Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

I'll definitely join in. So I came of BC (Estelle) in november had my withdrawal bleed on the 25th for 6 days then nothing... Getting so annoyed im on like CD46 or something.. so I decided since my cycles won't start again for me to start tracking things I am doing it mid cycle lol.. So for the last 3 weeks I've been tracking CM which hasn't really changed untill today when I got my first lot of EWCM YAY!! hahaha I've also been temping! So I don't know if I am ovulation at the moment or not guess my temps will let me know soon enough...!! I went to the docs this morning and was a bit naughty.. I told him I stopped in October so I could say that its been 3 months :) He told me to come back in 2 months if nothing happen and we will run tests. If things are not right I am not waiting over a year to fix them so I lied a little to move things along.:blush: Weather I do or dont have a fertility problem if I want tests I should be able to get them...

But anyway fingers crossed that I am ovulating as we speak and I will get a BFP soon :)
Can you ovulate if you don't have a AF?

I know someone at work who didn't know she's pregnant until she's 3 months pregnant! She said she's always irregular, so she didn't realized for that long.
Sigh. Just reading these makes me feel better to have company. Came off the pill in August. Cycles so far: 38 days, 33 days, 35 days. Then after having a normal period on Dec. 1, another one on Dec. 17??? But this one was shorter and just weird. I dunno. So now I don't know if I should start counting from that one or not. If I count from that one, it's now CD23, which would sort of make sense for me because I had ewcm two days ago... CD21... which would bring me back around to about a 35 day cycle. You think that random 16 day thing was just a weird short cycle due to coming off the pill even though I seemed to be regulating?
I haven't been temping or using OPKs just because I am already so disappointed every month when AF comes and I feel like the more effort I put into it, the more disappointed I'll be.
Sorry for the long post. I'm new around here. I needed someone to talk to 'cause no one really knows we're trying. :)
Hi, so happy to see this thread, nice to all be here for each other! Ok, so I came off BCP (microgynon) on 28 dec, after 14 yrs without a break, had withdrawal bleed 1-4 January, and now waiting patiently for mother nature to take control. I'm actually over in ntnp just now as I'm trying to stay relaxed for the first few months :winkwink:

Baby dust to us all!
OMG this is kinda scaring me. I just got off the pill a couple of weeks ago. I already had irregular cycles to begin with, before the pill. And really looong cycles. I hate to think what they would be like now. I'm pretty sure I won't have another period for a very long time. The first one off of BC was like two days long and barely anything at all. I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near ovulating, either. A whole year? Wow this is frustrating.
I came off the pill (microgynon) in april 2010 cycle were been 35-37days but not one since october. Done several tests all negative so just a waiting game now. Started agnus castus a few day ago so this may kick start things fingers crossed. Nice to no I'm not only one going through this xxx
My periods have always been irregular, then I was on the pill for 7 years (I did do a few 1-month breaks while on it, because I wanted to see if my period was still coming fine on its own). After I stopped it, I had perfectly timed periods for 3 months, but then it got all irregular again. It's funny, because I usually have a perfect 30 days cycle every other month, but it's the months in between that's always longer (40 days max so far). I was wondering if my ovaries are working on different schedules or something. I finally scheduled a OB appointment for the beginning of February to see if she can find any reason for it. In the meantime I'm changing my diet drastically, because I wanna make sure it's not because if my rather poor eating habits.
I'm on to cd41's possible that I ovulated over the weekend, as my temp has gone up. But it's still a waiting game - FF won't confirm that I've ov'd for another 3 days or so...and that's if my temp stays up :dohh:

So annoying that the medical profession refuses to help until you've been struggling for over a year. I plan to go to see the GP when I'm on cd80, as then I'll have skipped two periods. I really hope it doesn't come to that though!
So I'm on day 46 now and still no AF :-(

How are you girls holding up xx
This thread both reassures me and scares me!!

I came off the pill in December after 16 years - I was taking Femodene.

I should have had a visit from AF today, assuming a 28 day cycle but... nothing so far. And given what you ladies are saying, I shouldn't expect anything, anytime soon.

Sigh.... oh well!
Just wanted to say hi and give you some PMA and hope ladies! - I had terribly irregular cycles when we were trying for our first son a couple of years ago (prior to that I had been on the pill for 10 yrs). We got there tho with the help of opks, temping and pre-seed.

I wanted to say in particular, don't panic if you have a dodgy looking chart one month and a lack of opks - the cycle before we conceived, I had just started charting and my temps were flat all month, no +opk and then af arrived out of the blue. I was devastated and convinced my body wasn't ever going to do what it was supposed to because of the pill! However, just the cycle after this, the temps followed a really sensible pattern and we conceived our little boy - it would have been nearly a 6wk cycle from memory, so my body took a while to gear up to ov, but it happened!...

...I guess what I'm trying to say is don't panic if you get a dud cycle - I think one month your body can fail you so cruelly due to the after effects of the pill, yet the next month it might do everything it's supposed to!

I was also part of a long cycles r us thread on here back then and one of the other ladies got her bfp in an incredibly long cycle - to give you hope, it does happen.

I got so annoyed at the time that the dr's don't give you a heads up on how the pill can temporarily mess up your cycles. I actually got really talked down to by one of them when I suggested coming off it ahead of TTCing to get my body back into a pattern beforehand! She talked to me like I was about 12! Grrr!

Lots of baby dust to you all! x
Day 53 and no sign, really stressful month tho? This is cycle 2 following pill, first cycle was 41 days. When should I go docs? Was thinking of going if no sign at day 84 (3 months no sign), what you think?
Hey ladies :hi:

Sorry I'm only just getting round to posting back on here, I didn't come on here last night!! Soooooo... how is everyone doing today?

Sparkle1980 - That's brilliant that your cycles have become regular, it gives some hope to us ladies! Let's all hope you get your :bfp: soon :thumbup:

Rubberducky88 - It is such a drag waiting for 1st AF, as you just don't know when it will come. But, be assured it will come hunni. The symptoms are a nightmare!! I have definitely noticed a difference in my skin since stopping BCP. The 2nd cycle off BCP I was convinced I was PG as I had allsorts of symptoms, and didn't even know half of them existed until I looked it up, but then found out that the craze of hormones after BCP can give you similar symptoms as being PG. Our bodies are definitely cruel :cry:

Mommytorres - No and yes... you can't O if you don't have AF as the unfertilised egg has to go somewhere (AF) but you can O/ start to O again at any point, so if you are not having AF regularly then you can obviously O at any point in time. Hope that helps? Have you recently come off BCP?

Wouldluvabub - That's good that they will start running tests in 2mths though, but let's hope you get lucky before that!! When I went after 6mths he just said it was normal and to give it time, so it's definitely good that they are investigating for you. Let us know how you get on.

Amaryllisred - That actually sounds quite hopeful babe, your cycles don't seem to be miles apart and if EWCM makes this cycle back on track then I would go with the last AF being the start of CD1 again. Plus if you had EWCM in last couple days I'd say get :sex: as many women get EWCM for a little while before O so you could be O'ing soon :thumbup: Keep us posted on how you get on! Don't worry about the long post, we all know what this is like and are all here to offer support :flower: Not many people know we are TTC either, that's why this forum is brilliant. Men aren't quite the same at offering support, they don't quite "get it" do they!?

Patientgirl - Let's hope AF comes for you in the next couple of weeks and your cycles return to a "normal" pattern straight away. GL to you hun, and keep us posted on how it pans out! But, if they don't return when you hope please remember it is normal and we are all here for you. It will come!

Musiclover - I was regular before and now am irregular, so I wouldn't worry too much about what happened before the pill. Alot of women go on the pill in younger years because teenage cycles are irregular, but that is normal and they should regulate as years go on. Keep us posted on how this cycle goes. We are always here for you. Let's hope they resume with a nice pattern :hugs:

Winniemoo1 - Oh dear, what a frustration to have had regular cycles then for your cycles to go hay-wire! My fingers are crossed that the AC works a treat!! Hopefully your body has just had a wobbler and decided to have a whack cycle and will return to your previous pattern after this one. It is completely normal to have the odd annovulatory cycle every now and again. I have hope for you babe, but please let us know how the AC goes.

Soili - Maybe your ovaries are not quite in sync like you say!? Are you on a good cycle this one or a whack cycle? :haha: I'm sure that everything is working OK hun, and I have hope you will catch that bubs soon enough! I am tryin to get a better diet too, everything I read about irregular cycles says about diet being a common culprit! Could always do with losing a couple of lb's too, before I pile it back on when I get PG (finally).

Katiekittykat - How are you today Katie? I agree the docs don't quite put you in the picture of what to expect do they!!! Aawww how nice that a lady gave you some extra AC. Hopefully you won't need them though hun, as I'm sure they'll kick start your body into action soon!

Broody1976 - Oohhh there's a lot of ladies came off the pill Nov/Dec time!! Hopefully AF doesn't stay away too long, let us know how this cycle goes :hugs:

Lucylu - Great news Lucy, that really does give hope to us! May I ask if your regular cycles were 6wks also? How irregular were your cycles at worst?

Monkeymonkey - Still no sign of AF?? My first post-pill cycle was 41 days :thumbup: Let's hope you don't have to wait that long, but if you do I don't blame you trying the docs, I'm sure it's not normal to go 3mths without AF but my doc didn't seem concerned when I went after 6mths on CD70!! Let us know how you go.

Wooooaaaahh sorry for the long post, but didn't expect so many ladies to have posted and I'm a bit behind! :haha:

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing OK today? And that spirits are high - we need to keep up the PMA :hugs: xxxxx
Hi all,

It's all really frustrating isn't it! I,m on day 80 and counting. I've been doing opks morning and night and the only one that came close to a positive was this morning, but I'm still unsure if it was or not. Fingers crossed though!
I've only had my withdrawal period and then nothing else. I've got an appointment with the nurse on Thursday anyway so going to speak about all this with her.

Good luck to you all, sending you bAbydust x x
Hi All:flower:

Some of you know me and my story, some dont so i'll run through it quickly lol

I came off my pill in April 2010 had long cycles but AF gradually got into a routine of about 26ish days until 13th Oct and then i think she took an extended holiday and disappeared :coffee: lol I took AC for about 10 or so days in Dec and as still nothing I went to the docs on 17th Dec and he was concerned that i hadnt seen AF for a while and so sent me for blood tests, smear and also an abdominal scan...blood tests came back fine, awaiting smear and also waiting for scan appointment. He also told me to stop AC as AF should come on her own and not need any help and that he wanted to 'sort' the problem rather than just prescribe tabs to force it.

Anyway, i had lost all heart and hope and have felt very down for the last few weeks, this then turned into terrible moodswings a few days ago and then AF arrived yesterday!!!

88 days holiday she took lol it was the longest cycle ever for me and i hope that now sshe's back she will sort herself out. it has however given me a new lease of PMA as im back in the running! i cant wait to start using OPK's and get :sex:

sorry for this rather long post :blush: but its good to be back xx
Hi Mrsbucko, I feel for you honestly hun... my last cycle was 70 days! I'm on CD61 (i think) today :cry: At least we all have eachother in this, and we know we are not the only ones going through this. It's so frustrating though, our bodies can be cruel!!

Hey staceyw10, that must have been a nightmare! Thinking that your body finally wanted to play ball and then.... NOPE!! What an evil trick! Good that the doc is looking into the reasons for you though, it might be something that is easily fixed! Let us know what your results come back as :hugs:

I hate this waiting around :coffee: xxx
Hi Mrs H

The waiting is definately the worst part!

I just really hope my body is sorting itself out now :p

Roll on +OPK and the 2ww :)

I recently had readings done and was told by 2 different people that i would concieve/have bfp in March so im trying to be postive as it could be thhis AF that gives me my precious BFP xx
It's definitely the wait that's the killer!! I keep saying to my DH when I get upset, that it's not the not being pregnant as much as the not knowing what the hell my body is doing! I would LOVE to be pregnant like yesterday!! But if I'm honest I think I would be able to cope a bit better if I at least knew my body was signing from the same song sheet!! I don't like the thought that it can take upto a year to sort your body out, THEN it takes an average healthy couple upto a year to conceive!! I honestly never realised it would be this hard! :(

GL for your March BFP though hunni, please make sure you pop in and give us some hope when it does happen xxxxx
Hi girls :flower:

cd42 for me, and my temp went down this morning, so it looks like I didn't ov over the weekend. But...I have just got my darkest OPK yet so FX something is starting to happen!

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