the blue tinted one is our 13 week shot when I knew it was a girl..but they wouldnt confirm..and then the gray is our 17 week scan where tech said 99% girl..we go for our 20 week Monday..I'll post another potty shot pic..hopefully a 3D one if Brieanan cooperates lol.. we get pics printed..I take my camera to do video..and we also get it recorded on a DVD each time...
the blue tinted one is our 13 week shot when I knew it was a girl..but they wouldnt confirm..and then the gray is our 17 week scan where tech said 99% girl..we go for our 20 week Monday..I'll post another potty shot pic..hopefully a 3D one if Brieanan cooperates lol.. we get pics printed..I take my camera to do video..and we also get it recorded on a DVD each time...
I don't understand why everyone says you cannot find out gender at 13+ weeks. Yours is very clearly a girl and all the ultrasound pics I have seen so far at 13-16 weeks have been pretty clear what the gender is.