Thanks everyone! My son just turned 2. He started showing interest at about 21 months, but as we were due to travel abroad, I really didn't want to be in the midst of potty training (and it seemed too young!). We are traveling again in October (he'll be 27 months then), and I wasn't sure if I start soon if he'd pretty much be good to go by then or if we'd still be struggling.
I might start next week, see how it goes, and if he's into it we'll continue and if not, we'll postpone until later. I'm expecting another LO in March, and I'm trying to figure out how to do the potty training, transition out of the crib, and prepare him for a baby without overwhelming him!
What do you do when traveling with newly potty trained kiddos? Do you bring along a potty, or do kids just use a potty for the initial training and then use a toilet with assistance?
When they stop wearing diapers at night... do they still wake to go potty or are they just dry through the night?
Did y'all use cotton training pants during the day? Go straight to underwear? Or just take the diaper off and on for potty breaks?