmas day off !!:happydance:

I often say that I don't want anything for xmas just a positive test and a healthy baby !!

Its just been a lengthy time consuming... physical/emotional process.

Im back at the hospital on tues so will know what is happening with my ankle, not looking forward to having staples out ... ouch !

Any how...
its time for me to be quiet... im rambling ..
hope you are well.. hope you have some time out from work over the weekend x x

Take care :hugs:

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