I'm feeling really good! We just got back from the funeral, which was very emotional, but it was a nice service and I'm glad we were able to grieve and pay our respects. Losing my grandma-in-law will be a huge adjustment and will be sad, but we are just happy to be moving forward with our fertility treatments and are looking forward to the transfer. I HATE the PIO shots, they give me the worst cramps every time! Having those side effects during an 18-hr drive was not fun. I'm super excited for Thursday but I'm going to be honest that I'm very scared. After my first cycle failed, I'm so scared of getting my hopes up. I do feel better that we are transferring 2 embryos but I definitely am scared, I don't even know how ti will feel when I do get a positive pregnancy test. I plan on avoiding testing at all costs because I got my first negative pregnancy test 7 days after my last transfer and I immediately felt discouraged and grieved, and I'm not sure I want to put myself through that again. But I also don't know if I can make it through the whole tww without testing. Oh well, I guess time will tell!@Anke82 oh cysts are so frustrating and seem to appear exactly on the wrong time! I hope yours goes away quickly.
@Megan0625 two more days to go! How are you feeling?
We just got the news from the lab that we have 3 blastocysts frozen. That's good, considering only 6 eggs fertilized and 1 embryo was transferred on day 3.
Somehow I don't even dare to hope that it actually worked on this cycle, but soon I'll start itching to test.