Awwww Rach your ring is gorgeous, how romantic and thoughtful that your OH designed it himself and it was his grandmas diamonds, awww that's just soo lovely!!! So hes pretty adamant that he wants another LO then if hes willing too postpone the wedding, that's great news!!! Sorry about your BFN, but still early days....any new symptoms too report on today?
AS yaaayy for Ovulation, now the TWW begins, testing time will be here soooo soon, if you are testing from 7dpo that's only 5 more sleeps too go!!! Funny as that's when I will need too test aswell, ha ha, I will freaking die if its a BFP, holy shit! Never wanted a BFN so much in my effing life! lol!
Well 2 more sleeps too my 2nd date with my new man.....hes quite up for seeing me aswell which im quite surprised at! Not sure what our plans are as we are both on the drinky poo tomorrow night so I cant see us going too far, maybe out for tea then back too his for some TLC

hee hee! I must update my undies, need lotsa new sexy ones I think
DG congrats chick
MrsP glad all is well with Penny and you are getting lotsa help, Im with you with the coil thing, I didn't want anymore hormones pumping into me so am going with the copper one as oppose too the mirena, apparently it can make you periods slightly longer but at least it dosent mess with your body hormonally