Pre E....


lucas's mummy
Apr 29, 2010
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Hi all,
Docs think i may have pre E as i have protein in my urine n swelling of my face, hands, fingers, ankles and feet.

I'm really scared as everyone i know whos had pre E have had to be induced oor have a c/s n im only 34 weeks he still has 6 weeks of growing to do. :cry:
hi hun. i had pre-eclampsia. i know it changes your plans massively but if you do have it and end up being induced/having a c-section, at 34 weeks LO should do really well if there aren't any other complications. has your blood pressure gone up too?
My bp keeps rising then droppin really fast, they've called for the doc cos its dropped drastically then gone really high again
Hi you need to be checked regularly especially bp checks and protein. They may want to do a 24 hour urine collection and blood tests to check how things are going. If you have no other issues and baby has grown u may be delivered via c-sec or if its not too severe then maybe natural. Sometimes bed rest helps and if your bp is ok then u may go another few days or even weeks.

I had severe pre-e with my daughter born at 32 weeks. She was fine at 3lb 6oz. Make sure if they are thinking of delivering u that they give u 2 steriod shots, it matures the babies lungs so hopefully yr little one won't have any problems with breathing. My daughter came home in 3 weeks. Your baby is 34wks gestation so hopefully with a good weight u may have a less stay with only feeding to sort out.

Good luck let us know how it goes. I know it's scary trust me, but the main thing is your baby is healthy and you are fine.
Hi i had pre-eclampsia with my son my BP was high from about 35 weeks i had regular check ups to check for changes i was induced at 38 weeks has it was sky high, like yourself i had swelling.

Try not to worry easy said then done i no but if your LO was to be arrive early I'm sure baby will be fine.

Take Care let us no how you get on. xx
I had Molly early at 29 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia. 34 weeks is a good gestation and I'm sure he will be fine :hugs:
They're saying its all down to low iron levels so they've given me some iron tablets
i also had pre e 34 weeks is really great and far along enough you should not have any problems
I did not have pre eclampsia but my daughter was born at 34+6 weeks.

She was in special care for 8 days before coming home and although it was difficult being away from her I knew she was in the right place and being very well looked after.

Have they started you on steroid injections just in case?

I hope things settle down and your baby boy is able to cook a few weeks longer before he is born.

Ive already had the steroid injections as they didnt think id make it past 30 weeks.
I had it very severely at 27 weeks. Sophie was born by emergency c-section 2 days after I was admitted. She was 1lb 13 when she was born but did really well all through neonatal and is now nearly 7 months and weighed 11lb 4 when she was last weighed 2 weeks ago. She came home 6 days before her due date. We had very few problems with her - she was on CPAP until 37 weeks but other than that, had one blood transfusion and one small eye infection. She breathed on her own for 30 minutes when she was born but then got tired and was ventilated for a day or two. She was back on the ventilator for a couple of days at 2 weeks old but other than that we really had no problems with her.

You are at a good gestation and your baby has had a lot more growing time and maturing time than Sophie, so hopefully Sophie's story is encouraging for you.

Good luck :hugs:
here's my story
At 33 weeks i attended my MW appointment as per (on the Friday), she detected 3+ protein in my urine although everything else was fine and told me to await the results which should return Monday, Monday came and went and no sign of them, On the Tuesday eve i contacted my MW as i had a constant headache (i mean constant explosive like pressure) from the Saturday, she popped out to see me, sampled my urine which was now 5+ protein and took my BP which was 200/110

I was rushed to hospital with severe hypertension and attached to every machine going i was placed in a high dependency room with at least 1:1 monitoring every 15 mins of both my bump and BP.

I lasted until the Thursday morning before i started to seizure and having to be administered some magnesium fluid (??? unsure of medical term). i was induced at 8am and told if my baby hadn't arrived by 4pm i would need a c-section, my labour went really well and i went from 1cm to 3cm to push although LO didn't arrive until 20:05 weighing 4lb 10oz, she was given a burst of oxygen, syringe fed and whisked off to neo-natal, they inserted a tube and fed her that way for the night and less than 24hrs later she was discharged from neo-natal and we went to a ward together

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you feel ANY different/changes in your health seek medical help ASAP as pre-eclampsia can change suddenly, also things i suffered with (apart from the headache) was dizzy spells, flashing lights/star like lights and lack of concentration (not that it was much good any way.lo)

my DD is 10 weeks today (4 weeks correctly and is absolutely fine, she does suffer with infant reflux and colic but that's nothing compared to what it could of been

The hospitals and meds team are so good neither of you will be in any danger, just go with the flow or as best as possible and don't stress too much otherwise that naughty BP will creep up

Best wishes and all the best, sorry for the essay :)
This is guna sound hurtful n i honestly do not mean it to be hurtful or spiteful in anyway.
Most if not all will see me as a fool after reading this but to be honest i couldnt care less atm.

I just want bubs out, with everything thats gone on n is going on its really messing with my head n im really not liking many of the thoughts that keep going through my head eg hurting myself 2 get lo out, i'v been told i have the start of someform of disorder as i dont think my womb is the safest place for him anymore n i want him out, have done for the past 4 months but with docs help iv managed to keepit under control.

I guess many of you can now see why i said i dont mean for this to seem hurtful or spiteful in anyway n many of you may be calling me every name under the sun for basically wanting lo born early.

I also fully understand if this thread gets locked or i get reported, im sorry if this did hurt any of you.
This is guna sound hurtful n i honestly do not mean it to be hurtful or spiteful in anyway.
Most if not all will see me as a fool after reading this but to be honest i couldnt care less atm.

I just want bubs out, with everything thats gone on n is going on its really messing with my head n im really not liking many of the thoughts that keep going through my head eg hurting myself 2 get lo out, i'v been told i have the start of someform of disorder as i dont think my womb is the safest place for him anymore n i want him out, have done for the past 4 months but with docs help iv managed to keepit under control.

I guess many of you can now see why i said i dont mean for this to seem hurtful or spiteful in anyway n many of you may be calling me every name under the sun for basically wanting lo born early.

I also fully understand if this thread gets locked or i get reported, im sorry if this did hurt any of you.

Have you spoken with your doctor/midwife about prenatal depression? I know you are going through a lot of pain & frustration with this pregnancy (I saw your other thread as well) and it sounds like things are getting pretty overwhelming for you.
Yea iv spoken to mw's n docs n they all keep sayin the same thing i should get more sleep n rest but thts all i seem to be doing since i fell pregnant
From when I found out I had complications with my pregnancy (at 30 weeks) I desperate for Chloe to be born. I was convinced she was going to die in my womb and that her being here was better than her still being inside me. Now I wish I could turn the clock back because I feel I jinxed things and I would now give anything to have had a healthy, fully cooked buba.

I know it is easy for me to say now but your LO really is in the safest place. Having a baby in special care is so so hard.

Big hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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