Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!


I came off the pill May 2010. My periods have varied from 28 - 39 days with no sign that they are evening out. I am currently day 33 with no sign that my period is on the horizon and i did a test to make sure!

I am beginning to feel a bit down that nothing is happening. I made the fatal mistake of telling everyone we were trying, and now everyone constantly asks if im pregnant - or if im not drinking alcohol, jumping to conclusions!

Im relieved to see im not on my own, and there are plenty of people out there just like me.

I was on Microgynon for 10 years without a break.
How's everyone doing?? I'm on CD49 and still no sign of AF!! Grrrrrrr xx

I'm CD50!! And 3 weeks ago I had period pain for a good 2 weeks but nothing happened. Now it's just gone away and I'm beginning to think it will never show up again.
Hi all,
In my last post I put that I was on day 80, but worked itout and it's more like cd105! :wacko:
Anyway I went to the nurse today and convinced her to do some blood tests. So to anyone else out these worrying I'd suggest to go to the docs and see what they'll do x
I got my positive OPK today!! cd44!!


For all ladies wanting to try and jump start their cycle - try Agnus Castus. I started taking it on cd36 and I've got my first ever positive OPK today!! :happydance:
Hi Katie,
I started taking agnus cast us last week so fingers crossed it'll work for me.
Congrats on your first positive opk. Good luck x x
Hi Katie,
I started taking agnus cast us last week so fingers crossed it'll work for me.
Congrats on your first positive opk. Good luck x x

Good luck to you too - I really hope AC does the trick :hugs:
i am never going on bcp again. I was on marvelon for about 3 years, and microgynon for a few months. i loved marvelon but came off it over 1 yr ago. in thr past year my periods are rare. pre~pill they were, long, like 36 days, but since, i didnt get one At all for about 90 days, then the same, then, 70, then i think 63, 36 ( i thought wow maybe normal) then 47!!

sooo annoying even tho we are only ntnp!! no idea if/when i ovulate argh
Morning everyone....hope you don't mind me gatecrashing!!!!
I have been searching for a thread like this for AGES!!!
I came off the pill May 2010 to TTC (13yrs no break), since then my cycles have been ranging from 44 at the longest and 33 at the shortest and averaging around 38days.
I am now on CD39 with no sign of the witch and 2 BFN's (not even a hint of a line - proper stark white!!) I have been to the doctors for blood tests in november and she said i had a low rate on progesterone, however she sent me away and asked for hubby to do a sperm test in the new year. (Just waiting for AF to show her ugly mug before he does this) she also told me that she would refer us to a Fertility Specialist Feb time if we wanted (Hell yeah! After 8months of BFN's and cycles all over the place it's about bloomin' time!!) it's sooooo exhausting and really upsetting to think that my body isn't doing what the heck it's supposed to do.....
Really it's a mystery mankind has lasted this long - it's bloody hard procreating!!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok - so nice to know there are others who share the same frustrations!!!!!

Hi there ladies, how are you all doing today?

CD 60-something for me today :cry: "dear body and bits... just quit already, you are soooo boring me with this waiting now, just give me that bloody egg!! Have a word with yourself!!" :haha:

Hey JH1982, thank you for the tip on Milk Thistle, I think I may look into that one :thumbup:

Haha finallyready, LOVE the BFO!! You're right though, that's the important bit to get right first!! That's why I get so disheartened really, I don't even feel like we're actually trying... how can you try to make a baby when your body won't even give you the egg!! It makes you feel just useless :cry: Good news about the fertil-aid though, let's hope that it has set you back on track! Keep us posted hun!

Amaryllisred... any signs of AF yet hunni? I know that's crap to see AF arrive, but at least it might show that you are having a "normal" cycle and then hopefully it will mean you're on your way to getting that BFP!? And yes... the internet is EVIL!! I self-diagnose the worst possible problems when I'm feel low on PMA!! I try not to look nowadays, and even choosy on what threads I read on here too! I'm trying to not overly-stress (well no more than I'm already doing), but I'm sure you know how that goes out the window at times!!

Winniemoo1 - Anything??? :hugs:

Cherylbeth - welcome! I would try and not let it dishearten you too much, you're previous cycles all look good, they are all at least in the "normal" range. This cycle is probably just a one-off annovulatory one or even just a bit of a longer one. It is completely normal to have the odd weird cycle, and many women do. Try and boost that PMA for a beautiful BFP next month, we all know you can do it!! :hugs:

mrspjlover :hi: that's what we are all here for hunni, to share experiences and offer support, or even just to listen to the odd rant! It is such a frustrating time, and I'm sure none of us were prepared for the rollercoaster that TTC is.

Welcome Plutosblue!! Let's hope the next one shows up (or doesn't show up at all! ;) ) at a reasonable time and that your cycles are finally fixing themselve, because blooming heck it sounds like you've had your fill of irregularity!! GL to you :flower:

Hi mrsturner! Oohhh I hate when people ask "the question"!! Hardly anyone knows we are TTC for that very reason, but there is one specific person who does know who asks, I usually just avoid the question!! Could you not possibly tell the people that know that you are taking a break to let your body even itself out etc? At least that way it takes the pressure off you a bit.

Wouldluvabub - I have period type pains quite often in my cycle and I have no idea what it is, so can't really offer you any words of wisdom there. I go through all sorts of thoughts like "oohh O must be coming, this has to be O pain" "oohh at least AF is on it's way and I can start a fresh" "oohh maybe I did O after all last week and my chart is just wrong, 'cuz I MUST be PG!" "ggrr I MUST have Endo or PCOS as I have pains all the time!!" - This all starts your mind going into over-drive, it's so frustrating!! I'm sure we're going mad hunni :haha:

Woah MrsBucko, that's only cycle and a half!! Glad your doc is doing tests though, hopefully they sort it out for you. Please keep us posted :hugs:

Katiekittykat... AAAARRRRGGGHHH there is a glimmer of hope in this thread!! Let's hope the OPK's are right and FF confirms in next couple of days! Sounds like all bases are covered too ;) Maybe you can be our first BFP on here! Fingers crossed for Katiekittykat :D

Josephine3 - bodies definitely don't make it easy for you, just when you have a glimmer of hope that everything is resuming to the way it should be, it goes back on its word and screws it back up again!! I really hope everything evens out real soon for you though so you can start actively TTC! Let us know how this cycle goes.

Angelpants, of course we don't mind you gatecrashing, the more the merrier!! Oh that's godd that they are doing some tests etc, some docs won't do anything for a year! It really is crap that our bodies won't play ball, I always feel so blooming useless! Haha I agree, it sure is a mystery :haha: It does make me wonder though how some women come off BCP and return to normal and some women don't... what's the bloody difference between us and them eh!?!? Hopefully you won't need the tests after all hun, keep us posted :hugs:

Rubberducky88, ah hunni I can't really say anything to make it better, but I can offer you a massive :hugs: We can all at least rant to eachother!!

Sorry for the long post again! I've tried to split the responses out so I don't bore you all!!

HUGE hugs to all you lovely ladies!! xxxxxxxxx
I had a little temp dip as well today, so I'm almost sure that today is O day!! I can't wait to go to sleep, wake up and take my temperature!

But there's a little matter of :sex: I have to attend to first....:haha:

Really hope something starts to happen for all the other post-pill survivors soon - but there is hope! :hugs:
I Can't believe all the posts that have come through on this new thread! It is actually kinda scary how many people have had issues since stopping BC! I mean, I am kinda glad to know it is not just me, but at the same time I know how utterly upsetting it is to be in this position and to constantly be taking Tests because if you haven't had AF in a long time you never know! I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I have a good friend of mine who has been on the Pill even longer than I was (I was 12yrs) I think she is going on 13 or 14 and she is getting married Aug 2011. She told me as soon as she gets married she wants to quite the pill and start TTC! I've told her she might want to come off it now to let her body sort itself out first, because I am all messed up, but she didnt' seemed concerned. Watch her get BFP straight away! haha(I hope she does) but at the same time I hope she doesnt' get her hopes up.

I really really really wish I knew this could have happened so I could have stopped BC 2yrs ago! Sorry for the rant! I'm looking forward to :sex: this week :D Good Luck to everyone too.
I want to hug you all because I know how frusterating this process is!!!!

I had my withdrawal bleed beginning of April after stopping bc and did not see AF until middle/end of August and then she went MIA again so I took Provera in October to induce a period and had a 55 day cycle which recently ended and I actually Oed! Praying I will have a "normal" 28 day cycle and that my body is back to how it used to be before I was on the pill (which was very regular 28 day cycles)

I went to the doctor in June and and was doing acupuncture and finally in August had blood work done and ultrasounds which confirmed that I do NOT have PCOS or anything else that they can see. I then was sent to the OBGYN in Oct and she gave me provera and told me to keep trying for a full year. I then called and said I was very frusterated because it is impossible to try when you dont ovulate so she reffered me to fertility nurse who I saw in December and she ordered Day 22 blood work and many other tests (all of which I had in August) and then I see my doctor again in Feb. to discuss what to do next. However, a week after I saw the fertility nurse it when I noticed that I actually Ovulated (I have been temping and doing OPKs like crazy!)

So now I am still temping and still doing OPKs daily and am just praying I will O soon. I will be going in for day 22 tests soon though and then see what my doc says in feb.
I have a good friend of mine who has been on the Pill even longer than I was (I was 12yrs) I think she is going on 13 or 14 and she is getting married Aug 2011. She told me as soon as she gets married she wants to quite the pill and start TTC! I've told her she might want to come off it now to let her body sort itself out first, because I am all messed up, but she didnt' seemed concerned. Watch her get BFP straight away! haha(I hope she does) but at the same time I hope she doesnt' get her hopes up.

two close friends stopped bc a few months after me and one is 12 wks and the other is 23 wks prego! Both of them had regular periods right away. JEALOUS!! :)

May I share my story? I'll give you the quick run down:

I came off Tri-cyclen (PILL) in July 2010 after being on it for 12yrs with NO breaks as the dr said not to go off it until we are 100% ready. Well, in July we were ready and NO AF; I was super excited and took a million Tests but all BFNs! I went to the DR in OCT to ask what was going on, he said to be patient and that it takes a while to regulate. OMG WTF? Why didnt' he tell me that before??? So I wait, and wait and wait...all the while taking random PT's b/c when you arent' getting AF there is always a 'chance'. Then Nov comes and I spot lightly for 1 week. Then nothing in December!

So I read online a product called FERTIL-AID - I ordered the pills and started taking them along with FERTIL-TEA; I only took it for 2 days and boom AF arrives Last week in full force. Not spotting like in Nov but full on AF! YEAH!!! Now I dont' think it had anything to do with the Fertil Aid b/c it was barely in my system, but I have continued to take it anyways.

I am praying that with this full on AF that means that I ovulated. I am waiting for some OPKs to come in the mail so I can confirm this. (They won't come for this cycle but hopefully I can use them in Feb). As much as I want a BFP I'll be happy with AF coming in Feb because at least that means I am regular and therefore, back in the game.

It is so nice to see that I am not alone! I think the Pill is Evil and will NEVER EVER take it again. I have joked on other forums when girls keep talking about getting BFPs that I really hope for a BFO (BIG FAT OVULATION) LOL b/c we can't the BFP without first getting the BFO!

Bless this group! :dust: to all!!!! :)

I knew you would be on this thread!! :flower:

Bring on the BFO!!:happydance:
SO SO glad i found this thread!!! i am off bcp in sept- NO regular cycles, of course :(

32 days, 40 days, 41 days ect...4 months ttc- no luck with no proof of O as well (as per fertility strips).

WHAT IS THIS SOY you girls are talking about though???????????????
missangie- Good luck girl, i AF 3 month off the pill- STILL no O and no regular cycles. I have been doing charting, cm & bt and OPK's EVERDAY 2 times a day with no O. UGH. Not cool!!!
Yeah Miss Angie! :hugs: I'm glad you found this Thread...Isn't it great? We are not alone! :winkwink:

[/QUOTE]two close friends stopped bc a few months after me and one is 12 wks and the other is 23 wks prego! Both of them had regular periods right away. JEALOUS!! :)[/QUOTE]

Ummmm yes I am VERY Jelous TOO! Sooo not fair! :hissy: I have a feeling that this is our month...:happydance:

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