Blooming heck Nat £5 is silly money .... talk about making unfair profits!
Mine are £2 but at my 20 week scan the bloke doing the scan just printed it and gave it to me because he said he didn't think it was fair to charge.
There one off pics tho so you have to have them really don't you.
Louiseclare we have our scans on the same day! I can't wait to find out so I can finally go shopping, like u I haven't got anything yet..... What do u think you r having or hoping to have??
I am feeling quite emotional today...don't know why! i just want to cry! i think its the midweek blues, can't wait for the weekend! xx
btw happy 22w Juexx
Anyone know where Nats is today? its strange i haven't seen her post anything today xx