Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Ov still not confirmed, as my temp went down again today. If it sky-rockets tomorrow, then FF will still say cd47.

I've got a doctors appointment for Monday - this is just getting silly.
Hey ladies, how is everyone today?

Rubberducky88 & Wudluvabub - Woohoo to seeing AF finally! How weird is it that you both are "in tune"!! I got so excited when my last AF came (after 10wks) that I wanted to shout it to everyone at work (luckily I didn't)!! I was so excited that I HAD to tell someone... I knew DH wouldn't quite understand (in his eyes it would just mean that I wasn't PG) and hardly anyone knows, so I text my best friend and said random message but just to let you know after 10wks I've finally come on, I'm sooo excited!! She was actually just as excited :haha:

Finallyready - How is the Fertilaid working out?

Missangie - So glad you are feeling a little better, this TTC thing sure is a rollercoaster of emotions! :hugs:

Mrsbucko - Still no AF? I don't know what to say to you hun. I lost the plot at CD70, and I was hoping that they would never be that long again, but it is CD70 again today! :dohh:

Mrspjlover - Good news on seeing AF :thumbsup: how odd are we for being excited at seeing it!? :haha:

Felix - Having a cycle outside the "norm" (24-35 days, or something similar) CAN indicate that there is an underlying problem, and/ or that you are not ovulating. People with longer/ shorter cycles can indeed still ovulate and I have seen many pregnancy cycles/ charts with long cycles. However that is usually due to post-pill cycles, and as you have been off BC +5yrs that would probably not be the case. If they are in the 30's days then I wouldn't worry too much. Hopefully you can talk DH round, or get the BFP anyway so he has to :haha: GL to you :hugs:

Staceyw10 - Yes I did, thank you VERY much, you are a sweetie! I have just sent you a PM as I wanted to thank you straight away, and hadn't seent his post yet.

Katiekittykat - Woohoo about the O on CD47, 4th Feb is not that long away, hopefully your temps stabilise and geive you the reassurance, and you get some good news soon!!

Well, as for me... I don't know what to do any more :cry: I went to see the docs yesterday, for the 2nd time since TTC (diff doc, as the 1st was not helpful and made me feel stupid!). She made me feel equally as stupid as the first :( She basically said that being on BC for so long makes your hormones go out of whack and they can take time to re-balance. She said it's just nature, and there's nothing they can do, I just have to wait it out and they should normalise in time. I told her it had been a year, and she said it is perfectly normal. I told her that no-one told me that when I went on it, and they said it is generally within 3mths but can be immediate, and she said it is very normal to take a year and there is not likely to be anything wrong. She said the only way anything would be done to regulate my cycle is if (further down the line and after DH doing a SA) then they would refer to a FS, and they "may" do something to regulate, but that's not something the GP surgery get involved in! I did ask if she could recommend a natural supplement I could take to help, she smiled in a patronising way and said that my body will correct itself when it can and I can't do anything to help, it's just NATURE!! The way she spoke to me I felt so belittled I didn't feel I could carry on asking the questions I wanted. My Mum made a valid point about them not getting involved... it costs them money so they don't want to... that's why they refer to FS! I pay NI and never go to the doctors (only when used to get BCP) and I can't get any NH services that I want. I thought the last doc was just a one-off, but she was no different, obviously GP's just don't want to know :(

The only thing left is to take the AC when AF arrives. Let's hope it does wonders, I have my fingers crossed, but I have it crossed for all of us!

Sorry for the long post again, I needed that rant xxxxxxxxx
MISSANGIE - any sign of OV?

KATIEKITTYKAT-will this be your first time seeing the dr? I went off my BC in July and I went to my dr in Oct when I wasn't getting regular cycles and he did absolutely nothing. It was a complete waste of time. He just looked at me and said it takes time and didn't want to see me until it had been a year or until my next regular checkup which was another 6 months away!
My point is that don't get discouraged if your doc isn't very helpful. If he/she asks how long you've been off the might want to say it has been longer than it has so they take you more seriously? Just a thought....I just remember I felt so lost leaving the office. I thought for sure he'd want to at the very least take blood work or something. Good luck! and keep us posted! :hugs:

MRSH - I think it is going great! I got a positive OPK on Monday :) so I am really excited about that. I posted picks on the Early 30's TTC thread to get the ladies input as to if it looked + or not and they agreed it did! So I am thrilled. The first week of Feb will be the trues test....FX for either a BFP or AF...yes I know it sounds sad, but I will be happy with AF cause at least I'll know I'm getting regular...but BFP would be amazing! (I'm not holding my thing at a time) :)
MRSH - I think it is going great! I got a positive OPK on Monday :) so I am really excited about that. I posted picks on the Early 30's TTC thread to get the ladies input as to if it looked + or not and they agreed it did! So I am thrilled. The first week of Feb will be the trues test....FX for either a BFP or AF...yes I know it sounds sad, but I will be happy with AF cause at least I'll know I'm getting regular...but BFP would be amazing! (I'm not holding my thing at a time) :)

YAAAAYYY that is brilliant news about the +OPK!! I can't remember (sorry) do you temp also? I really hope this is your lucky month, we really need a bit of positive news in this thread to spur us all on :D Keep us very much updated, we want to hear it ALL :haha: I have everything crossed for you xxx
MRSH - I think it is going great! I got a positive OPK on Monday :) so I am really excited about that. I posted picks on the Early 30's TTC thread to get the ladies input as to if it looked + or not and they agreed it did! So I am thrilled. The first week of Feb will be the trues test....FX for either a BFP or AF...yes I know it sounds sad, but I will be happy with AF cause at least I'll know I'm getting regular...but BFP would be amazing! (I'm not holding my thing at a time) :)

YAAAAYYY that is brilliant news about the +OPK!! I can't remember (sorry) do you temp also? I really hope this is your lucky month, we really need a bit of positive news in this thread to spur us all on :D Keep us very much updated, we want to hear it ALL :haha: I have everything crossed for you xxx

No Temping...! I started to this cycle, but they say to do it correctly you need to do it in the AM same time every day and before you get out of bed. Needless to say my DH was very annoyed with it, and when he heard it go off in the am he said it sounded freaky (thinking as to why I was taking it) he doesn't want to have too much pressure...wants us to just 'have fun'. So no temping! So I don't know 100% if I did OV, I'll find out in 2 weeks if I did or not though.
Men... I just can't understand them :dohh:

Well, I have high hopes for at least an AF on time so you can have some reassurance in the Fertilaid and knowing when to expect AF etc... but I hope more for a BFP xxx
Mrs:1984 sorry the drs have been so crap for you. They say it is NATURE - yet BC is not NATURE is it!! Annoys me!!

Well my AF decided not to stick around so I have no idea what is going on, in fact she never really arrived properly. I got very very light, then spotting then it stopped so no idea if it even was AF :cry:

Hi MrsH,

Nope, there's still no sign of AF and am on cd111 now. I went to see the nurse last week and convinced her to take some blood tests (after saying I was worried and wanted it to ease my mind :) ). So I went to the docs and he said all was normal apart from b12 was slightly low so they'll retest that in 2 months. Anyway I've got to give them a urine sample so they can double check I'm not pregnant and if not he'll give me something to kick start my periods which is a result!
That's bad that the doctors aren't more sympathetic! Yeah I think a agnus castus is worth a try, loads of people on here have said it's worked for them so fingers crossed it'll work for you. Have you ovulated yet? If not you could maybe start taking it now??

So Katie, if I was you I'd definitely go to the doctors if you're worried. It seems some doctors will test earlier than others so it's worth a try. And even if not they should at least note on your records the details so they'll have it if you need to go again.

It does make me laugh that we're in a trying to conceive forum and there are so many of us that'll be happy when AF shows up. Xx
Mrs:1984 sorry the drs have been so crap for you. They say it is NATURE - yet BC is not NATURE is it!! Annoys me!!

Well my AF decided not to stick around so I have no idea what is going on, in fact she never really arrived properly. I got very very light, then spotting then it stopped so no idea if it even was AF :cry:


Hey this is pretty crap about af! I was getting worried as normally I have pretty heavy af and this one was very light and at one point I thought it was gone. But 3 days if light/spotting and it's here in full force! If only we all had a crystal ball we could look into and know the future hey!
Mrs:1984 sorry the drs have been so crap for you. They say it is NATURE - yet BC is not NATURE is it!! Annoys me!!

Well my AF decided not to stick around so I have no idea what is going on, in fact she never really arrived properly. I got very very light, then spotting then it stopped so no idea if it even was AF :cry:


Hey this is pretty crap about af! I was getting worried as normally I have pretty heavy af and this one was very light and at one point I thought it was gone. But 3 days if light/spotting and it's here in full force! If only we all had a crystal ball we could look into and know the future hey!

You're lucky AF stayed around - mine is officially gone!! She buggered off! I don't even have to use anything anymore, no spotting anymore either :cry:
Sooo odd!! Can't wait til everything is back to normal
Evening all,

Just been catching up and see a few of you have been let down by the Dr's :growlmad: im really sorry to hear that.

The dr i saw and the one who referred me for blood tests and a scan said it does not have to be 12 mths at all.

apparently they tell you to wait 12 months as this is the "normal" time it can take a healthy couple to conceive!! i was honest and told him we had been ttc since April and that AF was getting more regular and then just stopped in Oct. he was concerned about this and rather than prescribe provera, wanted to know why AF had stopped and so referred me.

Please dont feel silly when going to the Dr's and asking questions, remember you are entitled to it!

Mrs:1984 sorry the drs have been so crap for you. They say it is NATURE - yet BC is not NATURE is it!! Annoys me!!

Well my AF decided not to stick around so I have no idea what is going on, in fact she never really arrived properly. I got very very light, then spotting then it stopped so no idea if it even was AF :cry:


Rubberducky if it is any consolation for you, what you are describing is something that happened to me in November! I had been of BCP since July and had NOTHING! Then the beginning of Nov I had spotting for a few days. Nothing heavy, but enough to notice on a pad. I noticed it was very dark brown, not bright red. I was convinced it was AF but it went away and December I had NOTHING! But in Jan she arrived full force like I remember pre-BC days. So my point in telling you this is don't get too discouraged if you have nothing next month because AF my just sneak up on you when you least expect it, like she did with me. FX you don't have to wait as long as I did! :hugs:
Glad everyone has been updating on here!

MrsH, I am sorry the doctors arent taking you seriously it sounds like. Once I was referred to my OBGYN she pretty much said the same thing and I left so frusterated that there was nothing I can do so I sent her an email with how I felt and she immediately referred me to the FS. Be persistent!

Finallyready, no sign of O yet. FF is saying I have but I had one high temp after a night of drinking a bit too much! My OPKs are getting darker, I thought tonights was almost pos so maybe tomorrow it will be??
MISSANGIE - FX cross it is coming tomorrow!! :) BD just in case!! This month I actually cut out all caffiene and alcohal. (apparently I can't spell!) I used to drink coffee every single day and I would drink sociably (and I am a very social person) haha. So I decided to cut it all out. I read that drinking coffee and booze can make it harder to concieve. Who knows if it is true or not, but thought I'll stop it all for 2 months (until my trip to Florida in March)!
I had cut out caffeine and alcohol too for a few months but then got frusterated that I wasnt even Oing or get AF so I decided to just go back to what I normally do (I only have 12oz of coffee every day IF that, some days I wont have any and I will have a drink or two once a week or every other week. however the other night I had 3 and they were a little too strong, wasnt feeling so hot the next day! yikes!)

I posted a pick of my OPKs in another thread cause they all seem to look the same these past few days, darker but not positive and its driving me crazy cause I keep thinking I will O soon but it still hasnt given me a positvie one. FF is saying I Od but I dont think thats correct...

DH and I are BDing every other night this cycle until I get a pos OPK and then will BD that day and the following two days. If this is going to turn out to be another LOOOONG cycle then I think we are gonna go crazy. (Or maybe Im already there hehe)

How do the rest of you plan your BDing with your crazy cycles? Do you just do it when you feel like it, do you wait till you get a pos OPK, do you have a "schedule"
Oh gosh, me again! :blush:

I am a POAS freak today! Right after posting I went and did another OPK and got this

I spoke to soon before, this one is actually darker then the others! Not quite positive or positive? I usually pee in a cup and then do the OPK and if it looked maybe pos I would then do the smiley face digi one but I forgot! oops! I think I do the digi one next time i have to pee tonight and see if I get a smiley face!

Anyway, sorry for another update from me. Hope all of you have had a more productive day then I have :winkwink:
Any updates Missangie???

For me, I thought I had a positive OPK last monday....then the OPKs started getting lighter on Tues and Wed and I stopped taking them...then Sat and Sun I had major CM! (sorry TMI) I would classify it has Creamy was Watery when I got my pos opk.

So now I don't know what to think? Maybe I ov'd on the weekend instead? DH and I BD on Sat and Sun just in who knows...I am now very confused....I guess time shall tell in two weeks!!! I hope AF comes or BFP...I really don't want to have to go through not getting either one!!!!
The mystery O here, too! Dont you hate that?

I still havent seen a real convincing positive OPK and they have been lighter and lighter these past few days. FF still says I O'd and I did have some small amounts of EWCM the day before FF is suggesting as O day. I dont know, Im just baffled and will just wait to see if AF shows up.

Im really tired of BDing every other night, I think DH and I both want a break from it but I feel like we should stick to the routine just in case I havent actually O'd.

Who else misses the days where BDing wasnt planned and was spontaneous and fun. AHHH cant wait to go back to that!!

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