here's my story
At 33 weeks i attended my MW appointment as per (on the Friday), she detected 3+ protein in my urine although everything else was fine and told me to await the results which should return Monday, Monday came and went and no sign of them, On the Tuesday eve i contacted my MW as i had a constant headache (i mean constant explosive like pressure) from the Saturday, she popped out to see me, sampled my urine which was now 5+ protein and took my BP which was 200/110
I was rushed to hospital with severe hypertension and attached to every machine going i was placed in a high dependency room with at least 1:1 monitoring every 15 mins of both my bump and BP.
I lasted until the Thursday morning before i started to seizure and having to be administered some magnesium fluid (??? unsure of medical term). i was induced at 8am and told if my baby hadn't arrived by 4pm i would need a c-section, my labour went really well and i went from 1cm to 3cm to push although LO didn't arrive until 20:05 weighing 4lb 10oz, she was given a burst of oxygen, syringe fed and whisked off to neo-natal, they inserted a tube and fed her that way for the night and less than 24hrs later she was discharged from neo-natal and we went to a ward together
I guess what I'm trying to say is if you feel ANY different/changes in your health seek medical help ASAP as pre-eclampsia can change suddenly, also things i suffered with (apart from the headache) was dizzy spells, flashing lights/star like lights and lack of concentration (not that it was much good any way.lo)
my DD is 10 weeks today (4 weeks correctly and is absolutely fine, she does suffer with infant reflux and colic but that's nothing compared to what it could of been
The hospitals and meds team are so good neither of you will be in any danger, just go with the flow or as best as possible and don't stress too much otherwise that naughty BP will creep up
Best wishes and all the best, sorry for the essay