Potty training help!!


Mum to 2 Boys
Nov 22, 2012
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Ds1 will be three in November. He's been dry during the day for the last month or so but having a poo in the potty/toilet has been a non-starter. in fact I think it's gotten worse. In the early stages he would tell me was scared but he would at least try to go on the potty. Now he just goes in his pants without a thought and refuses point blank to try. We didn't reward with peeing in the potty but have always praised/given a small treat for any successful poos. I think in the month that we have been on this potty training journey he's been successful only four or five times.

I'm losing my mind. I know that he understands what he is meant to do, we've spoken about it calmly and explained that poos go in the toilet, not our pants because it's dirty etc. but we are getting nowhere.

Any help, tips and advice would be really appreciated.
I found the pooing on the potty / toilet hard with my girls ! Posted in here a few times !

Does he hold his stools in / get constipated / pass hard stools ?

I think he’s at the age were they all go through the same thing ! It’s super frustrating .

My advice , keep trying and don’t punish/shout at him . If he has an accident get him to help you clean himself up (someone on here gave me this advice !)

We have only now after a good few months got DD2 to poop on the toilet , like your DS she would just go in her knickers and wouldn’t be bothered . You will get there just some kids take longer x
I agree, getting my daughter to poo in the potty was the hardest. After talking to my mommy group I found that it was fairly common. I kept encouraging my daughter to poo in the potty each day but kept her in a pull up for an easy clean up. It took her an additional 4-5 months after learning to pee on the potty but she did it and she was so proud to have done so all by herself without me prompting her. Some might think 4-5 months is a long time but, for us, patience proved to be the best. We’ve not had one accident since and that was 3 years ago now.
I have posted on here in the past re: toilet training.
All i can say is that I feel your pain.
My son (who turned 4 back in June) has been insanely difficult with poop training. Doing a wee on the toilet took barely a week of training, and he was completely dry through the night after only a month of training.
But here we are, over a year later since being toilet trained and his still up and down with pooping on the toilet (but thankfully a lot better than when we first started).
My daughter learnt to do wees first too, and it felt like she would never do a poo in the potty. In the end it just happened on her own and now she does all her poos in the potty. She liked hiding to do the poos so the first ones she always did when I wasn't in the room, then I'd give her lots of praise.
Thanks for the advice and for letting me know I'm not alone. I'll admit I've lost my temper a couple of times even though I'm trying hard not to! It's just so frustrating when he's great at staying dry! I guess he'll just get there in his own time and hopefully the perseverance will pay off sooner rather than later.

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