Lol! Yeah I do think getting this far with no issues had settled my mind, like I know if all the fluid suddenly went now baby would still have a great chance of survival where as last time it all disappeared at some point between 21+6 and 23+6 so thats a scary point to be at. If he had not been head down for almost the whole pregnancy into the one tiny pool he did have, it is unlikely his lungs would have matured enough to cope with oxygen as the rest of his sac was empty or like a couple mm behind his knees. Just had this little pool round his head. I just got very anxious in that time period where everything went wrong as such last time. I had contractions at 23+6 and I had contractions and started to dilate, lost show and had bleeding at 32 weeks last time so thats the next mile stone! Along with not delivering at 34 weeks lol!