Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Hey Katie, my fingers are tightly crossed that something is on its way!! Would you class it as positive? Booooo that the temp dropped this morning too! No sign of anything from me, CD61 for me today, so I'm with you there hun on the long wait :cry:

Somethings got to start working at some point, surely??? xxx
I'm on day 72 and today is the first day I have noticed egg-white looking cervical mucous so hoping that's a good sign! My temps have been really stable (from 97.1 to 97.5) the past 15 days so maybe that is good too.
Well, the EWCM on CD22 left as quickly as it came... we BD'd on CD21, 22, and 24-- this is all counting from that weird AF that came early. I know what you mean about not caring as much about being pregnant as just knowing what the heck is going on! That's why even AF is welcome, 'cause it gives me a starting point for next month. Anyway, I'm gonna guess that today is CD27 of what seems to be hovering around a 35 day cycle, which puts me just inside the 2ww. Let the imaginary symptom spotting begin. Anyone else expecting AF around the 21st?
Hi all, I am more of a reader than a writer on the forum but I thought I would share my experience, hope you don't mind!

I came off the pill at the end of June 2010 and had my withdrawal bleed 25th June - 28th. I then had a very very light period 9th - 11th July. I had one day of bleeding on 31st July. I was already taking agnus castus but my friend recommend milk thistle (she said it clears out the liver which is where some of the chemicals from the pill get stuck). I started bleeding four days later on 27th and had a period until 29th August.

I started charting on 27th August, this cycle was 28 days but only 6 day luteal phase, my next cycle was 32 days with 7 day luteal phase, then 28 days with 8 day luteal phase. For the next cycle because I was worried about the luteal phase I started taking a B6 complex (Holland & Barratt B50s). I have stopped the agnus castus and milk thistle as I felt my cycle was regular just the luteal phase problem. I also reduced my exercise as I read that too much exercise can affect the luteal phase. My last cycle was 37 days with a 14 day luteal phase! I was convinced I was pregnant was the luteal phase was so much longer but then AF came :-( . I am now on day 14 of my current cycle, no sign of ovualtion yet which is a bit annoying as I was hoping it would come on day 14ish and I would have a 14 day luteal phase again and finally be normal but it appears not!

I'm sorry this is quite long and drawn out but I guess what i'm trying to say is have you guys tried milk thistle? It seemed to do the trick for me cycle wise, my periods also became very normal after the milk thistle. I'm still working on the luteal phase thing but hopefully I will ovulate within the next few days and have another 14 day luteal phase (or even get pregnant this month!).
Thanks for the tip about the milk thistle - I may well give that a go next cycle. Where do you get it from and how much did you take?

I did an OPK with FMU this morning and it was as dark as the one from last night - I'd say about 60% was as dark as the control line - and then I did another one at 11am and it was back to being really faint. So...I think that might have been my surge. My temp dipped a little bit this morning, so together with yesterday's drop in temperature it's looking good. I just need everyone to say a little prayer that my temp goes up either tomorrow or Friday...:thumbup:
It's definitely the wait that's the killer!! I keep saying to my DH when I get upset, that it's not the not being pregnant as much as the not knowing what the hell my body is doing! I would LOVE to be pregnant like yesterday!! But if I'm honest I think I would be able to cope a bit better if I at least knew my body was signing from the same song sheet!! I don't like the thought that it can take upto a year to sort your body out, THEN it takes an average healthy couple upto a year to conceive!! I honestly never realised it would be this hard! :(

GL for your March BFP though hunni, please make sure you pop in and give us some hope when it does happen xxxxx

I was JUST saying the same thing to my husband last night -- I would love to be pregnant, but at this point I'd settle for just knowing that my body is working as its supposed to!!

I've never ever had regular cycles except on BC, and just came off last month to TTC and I'm really really REALLY hoping my body will fix itself and ovulate on its own so I don't have to drag my body through fertility treatments.

I just want to push a 'fix' button, or become a psychic so I can see the future and know it all turns out okay. :)
Hi katiekittykat I got it from Holland & Barrett and took the recommended amount, have tried to post the link but it won't let me as I have posted less than 10 times so it thinks its spam. I only bought the one pack, took them and didn't buy any more as I felt happy with the result & cycle has stayed regularish!
Hi katiekittykat I got it from Holland & Barrett and took the recommended amount, have tried to post the link but it won't let me as I have posted less than 10 times so it thinks its spam. I only bought the one pack, took them and didn't buy any more as I felt happy with the result & cycle has stayed regularish!

JH - Do you have to wait for a new cycle to start before taking the Milk Thistle?

I might give it a go, but I'm waiting for my first proper period since coming off BC. Should I wait till a new cycle or start taking it now?
If no BFP this cycle, I think I'll give it a go for next. I just want to get this damn Pill out of my system!! ASAP!!
I don't really know when it's best to start I think I just started it the day I bought it as I just wanted to get on with it! I guess take it any time as it will start helping your liver clear out as soon as you start

May I share my story? I'll give you the quick run down:

I came off Tri-cyclen (PILL) in July 2010 after being on it for 12yrs with NO breaks as the dr said not to go off it until we are 100% ready. Well, in July we were ready and NO AF; I was super excited and took a million Tests but all BFNs! I went to the DR in OCT to ask what was going on, he said to be patient and that it takes a while to regulate. OMG WTF? Why didnt' he tell me that before??? So I wait, and wait and wait...all the while taking random PT's b/c when you arent' getting AF there is always a 'chance'. Then Nov comes and I spot lightly for 1 week. Then nothing in December!

So I read online a product called FERTIL-AID - I ordered the pills and started taking them along with FERTIL-TEA; I only took it for 2 days and boom AF arrives Last week in full force. Not spotting like in Nov but full on AF! YEAH!!! Now I dont' think it had anything to do with the Fertil Aid b/c it was barely in my system, but I have continued to take it anyways.

I am praying that with this full on AF that means that I ovulated. I am waiting for some OPKs to come in the mail so I can confirm this. (They won't come for this cycle but hopefully I can use them in Feb). As much as I want a BFP I'll be happy with AF coming in Feb because at least that means I am regular and therefore, back in the game.

It is so nice to see that I am not alone! I think the Pill is Evil and will NEVER EVER take it again. I have joked on other forums when girls keep talking about getting BFPs that I really hope for a BFO (BIG FAT OVULATION) LOL b/c we can't the BFP without first getting the BFO!

Bless this group! :dust: to all!!!! :)
How's everyone doing?? I'm on CD49 and still no sign of AF!! Grrrrrrr xx
I totally feel like I'm getting AF today-- but that would make for a 28 day cycle or 44 if you don't count that last weird early short one. Ugh! (I mean, either one would be okay, but not when I've been hovering around 35 days.) I'm really tempted to spend some money on some OPK's just to get a better idea of what's going on, but I don't want to get more invested so that I'm just more disappointed every month. Suggestions? Do you all feel this to be the case?
Could honestly cry today still no signs of AF. Just can't understand why its doing my head in, all the worse scenarios are going through my head. Arghhh nothing ever seems easy. Rant over xxxx
Just had a neg test after 6 weeks of no witch!!! Was on microgynon at 13 to try and contol periods, came off pill in July 2010, been trying for 2 months... Periods have been 28, 32,29,34 and 43 :-( feels like there's something wrong with me... Y's it so hard ... What I'd give for a "normal" 28 day cycle
Hi Everyone,

My story is this: I came off Cerezette on December 2nd 2010 and got my withdrawl bleed on December 5th so I was quite hopeful however I am now 43 days later and nothing. I took a break from the pill once before about 3 years ago and i wasnt married at the time or thinking of babies so didnt really give it any thought but i had periods so i am confident it will show eventually.

I don't really understand the whole testing for ov thing and with 43 days so far have no idea when to test anyway so I'm kinda in no mans land at the mo but my plan is to just sit it out and then try and track it after the first period.

Anyone know of any vitamins etc that help bring on Ovulation?

Great Thread, really interesting read.

Sigh. Just reading these makes me feel better to have company. Came off the pill in August. Cycles so far: 38 days, 33 days, 35 days. Then after having a normal period on Dec. 1, another one on Dec. 17??? But this one was shorter and just weird. I dunno. So now I don't know if I should start counting from that one or not. If I count from that one, it's now CD23, which would sort of make sense for me because I had ewcm two days ago... CD21... which would bring me back around to about a 35 day cycle. You think that random 16 day thing was just a weird short cycle due to coming off the pill even though I seemed to be regulating?
I haven't been temping or using OPKs just because I am already so disappointed every month when AF comes and I feel like the more effort I put into it, the more disappointed I'll be.
Sorry for the long post. I'm new around here. I needed someone to talk to 'cause no one really knows we're trying. :)

Hi there,

Feel the same - no one knows we are trying and reallly want company on it to help with the worry and anxiety. I know what you mean about putting the effort in makes for more disapointment. I feel when its the weekend and i have loads of things planned i forget for abit and feel worry free and just let things take their course but i work from home so when the week comes round i look in my dairy and suddenly am reminded when i finished the pill and i think god that bloody witch hasnt come yet and spend the next 4 hours looking up why!

Good luck to us x
Oooo I hope you don't mind if I join :blush:

Was on Migrogynon for 6 years, stopped July 09

July 09 - BC withdrawal bleed. (After 6 months of nothing diagnosed with Post-pill Ammenorhhea)
June 22nd 2010 - FINALLY!! First Natural AF post pill.
September 19th 2010.
October 27th 2010.
Dec 26th 2010.

So its been 11 months, then 3 months, then 1 month 1 week, then about 2 months.

Just waiting for the next one...!!
The internet is totally a double-edged sword, isn't it? It is really nice to meet people going through the same thing, but-- I look up every little symptom to see if it could mean pregnancy... even though I am probably 7dpo and wouldn't yet have any symptoms. Argh. I read somewhere that it's a good idea to let yourself TTC-obsess for only a certain window of time per day, and try not to think about it otherwise. For that reason, I'm going to try not to come back here until tomorrow. :)

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