Pregnancy after our preemies support thread!

Congratulations on our new term babies ❤

Radiance - my heart breaks for you sweetheart. Sending you all the love and peace in the world ❤❤
I had my scan yesterday, and as well as checking the baby (everything looked good) they also checked my cervix and it was measuring only 2.8cm or 28mm. :nope: My Doctor said she wasn't too concerned, and is going to check it again in 2 weeks because the new technician might have measured it wrong. Grrr. I can never get a break. :(

:hugs: I hope its wrong! x

Gah, me too! :lol:

Congratulations to all the full term babies!

I am so sorry for your loss, Radiance. :cry: :hugs:
I had my second ultrasound this morning, and my cervix was measuring 3.6 cm this time, so obviously the previous technician did measure it incorrectly (causing me a lot of stress, haha)!

I got to see our baby again, and there's no doubt he's a boy! :haha: The technician took all of his measurements again since the first technician was so off on my cervix measurement, and he's right on track. :D I got a few good 4D pictures of his cute little face too.

Everything seems to be going well so far. I am hoping this little man stays put until he's term.
Hello All

Just to let you know my little boy Alasdair arrived on Tuesday 2nd Sept at 02:22 weighing 6lb 8.5oz at a gestation of 40+1. Unfortunately it wasn't the stress free labour I hoped for getting to term. I had some bleeding and as they couldn't work out where from and I was 3cm dilated they broke my waters. Labour didn't really progress so was put on the drip which gave me a 5 min contraction and made his heart rate drop. They stopped the drip but 3 more times his heart rate dropped. As you can imagine having the emergency bell rang and doctors running in making me lie on my side and put oxygen on was sending my stress levels sky high.

Eventually I was fully dilated and they used forceps as they thought the cord was around his neck which it was. He didn't cry as they said he was shocked being delivered so quickly as I stayed at 3 for ages then went to straight to 10 practically. He was given to the neonatal team out of the room and it felt like the longest time in the world although it was only 10mins. He was checked a couple of times the rest of the day and signed off.

Despite all this he is the most chilled out baby. I think all the stress I had he probably thinks its calmer out in the big world ha ha.

Enjoying all the baby cuddles just now and so far Holly is a great big sister.
Hello All

Just to let you know my little boy Alasdair arrived on Tuesday 2nd Sept at 02:22 weighing 6lb 8.5oz at a gestation of 40+1. Unfortunately it wasn't the stress free labour I hoped for getting to term. I had some bleeding and as they couldn't work out where from and I was 3cm dilated they broke my waters. Labour didn't really progress so was put on the drip which gave me a 5 min contraction and made his heart rate drop. They stopped the drip but 3 more times his heart rate dropped. As you can imagine having the emergency bell rang and doctors running in making me lie on my side and put oxygen on was sending my stress levels sky high.

Eventually I was fully dilated and they used forceps as they thought the cord was around his neck which it was. He didn't cry as they said he was shocked being delivered so quickly as I stayed at 3 for ages then went to straight to 10 practically. He was given to the neonatal team out of the room and it felt like the longest time in the world although it was only 10mins. He was checked a couple of times the rest of the day and signed off.

Despite all this he is the most chilled out baby. I think all the stress I had he probably thinks its calmer out in the big world ha ha.

Enjoying all the baby cuddles just now and so far Holly is a great big sister.

Congratulations :)
I had my second ultrasound this morning, and my cervix was measuring 3.6 cm this time, so obviously the previous technician did measure it incorrectly (causing me a lot of stress, haha)!

I got to see our baby again, and there's no doubt he's a boy! :haha: The technician took all of his measurements again since the first technician was so off on my cervix measurement, and he's right on track. :D I got a few good 4D pictures of his cute little face too.

Everything seems to be going well so far. I am hoping this little man stays put until he's term.

Fabulous news :)
Hi, may I join you?..... My son turned 4 today :) He was born at exactly 36 weeks for unknown reasons, and spent 10 days in scbu due to suffactant on the lungs. So although not super early, it was a bit of a shock and it'd be nice for it not to happen again, esp as I can imagine scbu being even harder when you have another child at home to look after!

I am currently 34 weeks with No.2, been suffering from mild cramps for a week now. At 33 weeks I had some painful regular contractions one night for a few hrs, but they went when I got up so put it down to BH due to sex that night..... Saw midwife yesterday, she said I am fully engaged and to pack a hosp bag just incase. I also got the painful BH that night, I think due to her having a good feel around my abdomen.

So, that's me!.... I'm hoping baby will stay in there until atleast 37 weeks. I'm sure this thread will help me stay sane! Thanks you :) x
Hi ladies. My twins were born at 29+5 due to preterm labor and a short cervix. They are now almost 10 months old and I am 5 weeks along with baby #3. I'm a little worried because we don't know if my preterm labor was caused by my shortening cervix or vice versa. I have a good feeling about this pregnancy and am expecting to make it to 38+ weeks and have an unmedicated VBAC. I can't help but worry a little, though!
Hi ladies. My twins were born at 29+5 due to preterm labor and a short cervix. They are now almost 10 months old and I am 5 weeks along with baby #3. I'm a little worried because we don't know if my preterm labor was caused by my shortening cervix or vice versa. I have a good feeling about this pregnancy and am expecting to make it to 38+ weeks and have an unmedicated VBAC. I can't help but worry a little, though!

:hi: Welcome aboard and congratulations on your pregnancy! Are you on progesterone injections or receiving cervical length scans? :)

Fingers crossed for a full term baby!
Hi ladies. My twins were born at 29+5 due to preterm labor and a short cervix. They are now almost 10 months old and I am 5 weeks along with baby #3. I'm a little worried because we don't know if my preterm labor was caused by my shortening cervix or vice versa. I have a good feeling about this pregnancy and am expecting to make it to 38+ weeks and have an unmedicated VBAC. I can't help but worry a little, though!

:hi: Welcome aboard and congratulations on your pregnancy! Are you on progesterone injections or receiving cervical length scans? :)

Fingers crossed for a full term baby!

Thank you!

My first prenatal appointment is this coming Thursday and I'll be asking for an early scan to get a baseline measurement of my cervix. I'm not currently on any progesterone or anything. I had multiple doctors tell me during my pregnancy that I would most likely go on to have completely normal, full term pregnancies after my twins. I honestly think my body just couldn't carry twins and that's why I started having contractions (at 17 weeks) and the contractions caused my cervix to shorten. That's my guess, anyway. I'm still going to make sure my doctor keeps on top of things. :thumbup:
23 weeks today. :happydance: I can't wait to make it to 36. :lol:
27 Weeks... feeling more and more nervous the closer I get to 28 weeks which is when my water broke last time. :/
Can I join? My son was born at 35+5 although I went into labor at 30 weeks (so glad I was able to keep him cooking longer!). I'm due 12/31/13 or 1/1/14 depending who you ask :haha:

Everything had been going really well with this pregnancy until the past few weeks. 20 week anatomy scan showed 2 vessel cord and thick chordae tendineae so I've been scheduled for growth scans every month to make sure she's growing ok.

Well, I've been having just awful period type pains, enough to be worrisome, and super painful cervix pressure. Had a fFN swab and infection test, both neg at 24 weeks. My cervix is shortening though, at the 25 week growth scan we also did a transvag measurement and I'm down to a 3. Shorter than at the 21 wk scan.

So I'm worried. I just want it to be Dec 10th so I can breath. I really would hate to be on bedrest with my hubby works 70+ hrs a week so I basically solo parent.
I have a dilemma, looking to you ladies for opinions. I'm 39 (eek!) and just has my 1st bubs at 29+4, had a very bumpy road in NICU but at home at the moment and all well just now. I got 3 eggies, all fertilised, 2 transferred, 1 is Skylar and I have 1 in the freezer at the lab. Thing is, our year free storage is up in December. We can't decide what to do, my head is saying I'm getting old, I have my wee miracle and we had a pretty difficult pregnancy as well as the NICU journey. My heart says that I can't leave it there, it's a 5day blast, not just an egg, I'd love another next yr. I think we may pay for a yr and see how we feel next yr, but I still don't know if I could let it "die" without giving it a chance :cry:

What do you ladies think?
I have a dilemma, looking to you ladies for opinions. I'm 39 (eek!) and just has my 1st bubs at 29+4, had a very bumpy road in NICU but at home at the moment and all well just now. I got 3 eggies, all fertilised, 2 transferred, 1 is Skylar and I have 1 in the freezer at the lab. Thing is, our year free storage is up in December. We can't decide what to do, my head is saying I'm getting old, I have my wee miracle and we had a pretty difficult pregnancy as well as the NICU journey. My heart says that I can't leave it there, it's a 5day blast, not just an egg, I'd love another next yr. I think we may pay for a yr and see how we feel next yr, but I still don't know if I could let it "die" without giving it a chance :cry:

What do you ladies think?

That's a decision only you can make! If you don't feel your family is complete, go for it!

Do you know why you went into premature labor, etc? :hugs:
Yes, I had intermittent end diastolic flow from the placenta, they think it was related to my diabetes. If I make sure it's 110% under control I think the chances of a repeat are remote. I'd love another but the thought of another NICU stay like that scares the bejesus out of me. I'm looking at all the stories on this thread :D
hello you wonderful ladies! waaaay back in 2010 at this point in my pregnancy I had already given birth, at 27 weeks. I'll be 28 weeks tomorrow and it`s surreal to have even come this far.

Just to give an idea on how tiny our preemie was (he was 2nd percentile, severe growth delay) at my 24 week ultrasound the doctor casually mentioned that baby number 2 weighed 740 grams. I immediately started bawling. He looked surprised and concerned and said 'no no, that`s a really good weight!'

What did I reply? '*snif snif* I know *snif* I'm so *snif* haaaaaapppy!!!'

He thought I was nuts :wacko: :haha: My first was born at 27 weeks with the weight of a 23 weeker, 570 grams. That weight sounded AWESOME to me.

Now I`ve also surpassed the dreaded 27 week mark. Yaaaaaaay!!! :thumbup:

You can see pics in my sig below.
I have a dilemma, looking to you ladies for opinions. I'm 39 (eek!) and just has my 1st bubs at 29+4, had a very bumpy road in NICU but at home at the moment and all well just now. I got 3 eggies, all fertilised, 2 transferred, 1 is Skylar and I have 1 in the freezer at the lab. Thing is, our year free storage is up in December. We can't decide what to do, my head is saying I'm getting old, I have my wee miracle and we had a pretty difficult pregnancy as well as the NICU journey. My heart says that I can't leave it there, it's a 5day blast, not just an egg, I'd love another next yr. I think we may pay for a yr and see how we feel next yr, but I still don't know if I could let it "die" without giving it a chance :cry:

What do you ladies think?

This one is really tough! My micro preemie was born when I was 38, natural conception. Despite the crazy rollercoaster, we went for IVF earlier this year at the young age of 41. 22 eggs retrieved, 9 fertilised, 6 made it to day 3. The first attempt in december with 2 embryos was a chemical pregnancy at 7 weeks. The first FET that followed with 2 more - poof I'm 28 weeks along now and everything is going GREAT. This pregnancy is night and day compared to the first one.

I`m on cloud 9, overjoyed. Yet I'm already thinking of those last two embryos. I also cannot stand the thought of just, well, destroying them. I would have LOVED to give this opportunity to another family but they were retrieved when I was 40 and the cutoff for embryo donation is 39... I'm not sure I want a third child at what, 43... what do I do, have them transferred and hope they don`t stick?? I`ve heard of people having them transferred in a part of the month when they cannot implant. Doesn`t seem much better.

I wish I had an easy answer :hugs: these are really tough questions. But I did want to encourage you that it`s quite possible to have a healthy, happy pregnancy in your late 30s/ early 40s.

wishing you the best whichever path you choose :flower:

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