Hi girls!
Awww AS you defo not out yet! Still early days and i had zero symptons with Poppy, i had stacks each month i got BFN's! I didnt get my BFP with Poppy til 10dpo and at that point gave up hope due too lack of symptoms so went out and got hammered drunk then got a shock BFP next morning! Eeeeekkk! Yes i say test again! Hmmm....maybe it was me dancing, infact thats given me a great idea for my next date with NM! I will seduce him with lapdance! Ha ha! good luck hun xxx
Well i saw NM again yesterday but we didnt get upto much coz of AF so we just cuddled up and watched a dvd and nursed our rotten hangovers, told him next time we meet up i wana be wined and dined! Lol! Oh and it turns out the other guy who ive been in contact with for a few weeks now but never met as such (met him thro POF) has got a girlfriend! She FB'd me today too say who she was and what was going on with hom as hes been lying too her! Dirrrrttttyyyy doggggggg! Men eh! What tossers! x
Hope everyone else is well and had good weekend xxxxx